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CP/INF.5501/07 rev. 1

22 May 2007


The Secretary of the Permanent Council presents his compliments to the permanent representatives and is pleased to inform them that the Chair of the Council has convened a regular meeting for Wednesday, May 23, 2007, at 10:00 a.m. in the Simón Bolívar Room, to consider the items on the attached order of business.

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Date:Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Time:10:00 a.m.

Place:Simón Bolívar Room

  1. Adoption of the order of business (CP/OD-1597/07)
  1. Note from the Permanent Mission of Venezuela forwarding the draft declaration “Support for the request for Extradition of the Terrorist Luís Posada Carriles” (CP/doc.4218 rev. 1)
  1. Note from the Permanent Mission of Brazil requesting inclusion of the topic “May 21 – World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development” (CP/INF. 5500/07)
  1. Oral presentation by the Chair of the Committee on Juridical and Political Affairs on the following draft resolutions:
  1. Draft resolution: Persons Who Have Disappeared and Assistance to Members of Their Families” (CP/CAJP-2492/07 rev. 2)
  2. Draft resolution: Study of the Rights and the Care of Persons under Any Form of Detention or Imprisonment (CP/CAJP-2459/07 rev. 1)
  3. Draft resolution: Situation of the Inter-American Indian Institute (CP/CAJP-2462/07 rev.2)
  4. Draft resolution: Strengthening the Activities of the Justice Studies Center of the Americas (JSCA) (CP/CAJP-2502/07 rev. 1)
  5. Draft resolution: Seventh Inter-American Specialized Conference on Private International Law (CP/CAJP-2503/07 rev. 1)
  6. Draft resolution: Amendment of Article 4 of the Statutes of the Inter-American Juridical Committee (CP/CAJP-2520/07)
  7. Draft resolution: Inter-American Program for Universal Civil Registration and the Right to Identity (CP/CAJP-2465/07 rev. 4)
  8. Draft resolution: Right to Freedom of Thought and Expression and the Importance of the Media (CP/CAJP-2488/07 rev. 3)
  9. Draft resolution: Access to Public Information: Strengthening Democracy (CP/CAJP-2489/07 rev. 4)
  10. Draft resolution: Protection of Asylum Seekers and Refugees in the Americas (CP/CAJP-2507/07 rev. 1)
  11. Draft resolution: The Human Rights of All Migrant Workers and Their Families (CP/CAJP-2511/07 rev. 1)
  12. Draft resolution: Observations and Recommendations on the Annual Report of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (CP/CAJP-2509/07 rev. 1)
  13. Draft resolution: Strengthening of Human Rights Systems pursuant to the Mandates Arising from the Summits of the Americas (CP/CAJP-2510/07 rev. 1)
  14. Draft resolution: Observations and Recommendations on the Annual Report of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (CP/CAJP-2518/07 rev. 1)
  15. Draft resolution: Promotion of and Respect for International Humanitarian Law (CP/CAJP-2493/07 rev. 2)
  1. Annual Report of the Inter-American Council for Integral Development (CIDI) to the General Assembly
  1. Oral presentation by the Chair of the Committee on Hemispheric Security on the following draft resolutions:
  1. Draft resolution:Addressing Illicit Trafficking in Small Arms and Light Weapons:Stockpile Management and Security (CP/CSH-874/07 rev. 3)
  2. Draft resolution: Consolidation of the Regime Established in the Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America and the Caribbean (Treaty of Tlatelolco) (CP/CSH-873/07 rev. 3)
  3. Draft resolution:Promotion of Hemispheric Cooperation in Dealing with Gangs Involved in Criminal Activities (CP/CSH-866/07 rev. 9)
  4. Draft resolution:Support for the Activities of the Inter-American Defense Board (CP/CSH-868 rev. 5)
  1. Draft Report of the Permanent Council on Free Trade and Investment in the Hemisphere (CP/doc. 4229/07)
  • Draft resolution:Free Trade and Investment in the Hemisphere (CP/doc.4225/07 rev. 1)
  1. Invitations to the thirty-seventh regular session of the General Assembly
  • Note from the Permanent Mission of the United States of America requesting inclusion of a topic on the order of business of the Permanent Council (CP/INF.5499/07)
  • Note from the Permanent Mission of Honduras on invitations extended to nongovernmental organizations to the thirty-seventh regular session of the General Assembly (CP/INF.5502/07)
  • Report of the General Secretariat on invitations to the thirty-seventh regular session of the General Assembly that require authorization by the Permanent Council (CP/doc.4200/07 add. 3)
  1. Other business