10th Annual CSI Holiday/Dessert Party
Dear Manufacturer Rep,
We would like to invite you to participate in the Tenth Annual CSI Holiday/Dessert Party to be held at the Chadwick (in Wexford) on Tuesday, December 8th. As a sponsor for one of the various stations, you will receive a “stocked” specialty dessert or hors d’Oeuvres station supplied by the Chadwick, in addition you will have approximately a 4’ section of table space to display promotional literature about your company and/or the products you distribute. This is a great way to promote your company/product in a very festive environment to all specifiers in attendance. In an effort to attract more professionals for the evening we have changed the format for this years event. The cost for sponsoring a station is $400.00 (which is the first time we have increased the station price to sponsors - even though the Chadwick has increased the cost to CSI). The table fee will include admission for 2 vendors per station as well as 6 “Professional Free Admission Tickets” which you can use to invite the architects and designers you are currently working with to be your guest. In addition, you will receive 4 drink tickets (that can be redeemed at this years Cash Bar) to be used or given to attendees that visit your station. If additional attendees/guests from your company wish to attend they may do so for $10.00 per person). The Holiday/Dessert party will be from 6:00 until 9:00pm. With a cocktail reception from 6:00-7:00, this will allow vendors to socialize with all attendees before the trade show begins (7:00-9:00). At this point, I would like to begin the process of securing sponsorships. As a sponsor for last years’ event you are being given first opportunity to once again sponsor a station. At your earliest convenience, please forward your payment along with the completed form to the address provided below. FYI, we can also accept payment in the form of PayPal (for a nominal fee of 3.0% or $12.00) – more details regarding this option can be found by visiting our chapters website at:
I will be in touch as we get closer to discuss what desserts/hors d’oeuvre stations are available.
Note: Dessert/Hors D’Oeuvres stations are limited and will be on a first come first serve basis.
Company Name: ______
Company Address: ______
City: ______State: ______Zip: ______
Contact Name: ______
Contact Phone: ______
Contact E-Mail: ______
Please Make Checks Payable To: CSI Pittsburgh Chapter
Mail To: Jim Geist
110 Bonniebrook Rd.
Cabot, PA 16023
Thank-you in advance, we hope you can participate in helping this event be a huge success!
Jim Geist
CSI Holiday Party Chairman