Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting
August 20, 2016
7:00 p.m., County Complex, Green River
Present: Mack Huntington, Judy Ann Scott, Julie Johansen, Marie Anderson, Bart Cox, Bill Dellos, Cal Jacobson, Mary Kava
Staff: Jeff Guymon
Excused: Tammy Tucker
Public: Commissioner Migliori
1. Welcome: Mack opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m.
2. Public Hearing: To receive comments on Proposed Appendix F – Huntington Creek Watershed Coordinated Resource Management Plan to the Emery County General Plan.
Mack welcomed everyone and opened the Public Hearing. The Huntington Creek Watershed Coordinated Resource Management Plan was summarized. It plans purpose, written by NRCS and the San Rafael Conservation District, is to help outline what needs to be done in the case of a disaster or other circumstance that might affect the Huntington Creek Watershed. Discussion was held on the impact that the Seely Fire had on this watershed. Bart asked what area the plan covers and Jeff advised that the Plan covers all drainage areas in Huntington Canyon from the ridgeline to lower parts in Carbon County. He also advised that the plan lists priorities to protect all resources within the Huntington Creek drainage. Questions were asked about any plans for additional water storage in the area and if Joe’s Valley and Ferron watersheds were included. Jeff advised that plans for other watersheds maybe coming and that currently there are no plans for additional storage, however this subject has been talked about in the past. There being no further questions or discussion on the Plan, Julie made a motion to close the Public Hearing. Judy seconded the motion. Motion carried. Public Hearing closed at 7:20 p.m.
3. Planning Commission Meeting: Mack opened Planning Commission Meeting at 7:20 p.m.. He welcomed and thanked the Board for their service to Emery County.
a. Approval of Minutes: Bill made motion to accept the August 10, 2016 minutes as recorded. Motion seconded by Marie. Motion carried.
b. Discussion and Approval of Appendix F to forward on to the Commission for Final Approval into the General Plan:
There being no further discussion, Bill made a motion to approve Appendix F and forward it to the Commission for final approval into the General Plan. Motion seconded by Bart. Motion carried. Mack will take the Plan to the Commissions for Public Hearing approval.
c. Other Business: Discussion held on status of the coalmine south of Emery. Commissioner Migliori advised that the project is about 4 months and it is anticipated the project will be firing and working sometime after the first of the year.
Discussion held on the status of solar power facilities. Commissioner advised that 4 out of the 5 projects have been shelved at this time. Issues are the companies involved want 70% tax abatement and Rocky Mountain Power will not allow access to transmission lines.
Discussion held on that status of the nuclear power plan. Commissioner advised the Company is currently creating a contractor’s list.
Discussion held on the refinery in Green River. Commissioner advised that the Company has placed the project on hold because gas prices are so low at present and it will not be cost effect until prices increase.
d. Adjourn: Bill made a motion to adjourn. Marie seconded motion. Motion carried.
Meeting adjourned at 7:45 p.m.