Build an AtomUnderstanding Check
- Build an atom in the box below that has the following components:
3 protons
4 neutrons
3 electrons
- Which element this atom is on this periodic table below:Lithium (Li)
- How many electrons in the first electron level?2
How many valence electrons for this atom?1
- The atomic mass of this atom is: 7 AMU
- 3 amuExplain what ideas you used to choose an answer:
- 4 amuAtomic mass = to the # of PROTONS plus the # of NEUTRONS.
- 6 amu
- 7 amu
- The charge of this atom is: 0 (NEUTRAL)
- 0, this is a neutral atom
- -3
- -1
- +1
- +3
You start with an atom made of: 3 protons 4 neutrons 3 electrons. You want to change your atom’s properties by adding or removing sub-atomic particles (protons, neutrons and electrons.
For each question below, mark YESif a change will work, and mark NO if it will not work.
- If you want to change the type of element your atom is, you can either:
Add a protonYes
Add a neutronNo
Add an electronNo
Remove an electronNo
Explain the ideas you used to choose your answer:
The number of protons determine the type of atom or element it is.
- If you want to change the charge(make it an ion)of your atom, you can:
Add a protonNo
Add a neutronNo
Add an electronYes
Remove an electronYes
Explain the ideas you used to choose your answer:
When an atom gains or losses electrons the overall charge of the atom changes
(becomes apositively or negatively charged ion). If you change protons you change
the element.
- If you want to change the mass of your atom by 1 or more amu (atomic mass units), you can:
Add a protonYes
Add a neutronYes
Add an electronNo
Remove an electronNo
Explain the ideas you used to choose your answer:
The electrons contribute very little to the mass of the atom. The atomic mass of each atom is the result of the PROTONS and the NEUTRONS.
If you add 1 proton and 1 neutron to an atom of Beryllium(Be)…
- Will the element be Lithium, Beryllium, Boron or Carbon? BORON
- Will the mass change? Yes If so, what is the new mass of the atom? 11
- Will the charge change? Yes If so, what is the new charge of the atom?+1(no electron was added)
- How many valence electrons does this atom have?2 Boron should normally have 3 valence electrons, but the question only stated that Be had 1 proton and 1 neutron added (no electrons).
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