Ministry of AYUSH, Govt. of India
BapuBhavan, MatoshreeRamabaiAmbedkar Road,
PUNE - 411 001.
The National Institute of Naturopathy, Pune, is an Autonomous Body under the Ministry of AYUSH, Govt. of India.
Applications are invited for filling up one post of Nature Cure Physician on Deputation/ Contract basis from the citizens of India who fulfill the requisite Qualifications/Experience as mentioned below:
Name of the Post / No. of Vacant Post / Pay Scale / QualificationEssential / Desirable
Nature Cure Physician
(NCP) / 01 / PB2: Rs. 9300-34800 GP: Rs. 4600/- /
- Degree/4years Diploma in Naturopathy from an Institution under the Central/State Govt./Statutory Bodies / University.
- 5 years clinical / teaching experience in a reputed Naturopathy Hospital / College.
- Proficiency in English and Hindi
- Aptitude for Research
- Age Limit:
(i)Not exceeding 55 years as on the closing date of receipt of application for deputation.
(ii)Upto 60 years for Contractual appointments.
(iii)The Selection process shall comprise of written test / Interview.
(iv)Only short- listed candidates shall be called for written test / Interview.
- Deputation:
(i)Those who are holding analogous post/ Nature Cure Physician/ Research Officer/ Medical Officer in any Govt. Hospital/Research Institute of Naturopathy/ Yoga with minimum 5 years experience in the Pay Band of Rs. 9300-34800/- with GP Rs. 4600/-.
(ii)The Department/ Organisation concerned shall forward his/ her application with an undertaking to relieve the employee on deputation basis for a period of one year or till the regular incumbent joins whichever is earlier.
(iii)General terms & conditions of the deputation will be regulated as per GoI., DOPT OM NO.2/29/91-ESTT.(PAY II) dated 05.1.1994 as amended from time to time.
- Contract :
(i)Eligible candidates selected on contractual basis will have to execute a ContractAgreement with NIN to serve on contractual basis (against leave vacancy) for a period of one year or till the regular incumbent joins whichever is earlier.
(ii)The Director, NIN, Pune reserves the right to discontinue the services of the contract employee any time without assigning any reason.
(iii)Emoluments: Consolidated pay equal to (Basic Pay +GP+DA) amountingto . Rs. 39,765/- per month.
a) Applications must be submitted in the prescribed form placed atAnnexure “A”
b) The eligible candidates fulfilling the requisite qualifications, experience, age
limit,etc. may submit their applications to The Director, National Institute of
Naturopathy, BapuBhavan, MatoshreeRamabaiAmbedkar Road, Pune –
411 001(Maharashtra) so as to reach on or before 17.03.2017.
c) Application must be filled up either in English/Hindi.
d) Candidates must write the name of the post applied for on the right corner of the
envelope in BOLDCAPITAL letters.
e) Photocopies of certificates duly self-attested (in support of Age, Qualification,
and Experience, etc.) are required to be enclosed alongwith the Application form.
f) The candidate should affix a recent PASSPORT SIZE photograph, (not more than 03 months old) on application form and enclose 02 additional self- signed similar photographs along with his/her application.
g) Signature of candidate must be on the application form with date.
h) Candidates applying on deputation basis should submit his/her application through proper channel, duly forwarded by the Appointing Authority in the prescribed proforma at Annexure “ B”.
Important Instructions to the Applicants/ Candidates:-
a)Before applying for the post, the applicant(s) should read carefully all the instructions to satisfy themselves about their eligibility for the post so as to avoid any disappointment at later stage.
b) Submission of any false/incorrect or dubious information in the application
formshall disqualify the candidate at any stage of selection process.
Appointments obtained on the basis of concealment of facts or false
declaration are liable to be cancelled/ terminated if detected later on.
c) The Candidature of the candidates shall be cancelled, if he/she submits more
than one application form for same post.
d) The candidates working in other Central/State Government/Semi Govt.
Deptt./ PSUs etc. must specifically mention details of employment and
forward the applications through their appointing authorities along with NOC,
pertaining to release in case of selection on deputation basis/retention of
his/her lien for a period of at least 2 years which is extendable by one more
e) In case of selection of persons working in Central/State Govt./PSU, they will
have to submit a Vigilance/Disciplinary clearance and a No Objection
Certificate from their employer.
f) 5 years of ACRs/APARs of the employee concerned should be forwarded to
the Director, National Institute of Naturopathy while forwarding the
g) The last date of receipt of application will be 17.03.2017.
h) Only selected candidates will be informed of their selection indue course and no other correspondence in this regard will be entertained.
I)Canvassing on in any form will disqualify the candidate.
j) The qualification prescribed for the above post are minimum and
mere possession of the same does not entitle any candidate to be called for
Written Test/Interview.
Rejection of Application/Cancellation of Candidature:-
a)If the candidate is not found to possess the essential qualifications on closing date of application.
b)if the candidate fails to produce/submit all the essential documents alongwith the application.
c)In case the candidates is found using unfair means or adopting any malpractice at any stage of selection process.
d)If the application of departmental candidate/candidate employed in Govt. Service/Semi Govt. Service/PSU is not received through proper channel with NOC of the present employer in Annexure “ B ”.
The applications for the post in the following format should reach the undersigned
on or before 17.03.2017 along with the self-attested copies of certificates, mark-
sheets of qualifications, experience etc.
Annexure “A”
(To be submitted through proper channel in case of candidates applying for deputation).
Please tick√Deputation
The Director,
National Institute of Naturopathy,
BapuBhawan, MatoshreeRamabaiAmbedkar Road,
Pune- 411 001.
1.Name in Full (BLOCK LETTERS) : ______
(As per High school Certificate)
2.Father’s/Husband’s Name:- ______
(As per High school Certificate of the applicant)
3.Sex (Male/Female): ______
4.a) Date of Birth:- ______
(Self Attested copy of High School Certificate Showing date of Birth must be
(b) Age on the last date of receipt of application...... YY...... MM…...... DD
5.Postal Address for Correspondence:- ______
6.Permanent Address:- ______
7.Nationality: ______
8.Ph/ Mob. No. :- ______
9.Email ID:- ______
10.Educational Qualification:-
Name of School/ College / Name of Recognized University/ Board of Examination / Examination Passed / Year of Passing / Subjects / % /Grade
(Self Attested copy of all Educational Qualifications/marksheets to be enclosed)
11.Professional Qualification:- ______
(Self Attested copies of Certificate as proof to be enclosed)
- Name of the Govt. Organization /Institute/Department ------______
- Designation:- ______
- Official address & telephone No.: ______
- E-mail address of thePresent employer.______
16. Whether employed in Government Service/PSU, if yes, furnish details:-
Name of the Organization/ Department with full address / Post & Pay Scale/Pay Band &Grade pay / Nature of Duty / Date from which employed
17. Experience ( Please furnish complete details below and attach proof . )
17. Check list of Enclosure:- (Tick the Relevant Column)
01 Photo Graph (DulySelf attested is pasted on application form & 02 Nos. of Self Attested Passport SizeProof of Date of birth (as per 10th Passes Certificate)
Copies of Educational Qualifications (Certificates & Mark sheets)
Whether all above Documents/Certificates are Self attested
Date: Signature:
Place: Name of the Candidate:
I hereby declare that all the statements made in this application are true, complete and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. In the event of any information being found to be false/incorrect or ineligibility detected before or after the written test/interview or even after appointment, my candidature/appointment is liable to be cancelled / terminated.
Place: Signature of the Candidate
Annexure” B”
1.This is also to certify that Dr/Shri/Smt/Kum. ……………………………….. is working in this Organization/Institution, a Govt. of India/State Govt/Autonomous organization (Central/State) as …………………….. (designation) since …………… (date)in a permanent/Quasi-Permanent capacity in the Scale of Pay/Pay Band of Rs………………………………. with Grade Pay of Rs………………….. His Basic Pay as on ……….. ….. is Rs…………………………………
2.This is to also certify that this organization has no objection to relieve him/her in the event of his/her selection to the post of Nature Cure Physician in the National Institute of Naturopathy, Pune, on deputation basis, for a period of one year. He/She will be taken back on the same post held by him/her in the Organisation/ Institute on completion of his/her tenure of deputation period or on reversion to the post held by him/her in this organization/Department. His/her lien in this department will be retained for a period of one year extendable by another one year) if required or till the regular incumbent joins duty.
3.The ACRs/APARs for the last 5 years( certified copies) are also forwarded herewith.
4.This is also certified that no Vigilance Case is pending or contemplated against Dr/Shri/Smt/Kum.……………………………………..
Signature : ……………………… Name:………………………… Designation:………………………
Office Seal: Name and Postal address of the organization / Institute
Date :………………..
Place: …………………