Application Form Notes

Baw Baw Kindergarten Central Enrolment for

4 year old funded programs

Submitting this form

Please complete, sign and submit this form together with:

  • Non-refundable application fee of $25.00 (unless a current concession card holder - you must present your current concession card when lodging your application to have the fee waived). This is an administration fee and does not guarantee a kindergarten place.
  • Supporting documentation if you are nominating that a child or family member has special needs, is known to Child Protection or is a non-resident of Baw Baw Shire.

Please submit your form to a Baw Baw Shire Council Customer Service Centre at:

  • Civic Place, Warragul
  • 33 Young Street, Drouin; or
  • A Credit card phone payment can be processed please contact the Kindergarten Enrolment Officer on 56242540.

If you require further assistance with completing this form, please contact the Kindergarten Enrolment Officer on 56242540.

How do I know which year to send my child to kindergarten?

These dates are the earliest year a child can attend school and kindergarten

If your child was born between / Year eligible to attend school / Year eligible to attend
funded 4 year old Kindergarten / Year eligible to attend unfunded 3 year old
Pre Kindergarten
1.5.2012 – 30.4.2013 / 2018 / 2017 / 2016
1.5.2013 – 30.4.2014 / 2019 / 2018 / 2017
1.5.2014 – 30.4.2015 / 2020 / 2019 / 2018
1.5.2015 – 30.4.2016 / 2021 / 2020 / 2019
1.5.2016 – 30.4.2017 / 2022 / 2021 / 2020

Please note:

  • Children are required to start school by the time they turn six.
  • You need to work back from the year your child will start school.
  • Children are funded for one year of kindergarten in the year before they commence school.
  • From 2014, children who withdraw from a state funded four year old kindergarten program -once they commence- will not be funded for a second year anywhere in Victoria.
  • A second year of funding can still be applied for if a child has significant developmental delays in two areas.
  • If your child is born between January to April 30 you may choose to defer sending them until the following year.
  • For example: If your child was born on April 1 2013you may choose to have them attend four year old kindergarten in 2018, instead of 2017. Contact the Kindergarten Enrolment Officer on 5624 2540 for further information about deferral.

How do I know if my child is ready for kindergarten?

Research shows that engaging children in high-quality learning experiences benefits all children and their families and can improve a child’s learning and development outcomes, emotional wellbeing, their longer-term educational and social outcomes and life experience. It is vital that children receive these benefits when they are emotionally and socially ready for the experience.

The State Government provide kindergarten funding to subsidise 15 hours of kindergarten per week for each child in the year before school. A second year of kindergarten is available for children who meet the eligibility criteria, and are deemed to have a developmental delay in at least two areas. However funding will not be available if a child is ‘not ready’ for kindergarten. It is important to note that the majority of children are only eligible for ONE year of funded kindergarten.

Children are eligible to attend kindergarten if they are turning four before the end of April in any given year. Some parents choose to wait an extra year, especially if their child is born between January and April. The conversations about when a child is ready for kindergarten and also when a child is ready for school need to take place before the child begins their funded kindergarten year. Your decision is critical with long reaching implications for your child.

Areas to consider when thinking about sending your child to kindergarten include emotional maturity and social confidence.

Questions to ask yourself in considering readiness:

  • Can he or she separate easily from me?
  • Can they be understood by other people?
  • Can express their needs clearly?
  • Do they have the stamina to attend and enjoy a full kindergarten session?

Speak to a Maternal Child Health Nurse, Kindergarten Teacher, Child Care Educator or Pre-School Field Officer if you are unsure of your child’s readiness. Additionally, you may consider contacting your child’s intended Primary School to discuss their policy and practice regarding the enrolment of young children.

Please note: from 2014 children will not be able to withdraw and recommence in a state funded place once they start their kindergarten year. Parents are advised to determine when they want their child to attend school and work back from there with regards to kindergarten attendance.

Application Process - How do I apply?

  1. Read through the application form
  2. Complete personal details on the application form
  3. Choose your Kindergarten preferences
  • There is a high demand for funded kindergarten places and parents are advised to nominate preferences for more than one centre (minimum of threepreferred)
  • Council cannot guarantee your first selection

Application Forms can be completed and submitted from a child’s second birthday.

First round offer applications close on 30 June the year before your child will be attending Kindergarten. Applications will remain open after this date, and will be dealt with in order of receipt.

First round offers for four year old kindergarten will be mailed to families in August. You will be required to respond to your letter of offer within 14 days, using the enclosed return slip. If the response is not returned to the Kindergarten Enrolment Officer and efforts to contact you are unsuccessful, your child’s offer of a place may be cancelled. Please ensure that you can be contacted during office hours.

Failure to attend kindergarten at the beginning of Term One, failing to contact the kindergarten in your child’s absence, or being uncontactable by the kindergarten may result in your child’s place being cancelled.

No Jab No Play

Under the 'No Jab, No Play' legislations, children are required to be fully vaccinated for their age or have an approved exemption to attend kindergarten. Conscientious objection is not an exemption. A copy of your child's Immunisation History Statement will be requested prior to confirming your child's placement the year prior to the Kindergarten entry.

Preference of Kindergarten – How do I know which centre to choose?

Fourteen Community Kindergartens in Baw Baw municipality are currently part of the Central Enrolment process. The application process allows you to state your order of preference for Kindergartens. If a form is received without these details, Baw Baw Shire Council Officers will allocate preferences to the applicant.

Each year parents are able to attend Kindergarten Open Sessions to visit centres. When considering which Kindergartens to choose, please note that teachers may change location from year to year.

Kindergartens Covered By This Application Form:

  • Warragul Community Preschool (Mouritz Street)
  • Bowen Park Kindergarten (Warragul)
  • Grace Berglund Kindergarten (Warragul)
  • St Andrew’s Kindergarten (Warragul)
  • Drouin Primary Early Learning Centre
  • Drouin Kindergarten (Adam Court)
  • Oak Street Kindergarten (Drouin)
  • Longwarry Preschool
  • Mary Beck Preschool (Neerim South)
  • Yarragon Early Learning Centre
  • Trafalgar Kindergarten
  • Thorpdale and District Kindergarten
  • Erica Preschool
  • Willow Grove Kindergarten

Additional Funding for children with special needs

The Kindergarten Inclusion Support Service offers supplementary assistance to kindergartens to support the inclusion of a child with special needs into the program. Applications are made by the Kindergarten Teacher in consultation with parents, early childhood intervention agencies and Preschool Field Officers. Applications are made in the year prior to the child starting kindergarten and strict criteria exist for an application to be made. Please speak to the Preschool Field Officer on 5624 2540 for further information on funding availability to children with special needs.


Have you signed this form?

Have you attached a letter to prove additional needs?

Have you attached a letter to prove that your child is known to Child Protection?

Have you attached a letter from a registered Childcare provider to prove that your child is in a minimum of 3 days a week of care in Baw Baw Shire (if applicable)?

Have you attached a Statutory Declaration and proof of residency of an informalcarer?

(for example a. grandparent that the child is in care for a minimum of three days a week)


Baw Baw Kindergarten Central Enrolment

Application Form for 4 year old funded programs

(Applications are accepted from 2 years of age, to be eligible for first round offer, application must be received by 30 June the year prior to the kindergarten year. Applications received after this date will be processed later in the year)

Acceptance of application will not be considered unless the following requirements are met:

  • Your child must turn four by 30 April in the year of kindergarten attendance
  • Payment of a non-refundable application fee of $25.00(unless a current concession card holder - you must present your current concession card when lodging your application to have the fee waived).

Child Details



What year will your child attend a funded 4 yearold program? :

Do you identify your child as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent: Yes ☐No☐

Parent / Guardian Details

Mrs Ms Mr Miss (Please circle)

Given Name:Family Name:


Town: Post Code:

Postal Address (if different from above):

Town: Post Code:

Telephone: Home Work MobileEmail:

Please provide an email address that is frequently used, as all updates that relate to the kinder process will be sent via email, for example, open day dates, enrolment updates.

Relationship to Child:

Language/s spoken at home:

Do you require an interpreter? Yes ☐No☐

Is your child fully immunised for their age? Yes ☐No ☐

Under the 'No Jab, No Play' legislations, children are required to be fully vaccinated for their age or have an approved exemption to attend kindergarten. Conscientious objection is not an exemption. A copy of your child's Immunisation History Statement will be requested prior to confirming Kindergarten placement the year prior to the Kindergarten year.

Do you hold a Commonwealth Health Care Card/Pensioner Concession Card/Temporary

Protection or Humanitarian Visa 447, 451, 785 and 786 or a Department of Veteran Affairs gold card?

Yes ☐No ☐

Do you hold Refugee/Special Humanitarian Visa 200-217 or Asylum Seeker Bridging Visas A-F?


Are you a resident of Baw Baw Shire?Yes ☐No☐

(Proof may be required if you are not a ratepayer – for example, a. utilities bill)

If No, please note: Non Baw Baw Shire residents will not be considered for first round offers, unless they can show evidence their child is in care a minimum of three days a week, and the carer resides in Baw Baw Shire.Proof required for child care if you are not a resident of the Baw Baw Shire municipality:A current letter from a registered childcare provider or a Statutory Declaration if the care is informal, along with proof of carers residency.

Preschool / Kindergarten preferences

A minimum of three preferences is preferred

Other Details

Does your child have additional / special needs or disability?Yes ☐No☐

Supporting documentation required: a letter or referral from an early years professional such as Early Childhood

Intervention Service, Pre School Field Officer or a Maternal & Child Health Nurse, a Child Disability Health Care Card

or evidence that the child has been approved for a Kindergarten Inclusion Package.

Are you deferring your child from attending in the earliest year eligible? Yes ☐No☐

Does your child have a sibling (not multiple birth) who was previously enrolled or attended your preferred kindergarten in the last two years? Yes ☐No☐

Child’s name Yearattended:

Are there any siblings applying for 4 year old kindergartenin the same year as this child? (e.g multiple birth)


Is your child known to Child Protection?Yes ☐No☐

(Supporting documentation required: a referral from Child Protection, Child First/Family Services, Maternal & Child Nurse orattendance at Early Start Kindergarten.)

Consent by Enrolling Parent/ Guardian

(enrolling parent/guardian)(child’s name)

In making this application you are:

  • Acknowledging that the Council accepts this application on behalf of participating kindergartens but gives no guarantee that a place will be available in the kindergarten nominated or in any other kindergarten in the municipality.
  • Confirming that if a previous application has been made to Baw Baw Shire Council you agree that your most recent (last) application will be considered only.
  • Acknowledging that the Council will be using data from this application for future planning which may include comparing waiting lists between kindergartens.


(Please Note:This form must be signed by a parent/legal guardian before the enrolment will be accepted)

Privacy Notification: The personal and health information collected on this form is being collected by Council for the purposes of planning current and future kindergarten services in Baw Baw Shire. The information will be used solely by Council and its contract service providers for that purpose or a directly related purpose. The information shall remain private and confidential within Council and will only be disclosed to other persons or agencies as consented by the enrolling parent or the authorised parent/guardian. The applicant understands that the personal and health information provided is for the placement of children in kindergarten services in Baw Baw Shire and that they may apply to Council’s Privacy Officer in writing for access to and/or amendment of the information.