September 30th 2016

Army Work Experience

Dear Parents/Carers,

In addition to taking part in work experience during the last week of summer term, your daughter/son has shown an interest in taking part in Army work experience, MondayMarch 27th to Friday March 31st 2017. This is a residential work experience at Swynnerton Camp, north of Stafford. We currently have 10 places reserved, the residential being available for both male and female students. During the week students will take part in a variety of exercises such as team-building, initiative and survival techniques. The exact programme will be confirmed on arrival. Students must be physically fit and have an interest in pursuing a career in the Army/uniformed services in the future. Please note that the Army will not take students with asthma or taking medication long term. Additionally, this residential is not accompanied by High Arcal staff, each group having a nominated member of Army staff to look after them.Whilst being based at Swynnerton, students may use facilities at other Army centres, in which case transport is provided by the Army.

There is no charge for the residential and it is likely we will be able to transport students to/from the camp by minibus, from school. In taking part, students are committed to the full five days. As stated, above, this is an additional work experience so students will also need to find a placement for the summer term following the usual process, details of which are online:

If you would like your daughter/son to take part, please return the reply slip me (office opposite A5)no later than Thursday October 6th. Should this work experience be oversubscribed, a selection process will be followed, students interviewed and a decision made as to those most suited to take part. In this case priority will be given to students who have not already taken part in similar camps with Army Cadets. Students will need to have written permission from subject tutors to take part in order to ensure that they are not missing examinations or such like.

Mr I Dixson

Enhanced Curriculum and Careers Coordinator

To: Mr I Dixson, The High Arcal School.

I would like my son/daughter (name)……………………………………………… of Form 10………… be considered for Army work experience, March 27th to March 31st 2017, and give general permission for their participation should they be successful in applying.

Signed…………………………………………………………. Date………………………….