Title:Appeals Manager (Trusts & Foundations)
Accountable to: UCLH Charitable Foundation Chief Executive & working closely with the Office/Finance Manager
Salary:Self Employed; £240.00 per day
Hours:Part Time. Equivalent to 16 hours (or two days) per week
Location:3rd Floor East, 250 Euston Road, London, NW1 2PG
- To manage fundraising appeals from Trusts and Foundations and major donors in support of the UCLH Cancer Centre Appeal.
- To liaise with appropriate individuals within the hospital to keep abreast of the Cancer Centre Appeal project and to identify opportunities for fundraising.
- To write Trust fundraising proposals for the Cancer Centre Appeal.
- To write applications and reports and to devise and implement systems to record all contact with Trusts and Foundations and major donors.
- To make applications on behalf of all of theprojects/funds held by UCLH Charitable Foundation to support the work they carry out at the Trust.
- To be responsible for all the administrative aspects of the Appeals Manager job (the arranging of meetings, writing of correspondence etc.).
- To help and assist with various fundraising projects as they may arise.
- To work as part of a small team.
UCLHospitals Charitable Foundation (registered charity number 1077638) is the main fundraising charity for key research, building and equipment projects across all University College London Hospitals. The Charitable Foundation was established in 1999 and is a company limited by Guarantee. The Trustees, who are the Directors of the Charity, are responsible for the organisation and management of the Foundation.
The Charitable Foundation is currently fundraising for:-
- Cancer Centre Appeal
- Cancer Clinical Trials Unit
- Early Lung Cancer Detection and Treatment Programme
- Obstetrics/Fetal Medicine Unit
- Neonatal Unit
- Royal London Homoeopathic Hospital
- Research into Sarcoid/CFA
- Young Person’s Unit
In the past the Charitable Foundation has helped fund an Interventional MRI Scanner ; Complementary and Alternative Medicine Library and Information Service at the RoyalLondonHomoeopathicHospital ; Complementary Therapies for Oncology patients and a Cellular Therapy Unit for cancer patients receiving high dose chemotherapy and radiotherapy.
There are currently 9 Trustees on the Charitable Foundation’s Board and a Development Board has also been established to assist in the planning for the new Cancer Centre. The Chief Executive of the Charitable Foundation is John F Gray FCIPR, FInstF.
Our website can be found at Charities on the site).