You must book a place by contacting Youth Services on 03 9932 4000and Complete the permission form, ensuring that a parent or guardian has signedthe form.
Please note: If you do not make a booking via telephone prior to paying for the activity, your payment will not be accepted and a place may not be available.
Waiting list
If you have been put on a waiting list for an activity, you do not need to pay for the activity unless a Youth Services staff member has been in contact to notify that a place has become available. You will then be required to make payment.
Please book and pay on time
Please ensure that payments are made by the ‘Bookings Close’ date. If this does not occur, your place will be given to a young person on the waiting list.
If your payment may not be on time for a legitimate reason, please contact Youth Services and notify a staff member.
If you require further information please contact Youth Services on 9932 4000, 9932 4012 or toll free 1800 111 100.
There are three options for paying for activities:
In person / Credit card / Cheque / Money orderTake completed permission form and money/credit card form to:
Hobsons Bay City Council
115 Civic Parade, Altona, VIC, 3018 / Complete the Credit Card Payment form (overleaf) and send to Hobsons Bay City Council with completed permission form:
Customer Service
Hobsons Bay City Council
PO Box 21, Altona 3018
03 9932 1038/1039 / Send with completed permission form:
Customer Service
Hobsons Bay City Council
PO Box 21, Altona 3018
For credit card payments,please insert details below:
Please charge my credit card for the amount of$______(Ledger number 70000-7210)
Credit Card Number:
Type: Bank Card / Master Card / Visa Card Expiry Date:____/____
Card Holders Name ______(Please print)
Card Holders Signature ______
Phone Enquiry: 03 9932 1000 Fax: 03 9932 1038/1039
Please note:The Council is collecting this information for the purpose of processing your payment. It is not disclosed to anyone outside the Council but may be accessed by you upon request. If you do not provide this information or make other payment arrangements, your debt will remain due and may attract interest.
OFFICE USE ONLY44417-5400 / The Combi Program / $
Total receipt value: $
Cashier ID: ______Receipt number: ______Date paid: ______