SQUID Team Council


October18, 2008 HDRC Pool Observation Room, 3334 Holly Street Denver, CO 80207


Co-Captain welcome: Wayne Lee, Co-Captain; Patt C, Co-Captain; Glenn Pflum, Treasurer; Andrew LeVasseur, Secretary; Keith Pryor, Member were present. Wayne called the meeting to order.

Secretary Report: Andrew reports that the minutes from September were submitted on line. Wayne moved to accept and Keith seconded, motion passed

Treasurer Report: Glen presented addendums A and B. Glenn reports that there is $4,709.26 in the bank. At Patt and Wayne’s request Glenn will provide a 3 year average to see how the team has been doing over the long run. Sara the former SQUID Head Coach has been removed from the active roster

New Pool Committee:

1)Identify approachable Pools: Manual/Northglenn are options to consider. Contact Rich DeLuc at DAC to see if he can recommend a pool or provide a contact to consider.

2)Ask about pool temperatures.

3)Contact the managers of the new pool at the Colorado School of Mines in Golden

Coaching Issues:

1)Water Temperature Letters needed. Wayne will create letter and compile email contacts

2)Morning Practices continuing. Yes we have had two mornings in the last month where there have been 6 or more swimmers.

3)Others? Jess has been creating varied practices which include a theme or focus which carries through out the entire practice. Good for you Jess. The process is working well according to feed back from all levels of swimmers. Taking the announcement break after warm-up is working well to.

4) Jess has decided to stay on indefinitely.


1)Winter Fundraising Ideas?

a)Bake sale?

b)SQUID at the Wrangler

c)Swim suit auction in the spring, we need to start approaching sponsors. Start the process of soliciting organizers, helpers models and sponsors at the annual meeting in November.

Up-coming Events:

1)Stephan’s Pad Party tonight, October 18 at 7 pm, Well attended

2) Andrew’s Brunch after Practice October 25 at 12:30 pm

a) SQUID announcement sent out. RSVP’s are being received

3) Kevin Nash Memorial Meet – NorthglennHigh School – November 1st

a) Kevin T., Andrew L., and Wayne L. are planning on attending

4)2008 DAC Short Course Meet – Denver Athletic Club - December 6 & 7.

a) Patt C. and Andrew L. are planning on attending.

5)Annual Team Meeting – November16– John and Keithhosting Side alla potluck will be the format. Fun awards need to be created with pictures and names.

6) Holiday Party – December 13 – Chuck Bihum hosting. Chuck is planning on donating the food and refreshments as a gift to the team. Thanks Chuck!

7) QUAC Ski n Swim – February 13 to 15, Salt Lake City, UT. Ski train is an option. Airfares through Southwest Airlines and Delta are reasonable

Next Swim Stroke Clinic: Jess we need feed back on when you want to schedule the next round of clinics.

Underwater Video Taping:Flip Turns requested. Wayne still needs to test equipment. Saturday, October 25 is the testing date.

Verify 2009 Officers: Andrew LeVasseur and John Hayden Co-Capt’ns

Dustin Carpenter. Sect’y or a women who may be interested

Treasurer, Tom Baugh

Membership Committee, Patrick Bennefield

Social Coordinator, Doston Genyev

WebCoordinator, Scott Brady behind the sense and Patt C. to keep it up to date.

Open discussion:Some members when they renew their memberships are registering as new members. To renew, members must first log on to the membership page of the website and renew from their current account.

Currently the treasurer is receiving all COMSA and IGLA communications and is currently keeping all team memberships active.

Annual Team meeting: November 16, 2008 6:00-9:00pm at Keith and Johns House

Swimming Queers United In Denver  P.O. Box 7558 Denver, CO80207-1558