Livelihood capacity building assessment tool

Handicap International - Sri Lanka

CAMID – Centre for Accessibility, Monitoring and

Information on Disability

LivelihoodCapacityBuilding Assessment Tool

For DPO and CBO livelihood assessments

Devloped by: S.Kiani

October 2008

*Modeled after format of ‘CBO/FBO Capacity Analysis: A Tool for Assessing and Building Capacities for High Quality Responses to HIV/AIDS; Core Initiative, 2005, 2008’


CAMID –Centre for Accessibility, Monitoring, Information on Disability

CBO – Community Based Organization

DPO – Disabled Persons Organizations

GYBI – Generating your business idea

HI – Handicap International

INGO – International Non Governmental Organization

IYB – Improving your business

SHG – Self-help group

SYB – Starting your business

NGO – Non Governmental Organization

PWD – Persons with Disability

VTC – Vocational training centers

Purpose of this tool

This tool is intended for the identification of livelihood capacity-building needs of CBOs and DPOs planning livelihood activities to serve persons with disabilities.

How can this tool be used?

This tool can be completed through a group discussionwith members of the DPOs/CBOs and an external facilitator (e.g. livelihood officer). Alternatively, the tool may be self-administered by the CBO/DPO themselves.

How to organize a visit with a CBO/DPO to be assessed?

If working as external facilitators, there should be a team of two people, with roles assigned from the beginning so that one person facilitates and the other documents the discussion. A meeting should be arranged with five to ten members who represent different levels within the organization and include a balanced gender mix if possible. The process should take about 2 hours. Arrange a convenient time and location for the meeting. Check how far members and volunteers will have to travel to attend the meeting and if they need to be compensated for this. Refreshments may also be provided.

How to facilitate a discussion?

The facilitator is central to the success of the session. This may be someone external, or someone from within the organization who takes on the role of facilitator for the meeting. The facilitator holds a very powerful position this meeting hence should never impose his or her views in the process. Facilitators should only encourage, clarify, or help expand other people’s views.

General responsibilities of the facilitator also include:

  • Ensuring that everyone contributes to the discussion and not all questions are answered by the leader of the organization.
  • Ensuring the discussion remains focused on the questions. Do not let people get distracted by side issues, details or an ongoing disagreement.
  • Generating discussion and probing further information, asking the group to respond to each other’s views‘What do others feel about that?’
  • Encouraging critical reflections.
  • Ensuring that everyone understands all language and words used.

Starting the discussion

Introduce yourself and ask everyone to introduce themselves and their roles. Explain that the main purpose of the meeting is not to investigate them, but to enable participants to discuss and decide how to improve or strengthen the way their organization works in livelihood, for their own benefit.Make a contract about time – the process should take about two hours. Use regular breaks to ensure people stay engaged when participating in the discussion.

Conducting the analysis

The assessment is a tool for starting discussions and for keeping discussions focused by referring to the series of questions in the tool. Each question can be scored on a scale of 1 to 3 based on the corresponding response. Priority refers to the level (high, medium, low) to which the DPO/CBO would like to build capacity in this area.If all participants have a high level of literacy, it may help to provide copies of the tool for them to follow during the discussion. If time is limited, consider splitting up participants into two smaller groups and discussing different sets of questions with each.

For organizations with very low or very high capacity, the answers to certain questions may be obvious (e.g. if it has provides loans). These questions could be completed by the facilitator without asking participants, to avoid repetition or the risk of discouraging a group with low capacity. The judgment of the facilitator is important in deciding which questions to ask and how to ask them.

Following up with assessment next steps

At the end of the meeting, ask DPO/CBO members:

  • Was the process useful and how can it be improved?
  • How will agreed actions and plans be implemented? For example, who will take responsibility for them? How will they be monitored?
  • How can technical support be provided? For example, are there useful publications/resources that can be obtained? Who will work on this?

Areas of assessment in this tool

Part 1: Background Information on DPO/CBO

Part 2: Livelihood approach, human resources, and partnerships

2.1 Approach to livelihood

2.2 Human resources and financial management

2.3 Partnerships in livelihood sector

Part 3: Specific competencies in livelihood areas

3.1 Selection of beneficiaries and implementation of livelihood activities

3.2 Monitoring and evaluation of livelihood activities

3.3 Experience with funding mechanisms

3.4 Disability knowledge as it relates to livelihood


CAMID and Handicap International – Sri Lanka, 2008

Livelihood capacity building assessment tool

Part 1: Background Information on DPO/CBO
  1. When established: ______Organization registered? Y/N If yes, when? ______

  1. Contact details of organization
Main contact person:______Position: ______
Mailing address:______Email: ______
Phone/fax:______Mobile phone: ______
4. Geographical area(s) where organization works
Rural: ______Urban: ______
5. Disability: If more than one kind of disability, which is the main focus?
6. What type of services (livelihood support) do you provide your beneficiaries?
Referrals to financial service providersProviding Business Development Services (BDS) small business management training (GYBI, SYB, IYB) Provide vocational training or apprenticeship ?
Referrals to vocational training centersJob placement
Providing grantsConducting market studies
Providing loansOther (please specify) ______
Helping start self-help groups (SHG)
Estimated number of people reached with livelihood activities: ______How many are PWD? ______
Volume ?
For how long ? experiences in providing livelihoods services ? / can be with question 1.
7. What type of livelihood trades ? activities do you support?
Agriculture, livestock Manufacturing:Service Providing:
& food processing: Tailor shopCleaning services
Agriculture/Farming Handicrafts Carpentry
Paddy fields Furniture making______
Fishing Broom makingRetailing:
Goat rearing ______Fruit and vegetable vendor
Chicken rearing Wholesaling (sell to retailers)Household goods shop
8. Key achievements in providing livelihood:______
Main challenges in providing livelihood: ______
  1. Sources of fundingfinancial, material, or any kind of support from:
Within community ______
Outside the community______
10. Future plans: ______
What are immediate plans/priorities? ______
Part 2: Livelihood approach, human resources, and partnerships
2.1 Approach to livelihood
Question / Capacity score / Priority
(circle one)
1 / 2 / 3
  1. Services offered ? Difference with 1.6 ?
Vocational training
Coaching ?
May be : in terms of approach : specialized or inclusive approach ? / What types of livelihood options do you provide persons with disabilities?
Approach ? / Limited livelihood options. Mainly refer PWD to other organizations. / Link PWD to micro-financial organizations and lobby for their inclusion.Help PWD fill application forms and create simple business plans. Basic field monitoring of beneficiaries and social support. / Provide a mixture of services, such as: referrals to financial institutions, help start SHG, providing small business training, providing grants/loans to beneficiaries, etc. / HIGH
  1. Lobbying for inclusive livelihood
Here is may be approach : specialize or inclusive / Do you do any lobbying for the inclusion of PWD in mainstream livelihood programs?
But the CBO you are assessing are may be mainstream livelihood programs / No lobbying. Provide separate, parallel schemes for PWD only. / Encourage mainstream organization to modify activities so they reach PWD. Raise awareness through highlighting positive examples (success stories) of entrepreneurs with disabilities to I/NGOs. / Encourage inclusion/ equal access of services through things such as: mixed self-help groups,raising awareness with loan officers of finance institutions against exclusion of PWD based on stigma and prejudice, ensuring PWD included in village banking. / HIGH
3.Target population difference with III 3.1 ? vulnerable / not vulnerable ? already in business, business starter ? / What types of beneficiaries do you reach? / Do not reach beneficiaries directly, refer to other organizations. No specific target population. / Support those who already have a business but need assistance in improving/growing. / Target most vulnerable PWD and provide them the training and means to start business and succeed.
Balance outreach to men and women equally; also support families of children with disabilities. / HIGH
  1. Sustainability
/ How do you ensure sustainability of services provided? Ok but you mix sustainability of the services and sustainability at the level of beneficiaries ? / Sustainability is an on-going challenge as beneficiaries often need repetitive, long-term financial support which we are not able to provide. / Have short-term sustainability through encouraging beneficiaries to put aside savings that can be used when needed, yet still experience difficulties in improving businesses that have been started. / Have access/good working relationship with reliable financial institutions that have financial means to provide repeated and mixed financial services. Beneficiaries meet milestones through support and succeed and getting higher loans/grants. / HIGH
Capacity-building needs identified:
  1. ______
  1. ______
  1. ______
/ Action plan by DPO/CBO:
  1. ______
  1. ______
  1. ______
/ Technical support by HI/CAMID:
  1. ______
  1. ______
  1. ______

2.2 Human resources and financial management
Question / Capacity score / Priority
(circle one)
1 / 2 / 3
  1. Staff capacities training
/ Are any staff trained or experiences in livelihood? / Staff have no specific livelihood experience, training, or competencies. / Staff have a little livelihood experience through assisting beneficiaries applying for government schemes and grants from financial institutions. / Staff are specialized with financial ? why ? backgrounds, to: choose, implement, and monitor livelihood programs / HIGH
  1. Networking and peer support will not put this point in HR and financial management but in Livelihood approach, services….
/ Is there networking amongst your beneficiaries? / None, beneficiaries work independently with no sharing of experiences. / Several beneficiaries have been introduced to each other having common trades or common issues and provide each other support. / A peer support network of successful entrepreneurs with disabilities has been set-up in working area. Regular networking, problem-solving, and discussions take place. / HIGH
  1. External livelihood consultants ? do not understand
resources persons or resources services ? / Do you have any consultants to support beneficiaries? / No consultants have been identified. / A few consultants have been identified yet the support for beneficiaries is occasional and not clearly defined. / There is a bank of consultants in different areas of livelihood available to provide further training. Referrals and type of support is clearly defined. / HIGH
  1. Structure / Financial management
/ What is the structure of your finance department? / All funds joined under one account, no separate funds for livelihood and other activities. ? / Some separation between livelihood funds and other DPO/CBO activities exist, yet there is cross-over of funds sometimes to fill gaps. / There is clear separation between the financial management/book-keeping of DPO activities and those related to livelihood so that money is not mismanaged. / HIGH
Capacity-building needs identified:
  1. ______
  1. ______
  1. ______
/ Action plan by DPO/CBO:
  1. ______
  1. ______
  1. ______
/ Technical support by HI/CAMID:
  1. ______
  1. ______
  1. ______

2.3 Partnerships in livelihood sector
Question / Capacity score / Priority
(circle one)
1 / 2 / 3
  1. Financial service providers
/ What type of relationship do you have with financial service providers (e.g. I/NGOs providing livelihood schemes and micro-financing; banks) in your working areas? / None, financial service providers have not been identified. / Financial service providers have been identified and there is a referral system where DPO/CBO assist beneficiaries with application procedures to these organizations, little follow up with provider exists. / Partnership has been created with financial organization and they have been linked with beneficiaries. DPO/CBO offered joint workshops/ information seminars with financial providers to explain procedures of grants/loans and expectations to beneficiaries. / HIGH
  1. Vocational training centers (VTCs)
/ What type of relationship do you have with the vocational training centers in your area? / Are not aware of services of VTCs in area. / Know VTCs is area and have approached them regarding inclusion of PWD yet due to lack of accessibility/modifications have not been too successful. / Have done active lobbying with VTCs on inclusion of PWD and accessibility features. Have offered workshop to VTC staff for positive attitudes towards PWD. As a result, have steady referral system. / HIGH
Capacity-building needs identified:
  1. ______
  1. ______
  1. ______
/ Action plan by DPO/CBO:
  1. ______
  1. ______
  1. ______
/ Technical support by HI/CAMID:
  1. ______
  1. ______
  1. ______

Part 3: Specific competencies in livelihood areas
3.1 Selection of beneficiaries and implementation of livelihood activities
Question / Capacity score / Priority
(circle one)
1 / 2 / 3
  1. Beneficiary
Selection Criteria / How do you choose which persons to involve in your activities? / There is no specific selection criteria. / We are careful that persons who’s basic needs are not met are referred to other organizations prior to starting self-employment. / PWD are not treated as one group with all same needs and capacities. Each person is assessed according to things such as: motivation, knowledge, interests, skills, and family support, to determine whether livelihood goals are realistic and likely to succeed. / HIGH
  1. Trade selection criteria
/ How do you help beneficiaries choose appropriate business trades? / Beneficiaries decide trades independently, no input from organization. / Informal brainstorming with the beneficiary to see what trades can be beneficial based on interests and skills. Try to avoid trades with high levels of competition and oversupply. / A personal assessment of beneficiary done: evaluating their business network, existing businesses and competitors in their area, customers needs, SWOT of possible trades, etc  so that a suitable trade is chosen. / HIGH
  1. Business Development Training for beneficiaries why in this part ? question about services already asked, no?
Otherwise, need to ask about other kind of training : vocational… / What type of BDS training do you provide beneficiaries? / None. / Basic book-keeping/accounting provided only. / Provide complete business training (e.g. marketing/costing/stocking/business planning/buying) based on the GYBI/SYB/IYB principles especially to those with no prior business experience. / HIGH
  1. Prior experience
with SHG / Do you have any experience in starting SHG? / None. / Basic knowledge of what a self-help group is, responsibilities and benefits. Have not helped create SHG but have experience working with existing SHG. / Have helped start SHG. Have trainedSHG on group formation, group dynamics, leadership, the set up of the saving and credit program, saving/lending procedures, repayment rates, record keeping, internal regulation and group constitution. / HIGH
Capacity-building needs identified:
  1. ______
  1. ______
  1. ______
/ Action plan by DPO/CBO:
  1. ______
  1. ______
  1. ______
/ Technical support by HI/CAMID:
  1. ______
  1. ______
  1. ______

3.2 Monitoring and evaluation of livelihood activities
Question / Capacity score / Priority
(circle one)
1 / 2 / 3
  1. Monitoring progress
/ What type of monitoring do you provide beneficiaries? / No monitoring takes place. / Moderate monitoring through occasional field visits and discussions with beneficiaries take place as organization is able to. / There is personalized follow up and re-assessment of all beneficiaries, with on-going support and coaching as needed on. Identify problems before they become irreparable. / HIGH
  1. Savings practices why in this part ? monitoring and evaluation ? will put in services and livelihood approach
/ Is savings encouraged to beneficiaries? / Savings are voluntary and only if the beneficiary can afford to. / Savings are strongly encouraged to beneficiary yet there is not monitoring of this. / Savings is obligatory for organization to further support beneficiary. Grant disbursed in sections; only when beneficiary has reachedcertain milestones. / HIGH
  1. Evaluation of impact
/ Do you evaluate the impact of your services on the lives of PWD? / No evaluation is done. / A financial evaluation of the growth in income of beneficiary is done; there is no broad assessment of changes to quality of life. / Yes,changes in quality of life before/after livelihood support assessed to see negative/positive impact on income, health, social status, self-esteem, etc. / HIGH
Capacity-building needs identified:
  1. ______
  1. ______
  1. ______
/ Action plan by DPO/CBO:
  1. ______
  1. ______
  1. ______
/ Technical support by HI/CAMID:
  1. ______
  1. ______
  1. ______

3.3 Experience with funding mechanisms
Question / Capacity score / Priority
(circle one)
1 / 2 / 3
  1. Understanding of different funding mechanisms
/ Do you know about different funding mechanisms and benefits/
disadvantages of each? / No knowledge. / Small knowledge about the difference between grants and loans in that there is interest and reimbursement. / Good understanding of the benefits/disadvantages of grants, loans and subsidized loans and which to recommend for which beneficiaries. / HIGH
  1. Prior experience providing grants/loans
/ Do you have any experience providing grants/ loans to beneficiaries? / None. / Some experience providing grants to beneficiaries yet clear monitoring and evaluation not established. / Yes. Typically require a 5% contribution from beneficiary from own funds, so that there is risk-sharing anda sense of ownership from beneficiary. Grant/loan only given when business plan has been provided and there is clear direction. / HIGH
  1. Management reimbursement of loans
/ How do you ensure loans are paid back on time and sustainable? / No mechanisms. Often have difficulty having beneficiaries pay back or repayment is long overdue. / Peer pressure established when loan not paid back on time (i.e. naming late payers at DPO/CBO meetings), no other mechanism. Extension of repayment is given in special cases when someone has ill health, etc. / Clear expectations established from beginning with explanation of repayment discipline: strict observance of repayment and corrective action taken if loan not paid  collateral collection. Also, positive incentives for repayment given access to more/ higher loans. / HIGH
  1. Lending methods
/ Do you know about different types of lending methods? / No knowledge. / Small understanding of individual loans and group loans. / Good understanding of the benefits/disadvantages of individual loans and group loans and what is appropriate for target population. / HIGH
Capacity-building needs identified:
  1. ______
  1. ______
  1. ______
/ Action plan by DPO/CBO:
  1. ______
  1. ______
  1. ______
/ Technical support by HI/CAMID:
  1. ______
  1. ______
  1. ______

3.4 Disability knowledge as it relates to livelihood
Question / Capacity score / Priority
(circle one)
1 / 2 / 3
  1. Challenges of PWD
/ Do you have an understanding of the difficulties faced by PWD inlivelihood? / Do not know the exact concerns of our target population. / Have talked to a few beneficiaries about their difficulties yet there is no widespread discussion about common difficulties. / Have had focus groups discussions to understand the barriers PWD face in accessing livelihood services and succeeding at their existing livelihood. / HIGH
  1. Cross-cutting issues affecting livelihood of PWD
/ Do you assist individuals getting access to rehabilitation/ assistive devices, etc… to succeed in livelihood? / No assistance. Do not know where services exist and where torefer beneficiaries. / Have some understanding of existing services and have made some referrals yet need to build up network / awareness of services further. / Have good understanding of the services available in working areas, in district and nationally and regularly refer beneficiaries to the appropriate services/organizations. / HIGH
  1. Accessibility
/ What is your knowledge on accessibility to the built environment? / Do not have any knowledge on accessibility. / Know a little bit about accessibility for persons using wheelchairs/physically disabled. / We have a good knowledge of accessibility features for persons with different types of disabilities and how they relate to a person’s livelihood. / HIGH
Capacity-building needs identified:
  1. ______
  1. ______
  1. ______
/ Action plan by DPO/CBO:
  1. ______
  1. ______
  1. ______
/ Technical support by HI/CAMID:
  1. ______
  1. ______
  1. ______