3: Growing well (Sower version2)
Age range: PrimaryTheme: the kingdom parable of the sower and the seeds(The previous assembly in this pack ‘Growing good fruit’is also based on this parable. Choose one, or do both! There is no PowerPoint for this collective worship
- A variety of seeds. The accompanying PowerPoint contains the pictures of seeds and plants, so use this as your guide, or find your own.
- Planting equipment, to set the scene. For younger pupils, this might include two gardening ‘hats’ for your gardeners to wear to collect the seeds.
- Use the resources provided to make huge ‘seeds’ in packets. We’ve chosen a couple of words you might want to use, but you might have other ideas of your own e.g. using your school values
- Some sunflower seeds for the class reflection activity [see end of script]
- Use whatever ‘gathering’ liturgy you might have established in your school (even if it’s just ‘Good morning!’)
- Look at all the different types of seed: can anyone guess what they might grow into? Show the pictures to see if you’re right.
- We’re going to share together another story now. It’s a story that Jesus told, and a story that we’ve used in assembly recently, but we didn’t do it this way!! As with all Jesus’ stories, they’re so well written that you can hear the story over and over again, and ‘hear’ something new each time!
- There are some parts for you to join in with [divide ‘audience’ into two halves] This side will say with me (after I say the words ‘And so’)the rain fell and the sun shone down….’ Try that now….
- The other side will say with me (after I say the words ‘but the seeds said….’) ‘Oh no! We can’t grow!’ Try that now, using a ‘seedy’ type of voice if you want to!….
- So, now we’re ready. Let’s begin…and, people on the right hand side, watch out for the final bit in the story, because it’s different – but don’t worry, you WILL know exactly what to do!
- Use script ‘The parable of the sower and the seeds’…
- “This week / term in our assemblies, we’re thinking about Jesus’ parables about God’s kingdom, and what we as individuals and as a school can learn from them – and grow in our own lives.
- “When Jesus told this story,he explained to the people listening that the seeds that fall on good ground are like the people who listen to what God says and live in a way that pleases him, even when life is difficult. Jesus said that people who do this will grow good fruit in their lives.
- “During your time with us in …….. School, we hope that we sow many seeds into your lives. I need a couple of gardeners to help me now as we think about what these seeds might be…. At the front here are some very large seed packets, containing some very special seeds…..[invite your gardeners up]…let’s open them….
- “Like all seeds, these special seeds need to be taken care of in order for them to grow as they should: that’s the job of every person here! As Jesus said in his parable, the seeds grow in good soil: that’s having hearts and minds that will listen and learn. But to really grow well, we need to practise these things in order for them to become fully a part of us as a school community. Gardening can be hard work!! But Jesus taught that God will help those who ask him…
Responding (and words for worship):
Let’s be still and quiet together now….
…in the stillness, think about the things that you’ve heard today….
…..think about the type of soil that will grow good seeds…..
….but what will help to grow [add the words you placed on the seeds]?….
…..our seeds don’t need water, or soil, or sun…..
….our seeds are to do with the attitudes we hold in our hearts towards others….
…the words that we speak to others…
…..and the actions we do with our hands….
….think about these things now, and how you might make these things grow…..
….maybe by practising them more often….
….maybe by asking God to help you….
I’m going to turn my thoughts into a prayer now, as I ask God to help us to put some of these ideas into practice, using some words that David the Psalm-writer wrote. Make the prayer your own if you’d like to…or if you’d prefer not to pray, then just sit quietly with your own thoughts.
Dear God
May the words of our mouths, and the thoughts and attitudes in our hearts be pleasing to you, our Father.
Sending:Choose a song from your school repertoire that fits with this theme
‘Thy Kingdom Come’ Collective Worship resource
The sower and the seeds
This is a story that Jesus told about seeds – a parable – a special story with a hidden meaning. This is what he said:
‘Once, there was a farmer who went out to sow his seeds. As he was scattering the seeds, some fell along the path.
And so the rain fell and the sun shone down…but the seeds said….‘Oh no! We can’t grow!And the seeds were trampled on by people’s feet as they walked by, and pecked up by birds.
Some more seeds fell on rocky ground. And so the rain fell and the sun shone down…but the seeds said ….‘Oh no! We can’t grow!And when they sprouted, there was no soil for their roots, so the little green plants dried up, withered and died.
Other seeds fell into thorny bushes, And so the rain fell and the sun shone down… but the seeds said ….‘Oh no! We can’t grow!And the thorns choked and killed the seeds.
But some seeds fell on good soil. And so the rain fell and the sun shone down…and the seeds said ….‘Oh yes! We cangrow!And so they sprouted, grew roots deep into the ground where there was water and yielded a good crop, a hundred times more than what was sown.’
‘Thy Kingdom Come’ Collective Worship resource