1. SPRING TRIP FIRST PAYMENTS DUE NOV. 5th: A reminder that first payments for the band’s 2011 spring trip to Williamsburg are due on or before Nov. 5th. The amount of the first payment is $150.00 and checks should be made payable to: “OJR MPO Band Chapter”.
2. TICKETS AVAILABLE FOR CONRAD WEISER CAVALCADE: I have a limited number of tickets available for pre-sale for the Conrad Weiser cavalcade on Oct. 23rd. They are at a slightly reduced cost: $8.00 for adults ($9.00 at the gate that night), and $6.00 for students and seniors ($7.00 at the gate that night). If interested, please send in a check for the number of tickets you want payable to “Conrad Weiser Music Association”.
3. CHEESECAKE FUNDRAISER SUCCESSFUL: Thanks to OJR band parents Liz Willow and Cindy Martorana for running this annual fundraiser. Running a fundraiser is a lot of work and we all appreciate your time and effort!
4. BAND PLAYING TESTS: There are still a few band members who need to take their playing test. If you are one of these people, please make sure you schedule a time with me. A significant part of your marking period grade will be based on your playing test.
5. BAND UNIFORMS: Once again, we still have people leaving their hats & shoes (and gloves) in the band room……please always take everything home and keep all parts of your uniform together at all times. (Parents, if you could help with this it would be greatly appreciated.)
6. PARENTS FEEL FREE TO CHEER LOUDLY!!!: Parents, feel free to cheer loudly for us at our remaining competitions. We definitely need your support and our band always performs better when we can see, hear, and feel that fantastic support from our OJR parent cheering section!
7. BAND PARENT DINNER THANKS: Thanks to the OJR band parents for organizing some terrific dinners for all band members on competition days this fall. It’s nice to have a good meal together in our cafeteria between practicing on Saturdays and leaving for the cavalcades. Our band parents do a great job with this and special thanks to Mrs. Nancy Miller for organizing these meals for us!
8. DISTRICT BAND TRY-OUTS: Auditions for PMEA district band will be on Saturday, December 11th at Garnet Valley High School. Any band member interested in auditioning for district band should order the solo at this time (if you don’t already have it) so you can start to prepare. Solos can be ordered through Mr. Mengel. District band is an AWESOME opportunity and experience and it would be nice to have a large representation from Owen J. Roberts this year.
SCHEDULE (10/13/10 – 10/23/10)
· 10/14/10 Rehearsal – 6pm to 8:30pm
· 10/15/10 HOMECOMING FOOTBALL GAME (Pottsgrove)
- Report 5:30pm
- We perform our show at the end of the game (post-game)
- Finish approx. 9:45pm
· 10/19/10 Rehearsal – 6pm to 8:30pm
- Report 5:00pm
- Leave OJR at 5:30pm
- Parade starts at 7:00pm
- Return approx. 9:00pm
· 10/21/10 Rehearsal – 6pm to 8:30pm
- Practice 11:30am to 2:30pm
- Lunch provided by OJR Band Parents – 2:45pm
- Leave OJR 4:00pm
- Perform at 7:00pm
- Bring some $$ for concession stands after our performance
- Return to OJR approx. 11:00pm
Conrad Weiser Cavalcade Schedule
October 23, 2010
Band / Conference / Performance TimeColumbia HS / Independence / 5:00
Wyomissing HS / Independence / 5:15
East Stroudsburg North HS / Independence / 5:30
Upper Dauphin HS / Independence / 5:45
Pottsgrove HS / American / 6:00
Williams Valley HS / Exhibition / 6:15
Intermission / 6:30 - 7:00
Owen J. Roberts / Yankee / 7:00
Manheim Township HS / Yankee / 7:15
Red Lion HS / Yankee / 7:30
Governor Mifflin / Liberty / 7:45
Reading HS / Liberty / 8:00
Manheim Central HS / Liberty / 8:15
Conrad Weiser HS / Exhibition / 8:30
Kutztown University / Exhibition / 8:45
National Anthem / 9:00