Business Mission on Information & Communication Technologies

Singapore & Thailand | 22 - 27 May 2017

21March 2017 | Brussels | 09:00-17:00

Conference and Accommodation venue
Sheraton Brussels Airport Hotel
Brussels National Airport
Brussels 1930
Tel : +32 2 710 80 00

Please complete the Registration form on page 2 of this document and send it back by emailby Friday, 10 March 2017 to:

Do you need accommodation?

We will cover accommodation (one room for one night per company) for the night before the pre-departure meeting at the Sheraton Brussels Airport Hotel. Please book your accommodation by 10March 2017at this link:

You will need to pay for your accommodation in advance. We will reimburse your one-night stay (accommodation only) after you have attended the business mission week and submitted all required documents. Please read the Terms and Conditions for the Pre-Departure Meeting in the “Members Area” section of the website.

Plan your trip to Brussels.

We will reimburse the cost of your return trip to Brussels after you have attended the business mission week. You may download the Reimbursement Form from the “Documentation section” in the Members Area. Please read the Rules of Reimbursement from page 3 of the Reimbursement Form.

Need to cancel? Notify us by 10 March 2017.

If you need to cancel your company’s participation to the EU Gateway | Business Avenues programme, you must give itten notice by 10March 2017. Failure to provide notice by this date will result in the non-reimbursement of your costs.

For any queries, contact .

Pre-Departure Meeting Business Mission on Information & Communication Technologies21March 2017 | Brussels | 09:00-17:00

Registration Form

1 / Title: Mr / Mrs / Ms / Dr / First name / Family name
Position in the company / Phone # / (+ ) / Email
2 / Title: Mr / Mrs / Ms / Dr / First name / CAPITAL LETTER / Family name
Position in the company / Phone # / (+ ) / Email
3 / Company Name / Company Address / Country
Company registration no. / EU VAT No.
Bank Name
Beneficiary name
Account number
IBAN code
4 / To book your accommodation please use this link:

5 / Yes / No / I have booked my accommodation from ……………… to …………………..
Reservation number: ………………..
6 / I am coming by plane / car / train / already in Brussels. (Please underline or select your mode of transport.)
If you are taking a flight, your destination should be Brussels National airport (Zaventem).
Arrival date / Arrival time / Train/Flight No. / I will need parking
Yes / No
Departure date / Departure time / Train/Flight No.
Departure City
Please let us know if you have any special requirements, any medical conditions or any dietary restrictions or food allergies
Please list the name and contact number of your emergency contact(s). Please specify the country code.
(+ )

By submitting this document, I confirm that I have read and understood the Terms and Conditions for the Pre-Departure Meeting. Email this document to: by 10March2017. Your entry should be typewritten; illegibly written documents will not be accepted.

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