Gateway High School Syllabus

Academic Physics

Instructor: Mr. Kohler

Length of Course: Year Email:

Periods per week: 7 Room: 1115

Location: Gateway Senior High School Office Hours: Available Upon Request


Edline (grades) and Moodle (online assignments) will also be utilized

Course Description and Rationale:

This course provides students with skills that will serve them well in any forum. The content of the course will be cumulative. Consequently, successful completion of this course will require the retention and application of topics studied throughout the year. Central to physics is the quantitative application of concepts to observed phenomena, and problem solving to expand the ability of the student to perform analytical thought processing and abstract reasoning. Upon completion of this course, students will have a clearer, more functional understanding of the world around them.

Daily Materials Required:

1.  Three ring binder or folder

2.  Pen or pencil

3.  Calculator with scientific notation (cell phones may not be used)

4. Appropriate lab attire during experimentation

Grading (approximations):

1.  Tests (40%)

2.  Homework (10%)

3.  Laboratory and Projects (30%)

4.  In class work (20%)

Course Objectives:

General Objectives

1.  To foster the growth of scientific minds that can observe phenomenon, think analytically, and problem solve when placed in any environment.

2.  To create scientific curiosity in the mind of the student that will extend far beyond the classroom

Content Specific Objectives and Topics (tentative)

Review of Unit Conversion / Weeks 1-2
Students will be able to analyze and solve a variety of multi-step conversions using dimensional analysis.
Motion in 1-D / Weeks 3-6
Students will be able to describe and analyze the motion of objects traveling in one dimensional space
Vectors / Weeks 7-9
Students will be able to manipulate vectors using both a graphical method and trigonometric method
Motion in 2-D / Weeks10-13
Students will be able to describe and analyze the motion of objects traveling in two dimensional space using vectors
Force in 1-D / Weeks 14-16
Students will be able to describe and analyze the forces involved with an object traveling in one dimensional space using vectors
Force in 2-D / Weeks 17-21
Students will be able to describe and analyze the forces involved with an object traveling in two dimensional space using vectors
Midterm Review and Exam / Week 20
Uniform Circular Motion / Weeks 21-25
Students will be able to describe and analyze the motion of objects traveling in a uniform, circular path
Work, Energy, and Power / Weeks 26-30
Students will be able to describe and analyze the motion of objects using work, energy, and power concepts
Waves / Weeks 31-35
Students will be able to predict the properties and behavior of light waves and sound waves
Final Review and Exam / Week 36


Academic Integrity

Academic integrity is an integral part of helping students become as successful as possible. In this course students will be held to a high academic integrity to discourage cheating and/or plagiarism. Students caught cheating or plagiarizing will receive a zero on the assignment, despite its point value, and will be required to contact their parents in order to explain the situation involving the breach of integrity. This policy also applies to laboratory activities in which students work in groups and may have identical data but are responsible for submitting their own unique assignments.

Makeup and Late Work

Work that is not turned in at the requested time will be considered late regardless of the reason behind it being late (unless the student is absent all day). If a student misses class but is present in school the assignment is still due. If a student misses class but comes into school later in the day the student will be responsible for getting the assignment to the instructor that day. 20% per day will be docked from the overall grade on an assignment for every late day. A maximum of 50% will be available for assignments that are handed in after they have been graded and passed back. Makeup work will be due a maximum of the same number of days after the student was absent (e.g. if the student missed two days of school he/she will have two days to turn in the makeup work). There are no laboratory assignment makeup opportunities.


Safety is a top priority in any lab course. Because of the potential hazards in lab settings any student who violates the safety contract in any way will be instructed to exit the lab area and will receive a zero on the assignment. The student will then have to contact their parent(s) and explain the reason for the consequences of the violation.


Physics can be a difficult subject on any level. Any student who may need additional help is encouraged to schedule time to stay after school to receive extra practice.

Good Luck!