
10300 Magnolia Ave.

Santee, CA92071

(619) 956-2400


Approved by Cajon Park School’s Site Council

January 26, 2015

Table of Contents

Board of Education

Introduction-School Profile

Personal Characteristics of Pupil & Staff

Curriculum and Educational Activities

Physical Environment

The Schools’ Location and Physical Environment

Maintenance of School Buildings/Classrooms

Internal Security Procedures

Inventory System – Engraved ID, Security Storage

School Climate

The School’s Social Environment

Disaster Procedures, Routine and Emergency

Classroom Organization and Structure

The School’s Cultural Environment

Physical Environment

School Climate



Preventing and Intervening: Pupil Aggressive Behavior

Mental Health Programs

Professional Development

Student Recognition Programs.

Nondiscrimination and Fair Treatment of Pupils

Discipline Policy and Code

Crisis Intervention and Disaster Planning

Teacher Notice of Disciplinary History

Gang Affiliation

Gangs and Graffiti

Alternative Programs.

Drug and Violence Prevention Programs

Truancy Learning Center/District Attorney Referral

Megan's Law Notification

Parent/Guardian Involvement

Parent Training: Promoting the Use of Community Resources

Problem Solving Teams

Community Linkages

Campus Supervisor and Administrative Positions

Campus Disturbances and Crimes

Visitors and Disruptions to Educational Process

Enhancing Physical Safety Practices

School Safety Compliance

Child Abuse Reporting and Procedures

Suspension and Expulsion Policies

Procedures for notifying Teachers about Dangerous Pupils

Sexual Harassment Policy

School DressCode

School Site Council Evaluation and Public Hearing Certification


Board of Education

President: Dianne El-Hajj

Vice President: Ken Fox

Clerk: Dustin Burns

Member: Barbara Ryan

Member: Elana Levens-Craig


Dr. Cathy Pierce


Dr. Stephanie Pierce

Assistant Superintendent - Curriculum and Instruction

Karl Christensen

Assistant Superintendent – Business & Finance

Tim Larson

Assistant Superintendent – Human Resources


Vision and Mission Statement

Cajon Park’s mission is to challenge all students to reach their highest potential by recognizing and stimulating individual abilities and providing the basic knowledge and skills for achieving grade level learning standards. The vision of both the staff and community is to provide an environment in which all students have the opportunity to meet or exceed grade level standards through effective teaching and natural curiosity and interest. Our curriculum is designed to engage a child intellectually and support every child attaining learning standards at grade level or above. Our curriculum is designed to engage a child intellectually and support every child attaining learning standards at grade level or above. Our vision is to create an atmosphere where learning is meaningful and has an obvious purpose. Staff, parents, and students are committed to helping all students achieve. We believe all students can learn and master grade level content standards, develop a healthy self-worth and a lifelong desire for learning.

Our motto is:Success is the only option. This motto supports our vision that each of our students has a bright future; and, when staff, parents, and community work together, we form a powerful alliance that will enable each child to reach his or her potential to become lifelong learners.


Introduction - School Profile

School Crime Status and Reporting

The school campus is well maintained, by a custodial staff of threeand a half; and all staff members and students take pride in their clean, hazard free campus. Staff members are well trained to report potential safety hazards immediately. There have been very few acts of vandalism in the past few years. A district Security Officer walks the campus each evening to ensure that doors are locked and that the campus is secure. In rare cases of vandalism, the custodian follows a procedure for reporting to school personnel and makes every effort to repair the damage prior to the arrival of students.

There are two intersections in which students encounter moderate traffic when crossing the street. In cooperation with the San Diego County Sheriff’s Department-Santee Division, fifth and sixth grade students are trained to serve as crossing guards before and after school to help direct traffic and provide safe crossing for students. The vice-principal serves as aco-advisor,with a teacher advisor, to the student patrol organization and works closely with school staff to identify problems and find solutions. Parents are also vigilant about notifying the school when they have concerns regarding the safety of the students.

CajonPark faces the normal everyday challenges in maintaining a safe school. This section of the Comprehensive School Safety Plan will describe programs in place at our school, as well as, strategies and programs for continued improvement in providing a safe, orderly, school environment conducive to learning.

Personal Characteristics of Pupil and Staff

Cajon Park School has an enrollment of 974general education students and 56special day class students for a total of 1,030kindergarten through eighth grade students. The ethnic makeup of the pupil population is 34% Hispanic, 2% African American, 43% Caucasian,<1% Pacific Islander, <1% Filipino,<1% Asian,and 18% unclassified. Our students have a variety of life experiences. Some have recently arrived from out-of-state while others have never left their neighborhood.

The faculty is composed of34general education teachers and 5 special day class teachers. The school has 1.0 principal, 1.0vice principal, 0.5 dean of students, 1.0 language arts specialist, 2.0resource teachers, 2.0language/speech specialist, 0.75 psychologist, a 0.4 counselor and a 0.5 itinerant bilingual assistant. The special day classes all have a credentialed teacher and instructional assistants. Students who are identified for the Gifted and Talented program attend CajonPark as well as students from neighboring schools in the SanteeSchool District. Additional staff includes 1.0secretary, a4.5 hour records secretary,1.0health clerk, 1.0instructional media technician and a custodial staff of 3.5.

A Student Study Team (SST) meets on a weekly basis. Teachers are encouraged to bring any student, who is experiencing difficulty in the areas of attendance, behavior, or academics, before the team. The SST team includes the classroom teacher, the speech/language specialist, the language arts specialist, the resource teacher, the school psychologist, the parent(s), the child, (if appropriate)an administrator,and in some incidents, the school counselor. The language arts specialist coordinates the meetings.

Curriculum and Educational Activities

The course of study for all grades includes the basic core curriculum, physical education, and art. Enrichment classes, includingresource support, a leadership/ASB course, a technology and project-based learning class, an intervention support class, and a Cross Age Tutor program, are offered in junior high.

Junior high students have the opportunity to participate in lunch time and after-school activities, such as ASB, yearbookclub, and after-school tutorials.

Physical Environment

The School's Location and Physical Environment

Cajon Park School is one of nine elementary schools in the Santee School District. It serves a population of students ranging from kindergarten through eighth grade. The district is located in the eastern portion of San DiegoCounty, approximately 20 miles inland. Cajon Park Schoolis a neighborhood school, surrounded by single family dwellings, apartments, and condominiums. The majority of parents work in the San Diego area. Many are public service or government employed. Economic indicators suggest that Cajon Park is a typical middle class community. Approximately 32%of the students are in families receiving Aid to Families with Dependent Children. Those students are eligible for free or reduced lunches.

Description of School Grounds

The school has 45 classrooms available and two locker rooms to accommodate the junior high physical education program. A fully equipped library serves all of the students at Cajon Park School. A before and after school day care program, Project S.A.F.E., is housed in portable buildings on the school campus, as well as, the district home school and the Santee Success Program. There are three playgrounds: one for kindergarten students, one for students in grades 1-3, and a lower playground and field for students in grades 3-8. The playgrounds consist of dirt fields and blacktop areas. Blacktop areas include basketball, tetherball, four square, handball and volleyball courts. Baseball diamonds and a track are on the lower field. Other ancillary structures include: office, kitchen, restrooms, and multipurpose room.

A fence surrounds the perimeter of the school building, and the gates are locked when school is not in session. All perimeter gates are locked while school is in session, with the exception of the front gates at the main campus. Signs are posted at the front entrance to the building, asking visitors to check in at the office before going onto the campus. All visitors to the campus are given a visitor’s badge to wear while they are on the school campus. Campus supervision is provided by administrators and staff members. Identified problem areas receive increased supervision to reduce discipline, crime, or other school safety concerns. Staff members are encouraged to inquire when unfamiliar faces are seen on campus. Both staff and parents comment on the positive changes that are ongoing in our school.

It is standard practice to remove all graffiti from school property before pupils arrive to begin their school day. Other acts of vandalism are promptly addressed.

Maintenance of School Buildings/Classrooms

The school's physical facility is well maintained and generally looks neat and clean. The school is one of five schools in the district that has recently been modernized and has had a new classroom building added. District personnel periodically examine the school’s physical facility and help eliminate obstacles to school safety.

The classrooms are monitored for safety and appearance by the administration and individual classroom teachers. Pupils take pride in the appearance of the school.

Internal Security and Discipline Procedures

Cajon Park School,in accordance to district guidelines,has established procedures in the following areas: California Safe School Assessment (CSSA) reporting procedures, suspension and expulsion procedures.

Cajon Park School suspensions reflect a total of 49 out-of-school incidents for 2013-2014school year.Cajon Park School maintains a copy of the district’s sexual harassment policy in the principal's office, and the policy is available on request. The District’s Sexual Harassment Policy contains dissemination plans, applicable definitions, reporting requirements, investigation procedures, enforcement regulations, and information related to suspension and/or expulsion for sexual harassment of or by pupils. Additionally, a notice summarizing this sexual harassment policy appears in the district and site Parent and Student Handbooks. The handbooks are made available to all students and parents on the district and school websites.

Included in this Safe School Plan is a school map established by schooladministration indicating safe entrance and exit areas for pupils, parents, and school employees. Safety Map is at the end of this document.To ensure the safety of pupils and staff when school is in session, all visitors to the campus shall sign in through the front office immediately upon entering the school or grounds. All District employeesare to wear appropriate identification badges while on campus conducting business. Guest teachers and student teachers are given staff identification badges.

Cajon Park’s school discipline policy is designed to promote the safety and well-being of the total school community. Emphasis is placed on student self-responsibility, self-respect, positive learning attitudes, and school pride. Discipline procedures shall focus on finding the cause of problems and working with all concerned to reach the proper, lawful solutions. The school’s discipline plan begins at the classroom level. Appropriate consequences are administered based on the seriousness of the pupil’s misbehavior. We encourage parents to become actively involved in their children’s education.

Responsibilities ofTeachers and Support Staff

Teachers and support staff contribute to a positive school environment in the following ways:

  • Establishing an atmosphere of proper behavior in the classroom and setting course guidelines, which will give every student full opportunity to pursue their studies without disruption.
  • Communicating with students and parents regarding behavior problems and proposed solutions.
  • Reporting promptly any continuing student behavior (good or bad) to appropriate site personnel.
  • Enforcing, consistently and fairly, district and school regulations regarding discipline.
  • Setting an example of behavior expected from students.

Responsibilities of School Administration

In order to maintain a well-organized and orderly school, Cajon ParkSchool administrators have the following responsibilities:

  • Establishing school rules and regulations in cooperation with staff, parents, and students that will ensure an educational program free from disruptions.
  • Communicating the agreed upon school rules, regulations, and district policies regarding student conduct with staff, parents, and students.
  • Modeling behavior expected from teachers, students, and support personnel.
  • Consistently and fairly enforcing school rules, regulations, and district policies regarding student conduct.
  • Assisting staff, parents, and students in early identification of behavior problems and seeking solutions to those problems.

Responsibilities of Parents

Parents contribute to a positive school environment in the following ways:

  • Reviewing district policy and school discipline rules and regulations with family members to ensure that all understand the standards of conduct expected by school authorities.
  • Assisting school personnel in changing unacceptable behaviors of their children and being available to school personnel during the day by maintaining current phone numbers (home and emergency) at school.
  • Cooperating with school officials in determining and carrying out appropriate discipline penalties when such action is necessary.
  • When necessary, seeking the advice and guidance of district personnel and/or appropriate community agencies for assistance in correcting misbehavior of the student.

The staff at Cajon Park School believes that, in order for students to develop and maintain a positive self-image and behave in a productive manner, it is necessary to have a classroom management plan which emphasizes the positive, recognizes and rewards responsible actions, and emphasizes student decision making. The following creed was developed with input from staff, students, and parents.

The Cajon Park Way-Our students…

  1. Act, listen, and speak with respect and consideration towards others.
  2. Show respect for the learning and teaching process.
  3. Use our campus and equipment in a safe and courteous manner.
  4. Respect the personal property of others.
  5. Understand and accept responsibility for their choices and/or actions.

Pupil conduct standards and consequences for Cajon Park Schoolare specifically described in this Comprehensive Schools Safety Plan including: (a) the adopted school discipline rules and procedures; (b) District Disciplinary Guidelines; and, (c) the adopted district's dress code.

Pupils may be suspended, transferred to another school, or recommended for expulsion for certain acts. For specific student violations, a mandatory expulsion recommendation shall be submitted by the administration of CajonParkSchool.

Site administrators contribute to a positive school climate, promote positive pupil behavior, and help reduce inappropriate conduct. The principal/designee uses available district and other appropriate records to inform teachers of each pupil identified under E.C. 49079.

Law enforcement is contacted and consulted, when needed, to help maintain and to promote a safe and orderly school environment. Cajon Park School employees comply with all legal mandates, regulations, and reporting requirements for all instances of suspected child abuse.

If appropriate, additional internal security procedures affecting the integrity of the school facility include:classrooms equipped with telephone intercoms.

Community involvement is encouraged to help promote school safety.

Inventory System – Engraved ID, Security Storage

Most school site equipment has an ID tag or a bar code sticker adhered to its surface. Items are inventoried and there is an established accountability system. Office and classroom supplies are secured.

School Climate

The School’s Social Environment

Leadership at Cajon Park School is a shared process. A proactive role is assumed in all phases of the school operation. The current administrative team is committed to developing Cajon Park School toward excellence in the areas of academic and social behavior.

School administration sets a positive tone for the school, guides the staff, and works closely with them on curriculum and school safety issues. The school site’s organizational structure is open and flexible contributing to sensitivity concerning school safety issues and promoting a safe, orderly school environment conducive to learning.

Disaster and EmergencyProcedures

A contingency plan for emergencies is contained in the Staff Redbook which is available to each staff member. The plan is reviewed at the beginning of each school year. This plan also contains available district and outside agency resources, emergency disaster procedures, and information onReadiness and Emergency Management for Schools.

Classroom Organization and Structure

Cajon Park School teachers provide a varied learning environment in their classrooms. The focus is on learning and positive interactions between the teacher and the students. Students are heterogeneously grouped in classes, and teachers provide opportunities for students to interact with one another through cooperative learning experiences.

Teachers use a variety of teaching strategies and instructional practices that are designed to accommodate a diversity of learning styles. Through staff development and collaboration, teachers strive to increase their skills in instructional techniques. Teachers incorporate a district adopted student well-being curriculum, which addresses self-awareness, self-esteem, personal development, social relationships, and decision-making.