Mt. San Antonio College

Budget Committee

Summary of September 5, 2012

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Mt. San Antonio College

Budget Committee

Summary of September 5, 2012

Committee Members:
Mike Gregoryk, Chair
Rosa Royce
Terri Long for Virginia Burley
Audrey Yamagata-Noji / Jennifer Galbraith
Don Hurdle
Mark Fernandez
Richard McGowan / Crystal Lane Swift
Sofia Haq (Student)
Jose Jimenez (Student)
Kerry Martinez (Notes)
1.  Agenda Check / Mike Gregoryk added item 3.a. Discussion of Tentative Plan to Review Line Items on 2012-13 Adopted Budget.
Mike also welcomed Rosa Royce as a new Budget Committee member, replacing Linda Baldwin. He congratulated her on her new position as Associate Vice President, Fiscal Services. / Approved, with one addition.
2.  Review Meeting Summary of June 27, 2012 / The Budget Committee Meeting Summary of June 27, 2012, was reviewed and approved, as submitted. / Approved, as submitted.
3.  Review 2012-13 Proposed Adopted Budget
3.a. Discussion of Tentative Plan to Review Line Items on 2012-13 Adopted Budget / Rosa Royce explained the handout document titled “Comparison 2011-12 Adopted Budget Versus Actuals" which identified the main contributors to the fiscal year-end positive variance of $4,983,304. She also explained that the main contributor to the positive variance was a $5 million settlement received from the City of Industry.
The Budget Committee members reviewed another handout document titled "History of Ongoing Budget Reductions" which total $15,274,098 from 2009-10 to 2012-13.
In reviewing pages 12-19 in the proposed 2012-13 Adopted Budget, the committee members had questions regarding the explanation of variances, estimated for the Tentative Budget versus year-end actuals, for parking citations and the administrative allowance for Financial Aid programs. Rosa explained that Fiscal Services made a change in the way parking revenues are reported which caused the large difference in estimation of $114,040. In the past, the expenses for fees abated the parking citation revenue account. Rosa also explained the administrative allowance, Financial Aid programs, negative balance estimate of ($29,655) in the Tentative Budget versus the year-end actual of $34, 751 leaving a difference of $64,406. Rosa stated Fiscal Services used the actuals at the time the Tentative Budget was prepared. Jennifer Galbraith asked why this number can’t be estimated in the same way the rate-driven increases are estimated. Rosa’s response was that the estimated number would have to come from the Financial Aid office, as this number is calculated when the FISAP report is produced.
Mike suggested Budget Committee members review the 2012-13 proposed Adopted Budget and submit their questions to Rosa in preparation for the next committee meeting.
Richard McGowan asked for the total amount of the Ongoing Status Quo Budgets. Rosa replied the total is $145 million. Two rounds of status quo budget reductions were noted; the first round totaled $297,939, and the second round totaled $270,388. It was noted that approximately 13% of the status quo budgets are non-personnel related.
Richard suggested the Budget Committee develop a plan to inform people, and impress upon the campus community the amounts that have already been cut and where. He suggested looking at each of the areas that were cut and do an analysis to determine what percentage of the total College budget was cut. Mike asked Richard to send him an e-mail outlining his ideas and he and Rosa will review them. Richard stated that Mt. SAC's past practice is to make across-the-board cuts which are not a good strategy, it is just fair. If a little more of each of the services offered are cut, quality will be reduced and it will change Mt. SAC. Richard suggested the College maintain quality services even though budget reductions are being made. It was suggested that the Budget Committee develop a well-defined process to review various programs, and then make recommendations to the appropriate governing body. Mike agreed that the Budget Committee should develop a process for program review and possibly re-define the role of the Budget Committee. He asked the committee members to be prepared to discuss processes at the next Budget Committee meeting.


·  Develop Well-defined Process for Program Review

·  Communication to Campus

·  Review Line Items on 2012-13 Adopted Budget

FUTURE MEETING DATES (3:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.)

·  September 19, 2012

·  October 3, 2012

·  October 17, 2012