Minutes of the LIANZA Waikato/BOP Region AGM on Sunday 16th August 2015

At the Old Creamery Ohaupo


Attendance: Jenny McIvor, Joan Gibbon, Dawn Carlisle, Hanna Peters, Amanda McFadden, Jenny Kelly, Bryony Hawthorn, Christine Busby, Katie Brown, Debbie Tipuna, Sharon Cornwall, Mel Chivers, Lee Rowe, Kathryn Parsons, Jacqueline Kimber, Penny Guy, linn Wong, Jess Howie, Stef Clark, Kate Reynolds, Mohan Lal, Stephnie Burton, Lalita Sudhakar, Debbie McCauley, Carolyne Taylor

Apologies: Rebecca Whitehead, Raewyn Adams, Abagail Willemse, Christine Brown, Angela Broring, Diane Taggart, Vye Perrone, Kim Heke

Minutes of the last AGM:

The minutes of the last annual general meeting were approved

Moved: Amanda McFadden

Seconded: Joan Gibbon

Matters arising:

  • Library Assistant Day – Apologies from the Chair that this didn’t happen this year. If we run it next year it should be open for everyone not just Library Assistants.
  • Submission by Pam McConnochie – It was decided that the Toolkit for Small Areas that will be apart of the Community Engagement Pact would have the same purpose as the submission so we will wait and see when it is released in the next few months by the Brand Library team.
  • A special congratulations to Debbie McCauley for her award.
  • 2016 Conference at the University of Waikato 23 – 25th November. Wednesday 25th November is the rare books collection conferences.
  • Step has also asked that we look into the mentoring scheme. More mentors are needed.

Moved: Jenny McIvor

Seconded: Dawn Carlisle

Financial Statements:

The annual accounts were handed out. There are some payments left off the statement. Weekend school was a little chapter this year as there was no venue costs. Complete report attached.

Moved: Lee Rowe

Seconded: Penny Guy


The Chairperson’s report was read and accepted.

Firstly, I would like to thank the Committee for their support over the past year; Christine Brown in the role of treasurer, Christine Busby, Dawn Carlisle, Abigail Willemse, Penny Guy, Amanda-Jane McFadden, Lee Rowe, Kim Heke and Mohan Lal.

Since the AGM last year, the Waikato/BOP region has been involved in only 2 events, one of which was supporting the Hamilton Brand Libraries launch hosted by Vye Perrone at the University of Waikato late last year.

Our other event was our annual weekend school, held this year in Tauranga. This was possible thanks to both Tauranga City Libraries and the Bay of Plenty District Health Board who provide the venues, Tauranga City Library on Friday evening, moving to the DHB on Saturday and Sunday. Again we had a great range of topics and local speakers. It is wonderful to see so many regional members taking the opportunity to participate as first time speakers at these weekend schools.

This is the second year that we have decided to offer six one year LIANZA membership to our regional members who have attended the weekend school. Names were drawn by our LIANZA president Corrin Haines and the six recipients were:

  • Teresa Reilly
  • Karen Wickliffe
  • Kaye Hall
  • Hanna Peters
  • Christine Towgood
  • Mel Chivers

It is with regret that I have accepted several resignations this year. Abigail and her fiancé are planning on moving away from the Waikato region while Christine is now involved with other commitments.

I would like to take this opportunity to say a particular thank you to both of you, Christine you have been a superb treasurer over the last several years, while Abby kept us Hamilton folk in touch by organising breakfasts at C.A.F.E. I am also tendering my resignation as Regional Chair of the LIANZA Waikato/BOP region.

To finish, thank you to all who help to make each event successful and worthwhile. Remember this is your organisation – we welcome your suggestions for meetings or events.

Moved: Jenny McIvor

Seconded: Joan Gibbons

Joan Gibbons has also put forward a vote of thanks to Jenny McIvor for her long service as chairperson and committee member.

Moved: Joan Gibbons

Seconded: Everyone

Report from the regional LIANZA council member:

With the move to a national LIANZA Conference every two years, we predict a lot more interest in regional events. The Waikato/BOP weekend school is recognized to be one of the best in the country, and the office asked me to congratulate you on another successful one! This means the weekend school next year could be bigger than ever, since there will not be a LIANZA Conference later in the year.

Other updates from the LIANZA Office:

  • Kotuku – emerging leaders programme. I spoke about this at weekend school – applications will be opening in the next few months for the 2016 cohort, and I encourage applications – we didn’t have any from out region this year so it would be great to see us represented next year – it’s around $250, as LIANZA subsidies it heavily. If you have any questions, let Christine Busby know.
  • Library Aotearoa – Joanna is currently in talks with some potential sponsors, so keep watching this space.
  • The Future of Libraries Summit was held at the end of July in Wellington – Lee will speak about this, but it was a really worthwhile day and Council is just working on how to disseminate the information from the day to everyone.
  • The Hells Pizza and Children’s Book Awards were an amazing success and are going from strength to strength. Hell Pizza sponsored extra pizzas they were that happy with how well it was going.
  • There will be a joint ALIA/LIANZA Conference in late 2018. This will be the first one since 1994, and will be held on the east cost of Australia.
  • LIANZA Council put in a submission on the Service to Schools issue.
  • Keep an eye out for messages from Jennifer Campion – our new Copyright Chair. The TPP and associate Copyright Review are coming up and we need to make sure Librarians Voices are heard – so there’s a bit of a call to arms for you all. Get in touch with your local MP and have a chat to them about it and the impact it will have on your Library etc.
  • Three regions held elections this year for their regional councilor – it’ll be out turn next year, so would be great to see some new faces on Council.
  • Follow the LIANZA office on Facebook and on Twitter – They’re great, and it’s the best way to keep up with what’s going on.
  • Conference is in Wellington in November, registrations are now open
  • A couple of ideas from other regions that are successful: Library Assistants Day works well in the main centres – is that something we want to try? And, this year there are no Associates from our region – up in Auckland they did and Associateship workshop, to provide help and support writing up the application for an Associateship – is this something we want to do?

Nomination for Committee:

All the nominated people were elected for the coming year.

It is hereby declared that the following people have beennominated to the committee:

  1. Amanda McFadden
  2. Bryony Hawthorn
  3. Dawn Carlisle
  4. Hanna Peters
  5. Kate Reynolds
  6. Lee Rowe (Chair)
  7. Mel Chivers
  8. Mohan Lal
  9. Penny Guy
  10. Sharon Cornwall
  11. Stephanie Burton

Lee Rowe was voted in as the new Chair.

Moved: Jenny McIvor

Seconded: Christine Busby


LIANZA’s office has proposed that NZMS becomes a major sponsor of the Waikato region weekend school. We discussed what this would entail during the weekend. The following guidelines were agreed on.

  • 1 NZMS person to attend
  • Logo placement on the programme
  • Other sponsors more than welcome
  • Speaking opportunity if there is room on the programme.

Lee Rowe feedback from the LIANA Summit:

Lee Rowe attended the LIANZA summit, sponsored by the Waikato Committee. Some others at the meeting joined the conversation via twitter. There was a good representation from across the sector. They also had some outsiders from other professions. This helped give different perspectives on the issues discussed. They discussed a collaborative action plan to take the profession forward. Below are some of the drivers:

  • Changing patterns of information
  • Digital Literacy
  • Information overload
  • Community engagement
  • TPPA
  • Copyright
  • Open access
  • Duplication of work across all libraries in new Zealand
  • Insular and inward looking.
  • Library as platform
  • Libraries without boundaries
  • Librarians as connectors. Information to people & people to people.
  • Success to all learning styles
  • Valued by our funders and providers
  • Facilitating knowledge creating
  • Why are we doing this?
  • Create an environment to cater for other professions in our libraries. Social / Health / Business

Finally Lee Rowe thanked the committee for the opportunity to attend.

Meeting closed at 12.50pm