Board of Supervisors Minutes
July 8, 2003
The Tama County Board of Supervisors met at 9:30 a.m., July 8, 2003. Present: 1st District Supervisor, Larry Vest; 3rd District Supervisor, Jim Ledvina. Absent: 2nd District Supervisor, Keith Sash.
Vice-Chairman Ledvina called the meeting to order.
Motion by Vest, Seconded by Ledvina to approve the minutes of the June 30th meeting. All Voted Aye. Motion Carried.
At 9:30, the Board met with Lyle Brehm, County Engineer, to receive a road projects report.
Motion by Vest, Seconded by Ledvina to approve the following resolution to abate property taxes, penalties and interest for a property at 900 South Church Street in Toledo:
WHEREAS, the Tama County Board of Supervisors entered into an agreement with the City of Toledo on October 8, 2002, to clear title to a property at 900 S. Church St., Toledo, by assigning the tax sale certificate (No. 01-0257) to the City of Toledo, and
WHEREAS, the City of Toledo has secured a tax sale deed for the said property (parcel 530-044550 recorded in the County Recorder's office, Book 669, Page 492) in accordance with the agreement and has accepted an offer to sell said property:
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Tama County Board of Supervisors hereby approves the net proceeds of the sale of said property to be disbursed to the City of Toledo and Tama County equally; and the Board further approves to abate excess delinquent taxes, penalties, and interest on said property and directs the County Treasurer to abate all amounts in excess of the County's portion.
Roll Call Vote: Vest, aye. Ledvina, aye. Absent: Sash. Resolution passed and adopted this 8th day of July, 2003. Jim Ledvina, Vice-Chairman, Board of Supervisors. John A. Adams, County Auditor.
At 10:10, the Board met Harold Connolly, CPC, to discuss condition of existing office building at 121 W. High Street, Toledo, after the discovery of a new crack in the wall. The insurance company requested that the CPC operation vacate the building until a structural assessment could be made. The CPC is tentatively planning to relocate the office to another building in Toledo due to the current building not meeting the accreditation process which would restrict funding for CARF programs. The disposition of the existing office building will be determined at a later date.
Motion by Vest, Seconded by Ledvina to approve the County Sheriff's request to increase boarding and lodging fees charged to prisoners from $30.00 to $40.00 per day. All Voted Aye. Motion Carried.
Motion by Vest, Seconded by Ledvina to approve the claims for payment as presented on the Auditor’s Claim Register. All Voted Aye. Motion Carried.
Motion by Vest, Seconded by Ledvina to adjourn the meeting at 10:30 a.m. All Voted Aye. Motion Carried.
Board of Supervisors Minutes
July 15, 2003
The Tama County Board of Supervisors met at 9:30 a.m., July 15, 2003. Present: 1st District Supervisor, Larry Vest; 2nd District Supervisor, Keith Sash; 3rd District Supervisor, Jim Ledvina.
Motion by Vest, Seconded by Ledvina to approve the minutes of the July 8th meeting. All Voted Aye. Motion Carried.
At 9:30, the Board met with Lyle Brehm, County Engineer, to receive a road projects report.
Motion by Vest, Seconded by Ledvina to approve the 5-day beer permit and outdoor service area application for Double D Rodeo, rural Garwin, pending receipt of the Dram Shop insurance required for licensing, effective August 6-10, 2003. All Voted Aye. Motion Carried.
Motion by Vest, Seconded by Ledvina to re-appoint Doug Dvorak, 2731 X Ave., Clutier, for a 5-year term on the Tama County Zoning Commission, term ending June 30, 2008. All Voted Aye. Motion Carried.
At 10:25, the Board met Harold Connolly, Tama County CPC, to discuss the lease of an office building at 101 E. High Street, Toledo, from Don Musgrave to meet CARF accreditation standards for the supported employment program for eligible clients. The move to the alternate office space will tentatively comply with CARF inspection. Mr. Connolly reported that a Congressional appropriation from Health & Human Services is being sought for permanent office space for case management, supported employment, substance abuse program administration, and the proposed redemption center project.
Motion by Vest, Seconded by Ledvina to approve the $600 monthly rental agreement with Don Musgrave for office space in a building at 101 E. High St., Toledo, for use by the Central Point Coordinator (CPC), supported employment, case management, and substance abuse program administration until a suitable permanent facility is acquired or constructed with federal funds. All Voted Aye. Motion Carried.
Harold Connolly and the Board also discussed the Employment Options program (supported employment) and the services it provides to other counties. The Board is in favor of segregating the program for accounting purposes to better manage the direct service to participating clients. The separate fund will also allow for a better accountability for services provided to other counties contracting with Tama County. Tama County is currently providing supported employment services to Marshall, Poweshiek, and Hardin counties. In addition, Vocational Rehabilitation funding incentives for job placement successes are forwarded to Tama County months after the initial expense of job placement. Revenues for successful placements can be isolated in this separate fund for program monitoring. Tama County would also contribute to the fund to the extent that supported employment services are provided to Tama County clients. Harold Connolly will be requesting the establishment of the separate fund after final review and agreement with legal counsel.
Motion by Ledvina, Seconded by Vest to approve the County Auditor's Fourth Quarter Report for FY2003. All Voted Aye. Motion Carried.
Motion by Ledvina, Seconded by Vest to approve the County Sheriff's Fourth Quarter Report for FY2003. All Voted Aye. Motion Carried.
Motion by Vest, Seconded by Ledvina to approve the claims for payment as presented on the Auditor’s Claim Register. All Voted Aye. Motion Carried.
Motion by Ledvina, Seconded by Vest to adjourn the meeting at 10:50 a.m. All Voted Aye. Motion Carried.
Board of Supervisors Minutes
July 22, 2003
The Tama County Board of Supervisors met at 9:30 a.m., July 22, 2003. Present: 1st District Supervisor, Larry Vest; 2nd District Supervisor, Keith Sash; 3rd District Supervisor, Jim Ledvina.
Motion by Vest, Seconded by Ledvina to approve the minutes of the July 15th meeting. All Voted Aye. Motion Carried.
At 9:30, the Board met with Lyle Brehm, County Engineer, to receive a road projects report.
The Board reported that Poweshiek County has expressed an interest in sharing a county engineer with Tama County to promote budget efficiencies. Lyle Brehm, County Engineer, has been asked to draft a proposal on contract form to be reviewed by both counties' Boards. The Poweshiek County Board is scheduled to meet with the Board next Tuesday morning to discuss the proposal.
Motion by Vest, Seconded by Ledvina to approve contracts and or rates for the following providers of mental health services as requested by the Tama County CPC:
Eyerly Ball, Des Moines
Cedar Centre, Cedar Rapids
Abbe, Cedar Rapids
Opportunity Living, Lake City
Ellsworth Hospital, Iowa Falls
Richmond Center, Ames
Goodwill NE, Waterloo
Comp Systems, Charles City
CIRSI, Marshalltown
Chatham Oaks, Iowa City
St. Lukes Hospital, Cedar Rapids
Rates approved for the following providers:
Access Inc., Hampton
Broadlawns, Des Moines
Center Associates, Marshalltown
Goodwill SE, Iowa City
EPI, Waterloo
Southern Iowa Mental Health Center, Ottumwa
Motion by Vest, Seconded by Ledvina to approve the following transfer of funds:
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Tama County Board of Supervisors hereby approves the transfer of budgeted funds:
From General Fund (0001) to General Supplemental Fund (0002) $250,000
Roll Call Vote: Ledvina, aye. Vest, aye. Sash, aye. Resolution passed and adopted this 22nd day of July 2003. Keith Sash, Chairman, Board of Supervisors.
Motion by Ledvina, Seconded by Vest to approve the renewal law enforcement contract between Tama County and the City of Chelsea, for fiscal year 2004. All Voted Aye. Motion Carried.
Motion by Ledvina, Seconded by Vest to approve the resolution to update the list of property owners receiving Homestead and Military credits for the 2002 Assessment year, payable in the 2003-2004 fiscal year:
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Tama County Board of Supervisors hereby approves the revised list of Homestead and Military Exemptions as provided by the County Assessor in compliance with Iowa Code sections 425.3 and 331.401(f).
Roll Call Vote: Ledvina, aye. Vest, aye. Sash, aye. Resolution passed and adopted this 22nd day of July, 2003. Keith Sash, Chairman, Board of Supervisors.
Motion by Vest, Seconded by Ledvina to approve the claims for payment as presented on the Auditor’s Claim Register. All Voted Aye. Motion Carried.
Chairman Sash adjourned the meeting at 10:30 a.m.
Board of Supervisors Minutes
July 29, 2003
The Tama County Board of Supervisors met at 9:30 a.m., July 29, 2003. Present: 1st District Supervisor, Larry Vest; 2nd District Supervisor, Keith Sash; Absent: 3rd District Supervisor, Jim Ledvina.
Motion by Vest, Seconded by Sash to approve the minutes of the July 22nd meeting. All Voted Aye. Motion Carried.
At 9:30, the Board met with Lyle Brehm, County Engineer, to receive a road projects report.
At 9:45, the Board met with Lee Wiges, Zoning Administrator, to discuss the final draft of the proposed county subdivision ordinance that was approved by the Tama County Zoning Commission on July 25th. Mr. Wiges recommended that the Tama County Board of Supervisors approve the subdivision ordinance for inclusion into the county code of ordinances. The Board reviewed the proposed ordinance and commented on the lengthy process, and the persistent efforts of Mr. Wiges, the Zoning Commission, the Board of Adjustment, and Lyle Brehm, County Engineer, to bring the ordinance to its completion.
Motion by Vest, Seconded by Sash to set the First Reading for the proposed Subdivision Ordinance at 10:00 a.m., Tuesday, August 5th in the Supervisors' Board Room, County Administration Building; and further set the Second and Third Reading at consecutive Board meetings at 10:00 a.m., on August 15th and 22nd respectively. All Voted Aye. Motion Carried.
At 10:00, the Board met with Deb Qahtani, Director, Public Health and Home care, to receive information about the local Citizens' Corps to be established for bioterrorism response planning. Press releases will be announced soon in order to enlist help from the public. Tama County Public Health will coordinate the organization of the Citizens' Corps.
Motion by Vest, Seconded by Sash to approve the liquor license renewal application for Dysart Recreation Inc., Dysart, pending receipt of the Dramshop liability insurance certificate. All Voted Aye. Motion Carried.
Motion by Vest, Seconded by Sash to approve the County Sheriff's request to approve Reserve Officer Bill Brandvig, Traer, to carry firearms while on duty as a Reserve Deputy Sheriff, at the discretion of the Sheriff. All Voted Aye. Motion Carried.
Motion by Vest, Seconded by Sash to approve the County Recorder's Fourth Quarter Report for FY2003. All Voted Aye. Motion Carried.
Motion by Vest, Seconded by Sash to approve the claims for payment as presented on the Auditor’s Claim Register. All Voted Aye. Motion Carried.
Motion by Vest, Seconded by Sash to adjourn the meeting at 10:40 a.m. All Voted Aye. Motion Carried.