Math 0041
Spring 2009
3 hours credit Office: Vines 133
Instructor: Dr. Carol Warner Phone: 788-7163
Office hours: Posted on my office door and my website:
Software Package and Text: Beginning and Intermediate Algebra, 4th Edition, K. Elayn Martin-Gay with MyMathLab
The TI-30 IIXS calculator is required. Graphing and/or programmable calculators may NOT be used.
Course Description:
Beginning Algebra is a first course in the skills of algebra. The course covers operations on algebraic expressions, solving linear equations and inequalities, working with polynomial expressions, factoring, and graphing linear equations. Familiarity with the arithmetic of numbers, including fractions, decimals, and negatives will be assumed. This course satisfies the prerequisites for Intermediate Algebra.
The student will be able to:
i. Solve linear equations
ii. Use linear equations to solve application word problems
iii. Apply linear formulas to word problems
iv. Solve absolute value equations
v. Solve linear inequalities
vi. Graph a linear equation by one of several methods
vii. Find the equation of a line
viii. Define a function
ix. Find the domain and range of a function
x. Solve systems of equations by graphing, by elimination, and by substitution
xi. Solve word problems using linear functions and systems of equations
xii. Use the rules of integer exponents to simplify polynomials
xiii. Execute operations on polynomials
xiv. Factor polynomials of four terms or less by one of several methods
xv. Solve quadratic equations by factoring
xvi. Solve word problems using quadratic equations
xvii. Apply good study habits and use the learning center resources available to the course to develop the skills necessary to succeed in mathematics classes.
General Education Objectives:
Quantitative Reasoning: Quantitative reasoning is the ability to assign and use numbers, read and analyze numerical data, create models, draw interences and support conclusions.
Analytical Skills: Analytical skills include the ability to identify a concept or problem, to dissect or isolate its components, to organize information for decision making, to establish criteria for evaluation, and to draw appropriate conclusions.
Personal Responsibility: Personal responsibility includes developing and demonstrating a personal values system based on ethical and moral choices, respect for others, citizenship, and personal development.
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), UA Fort Smith seeks to provide reasonable accommodations and services to students who have documented exceptionalities. Students who believe they are eligible to declare a disability for the purpose of requesting and receiving accommodations must submit all required documentation of their disability to Roger Young, ADA Coordinator, for validation. Mr. Young will develop an individualized plan for reasonable accommodation in learning and testing for all students qualifying for accommodation. Mr. Young can be reached at 479-788-7577.
Academic Integrity:
Cheating will not be tolerated in this course. Please refer to the handbook for UA Fort Smith’s policy on Academic Integrity.
Email Requirement: All correspondence for this course will be made through your UAFS email account.
Course Grades:
The course grade is determined by points earned as follows:
3 Tests 450 points (150 points each)
Final Exam 300 points
Quizzes 100 points total
Homework 50 points total
Attendance 100 points total
Course Grade Scale (points):
A-895—1000 (90-100%)
B-815—894 (82-89%)
C-745—814 (75-81%)
D-675—744 (68-74%)
F-Below 675 (0-67%)
Quizzes and Homework:
Tests must be taken at your regular class time on the designated day. There will be a homework assignment on each section covered. Also, quizzes will be given which usually cover 2 or 3 sections. All of these assignments must be completed before each expiration date and time. No extension will be given. The grade will be calculated by averaging the quizzes and homework scores for the course. The quiz grade for the course will be calculated by taking the average of each of the grades on the assigned quizzes and converting this to the 100 points for the course. Quizzes may be worked a second time, if desired. The highest score on the quiz will be retained for grading purposes. The homework grade for the course will be calculated by taking the average of each of the grades on the assigned homework assignments and converting this to the 50 points for the course. Homework can be worked on until all questions are correct. You must click the “Submit work” button in order for the software to record your score. You have only 2 tries for each quiz. We will take the highest score. NOTE: You will not be given help on your quizzes or tests.
Make-Up Policy:
No makeup work will be allowed. If a test is missed, the zero test grade will be replaced with the final exam score (only one). Students who take all 3 tests will also have their lowest test score replaced with the grade made on the final exam.
Every student is required to come to the lab and lecture at the scheduled class times. Time working on math shows a strong correlation with success in the course. Therefore, every student is required to work in the lab and attend lecture at the scheduled class times. To get the points for attendance, students must be on time, not leave early, and work on math the entire time. Even if all the work for the week has been completed, the student must use the additional time for practice to receive the points for attendance. Points for attendance will be calculated by converting the percentage of times a student has attended classes (as designated by the calendar) to points (100 points for 100% attendance).
Completion of work: IF you complete all computer assignments for the course with a grade of 80 or above, you will be given all of the attendance points for the class. In other words, ALL your Homework grades and your Quiz grades must be 80 or above. Otherwise, your attendance points will be awarded based on class times attended, as noted above.
DO NOT COUNT ON THIS TO GET YOUR ATTENDANCE POINTS. INSTEAD, COME TO CLASS AT THE ASSIGNED TIMES. NOTE: If you miss any assignment, then your attendance points will be based on class times attended.
NOTE: Our class time may or may not be enough time to complete all of the assignments. If it is not, you are still responsible for completing the assignments on time. As with any class, work outside of regular class times may be required. The computers in the LAC may also be used to work on MyMathLab. You may also work on your home computer (described below).
Installation of software for home use:
The software can be installed on your own personal computer. You will need internet access. The website for the software is Login with your own personal login and password created in the lab. Next click into your course section. Select the INSTALLATION WIZARD from the announcement page. Be sure to install ALL components for a successful operation from home.
Working from home:
The software can be installed on your personal computer. Internet access is required in order to reach the website where the notes, homework, and exercises are found. Some students experience interference between the course software and other software already installed on their machines. The website is If this page fails to load, try typing the address again rather than selecting it from a drop down menu. All graded work should be completed in the lab. Students doing graded homework and quizzes from home risk grades not being properly saved. If scores are not successfully sent from home and the deadline passes, you will NOT be able to make up the work. Tests must be taken in the lab.
Lab Rules:
1. The lab is a math classroom. Please be quiet during your visit to the lab. Soft talking is permitted IF IT IS ABOUT MATHEMATICS.
2. Cell phones, food, drinks (including water), tobacco products, and companions are NOT allowed in the lab. Your cell phone needs to be out of sight and turned COMPLETELY off (not on silent or vibrate).
3. Other than mathematics, no activities such as talking, surfing the Internet, playing computer games, typing a paper, sleeping, etc. is allowed in the lab. Any violation will cause your attendance credit to be 0 for that day and you will be asked to leave the lab.
4. The use of a computer in the lab is on a first-come first-serve basis; no reservation can be made for normal course work.
5. Take notes. Record your homework scores and quiz scores so that you can calculate your average.
6. Please do not hesitate to ask questions in the lab. Staff members in the lab are there to help you.
Test Rules:
1. There are three 50 minute tests and a comprehensive final exam (110 minutes).
2. The test times will be given on the calendar for the class. You must take the test at the designated time for your class.
3. Arrive on time for your test. Any tardiness will cost you working time on the test. Bring your pencils with you to take your test. The lab will provide you with scratch paper. No other paper is allowed. Only a non-graphing, non-programmable calculator may be used. Place all belongings on the floor. Once you have entered the lab, all review material must be put away.
4. A staff member must be present when your test is submitted for a grade.
5. You will be allowed to review your test before you leave the lab. You may not write down any information pertaining to test questions to take with you when you leave the lab after an exam. You may not share any test information with anyone who hasn’t taken the test. Violators will be charged with academic misconduct.
Math 0233 Spring Semester, 2008 Schedule
Quizzes and Graded Homework assignments have expiration dates as listed (all weekly assignments are available at 8:00 on Monday of each week--all expiration times are at 9:30 a.m. on the listed day, unless otherwise specified). These dates will not be extended for any reason. The final exam will be administered on the scheduled day during final exam week (110 minutes long).
Test 1 Material and ScheduleWeek / Dates / Section / Title or notes / Expiration Date
1 / 8/20-8/24 / Lecture on M or T
Chapter 1 Review
Chapter 1 Review Quiz / Review of Real Numbers / 8/28
2 / 8/27-8/31 / Lecture on M or T
Quiz (2.1,2.2,2.3) / Simplifying Algebraic Expressions
The Add. and Mult. Properties of Equality
Solving Linear Equations / 9/4
3 / 9/3-9/7
(Holiday M-
Labor Day) / Lecture on F or T
Quiz (2.4,2.5) / An Introduction to Problem Solving
Formulas and Problem Solving / 9/11
4 / 9/10-9/14 / Lecture on M or T
Quiz (2.7,9.2) / Solving Linear Inequalities
Absolute Value Equations / 9/18
5 / 9/17-9/21 / Lecture on M or T
Review Quiz (2.1-2.4)
Review Quiz (2.5-9.2)
Review Quiz (Test 1)
Test 1 on Th or F / (Optional—extra practice, if you want it)
(Optional—extra practice, if you want it)
REQUIRED (note—be SURE to take this BEFORE your test) / NONE
Test 2 Material and Schedule
Week / Dates / Section / Title or notes / Expiration Date
6 / 9/24-9/28 / Lecture on M or T
Quiz (3.1,3.2,3.3) / Rectangular Coordinate System
Graphing Linear Equations
Intercepts / 10/2
7 / 10/1-10/5 / Lecture on M or T
Quiz (3.4,3.5) / Slope and Rate of Change
The Slope-Intercept Form / 10/9
8 / 10/8-10/12 / Lecture on M or T
Quiz (3.6,3.7) / The Point-Slope Form
Functions / 10/16
9 / 10/15-10/19 / Lecture on M or T
Quiz (4.1,4.2) / Solving Systems by Graphing
Solving Systems by Substitution / 10/23
10 / 10/22-10/26 / Lecture on M or T
Review Quiz (3.1-3.5)
Review Quiz (3.6-4.2)
Review Quiz (Test 2)
Test 2 on Th or F / (Optional—extra practice, if you want it)
(Optional—extra practice, if you want it)
REQUIRED (note—be SURE to take this BEFORE your test) / NONE
Test 3 Material and Schedule
Week / Dates / Section / Title or notes / Expiration Date
11 / 10/29-11/2 / Lecture on M or T
Quiz (5.1,5.2,5.3,5.4) / Exponents
Add/Subtract Polynomials
Multiplying Polynomials
Special Products / 11/6
12 / 11/5-11/9 / Lecture on M or T
Quiz (5.6,5.7) / Division of Polynomials
Synthetic Division/Remainder Theorem / 11/13
13 / 11/12-11/16 / Lecture on M or T
Quiz (6.1,6.2,6.3) / Greatest Common Factor, Factor by Grouping
Factoring x2 + bx + c trinomials