Beep Migration
Steps for Migration:-
There are 4 steps are followed for the migration.
1. DB or Classes Migration.
2. Parse Server Connection & Parse Dashboard Setup.
3. Cloud Code Migration.
4. Files (images, pdfs, etc.) Migration.
We are detailing the above points in below.
1. DB or Classes Migration
First we have created a database (e.g.: - beep_prod_clone ;) in our AWS mongo DB. Then we generate the mongo dB connection string (e.g.: - mongodb:// ;) for migration.
Database Connection and Migration from to AWS MongoDB
1. Go to your parse dashboard.
2. Select your app.
3. Then Go to App Settings → General → Migrate to external database.
4. Paste your connection string & follow the details
5. Please restart AWS Mongo DB to see the changes in the database ‘- beep_prod_clone’.
6. You will see the database is imported successfully here.
Please finalize within 24 hours or you have to do the database migration again. Please check before finalize.
2. Parse Server Connection & Parse Dashboard Setup
FTP Details:
You already got the details. Please setup the Ftp.
Please go to the path /opt/parse-server-example from your ftp. Here you can see index8.js file (For this app we use this file, there may be other index files also). Here we have to give our app, s3 & mongo dB credentials. We have given mongo dB connection string, Cloud code path, appId, masterkey, Server-url, File key & S3 Bucket Credentials.
Please note: if “” this is your server URL then “” is your domain and “1345” is your port number.
From Ftp please go to /usr/lib/node_modules/parse-dashboard/Parse-Dashboard where you can find parse-dashboard-config.json file. Please edit it .
Please give the server url and app credentials for the app.
After settings please save and upload file & restart the parse server.
Now your Parse Dashboard, Parse Server & Mongo Db Are ready in AWS.
Now come to the next steps for cloud code and file migrate.
3. Cloud Code Migration
We have transfer the Cloud code from to our AWS Parse server and updated it as required. You will find the code in ftp path /opt/parse-server-example/cloud. For BEEP PROD CLONE app you will find the codes in file named main8.js.
Now you can start testing for the app, with cloud code.
4. Files (images, pdfs, etc.) Migration
For file migration, we have transfer the images & pdf files from parse s3 bucket to our AWS s3 bucket and update the file url in the respective tables.
Please All the above steps are required for the migration of the app nothing is optional.
1. Ftp details are attached with the files.
2. S3 Bucket Configuration: