
Denton Independent School District provides Credit by Exam (CBE) for grades nine through twelve for the purpose of course acceleration (student has had no prior instruction) or course retrieval/verification(student has previously taken the course and was not awarded credit). Please see the guidelines below for the two specific types of testing (acceleration or retrieval/verification).

CBE for Acceleration:

  • Student may earn credit for an academic subject upon successful completion of the exam (score of 80 percent or higher) and principal or principal designee approval.
  • Student may select Texas Tech University or the University of Texas as the provider of the CBE.
  • Student may only attempt acceleration testing two times for the same course.
  • Students may not take more than two tests per district testing day.
  • Students may not earn more than four creditsduring high schoolthrough acceleration testing.
  • To earn one full credit for a course, the student must successfully complete two semester tests and pass both with an 80 percent or better.
  • There is no charge for acceleration testing.
  • Summer testing is provided on 6 different dates in June and July (see testing dates on the district website). Student must select a first choice date and second choice date on the CBE application. Every effort will be made to accommodate the preferred testing date.
  • CBE for Retrieval/Verification:
  • Student may retrieve credit for an academic subject in which he or she has had prior instruction upon successful completion of the exam (score of 70 percent or higher) and principal or principal designee approval.
  • Student may verify credit for an academic subject awarded from another district upon successful completion of the exam (score of 70 percent or higher) and principal or principal designee approval.
  • Student may select Texas Tech University or the University of Texas as the provider of the CBE.
  • Student may only attempt retrieval/verification testing two times for the same course.
  • Students may not take more than two tests per district testing day.
  • To retrieve one full credit for a course, the student must complete two semester tests and pass bothwith a 70 percent or better.
  • The cost for retrieval testing is $25.00 per Texas Tech exam and $35.00 per UT Austin exam.
  • Summer testing is provided on 6 different dates in June and July (see testing dates on the district website). Student must select a first choice date and second choice date on the CBE application. Every effort will be made to accommodate the preferred testing date.

Students may take a Credit by Exam for acceleration or retrieval/verificationduring any of the four testing periods. The dates will be updated annually and will be posted on the district website.

It is very important that the student review the study guides well before the day of the exam. Completion of assignments may be required prior to the test day. For example: English exams have required reading assignments over which the student will be tested.

To registerfor Credit by Examination (CBE) please fill out the attached registration form, sign and return to the campus counselor for approval. Registration forms must be submitted a minimum of 30 days prior to the test day.

The District Counseling Services office will confirm your registration as well as the testing date and time via the email provided on the registration form.

Scores will be mailed to the address listed on the registration form. A copy of the scores will also be sent to the student’s counselor. Please allow three weeks after testing to be notifiedof test results.

If you have further questions, please contact your student’s campus counselor or visit the CBE website at