Every Sunday: Worship at 9 and 11 AM, Sunday School for children 3 years through 7th grade, adult-supervised care in Noah’s Nursery.

  • 9 AM: Spirited Traditional Worship features hymns, choir anthems, and organ and piano music.
  • 11 AM: New Horizons Worship features the use of projected images and music led by the Anchored in Faith worship band.

May 3: We welcome new members and celebrate the Sacrament of Holy Communion. At 11 AM, Connor Matthew Doyle will be baptized. Dr. Brill’s communion meditation, based on John 15:1-8, is entitled, “Beautiful Friendships.”

May 10: Dr. Brill’s sermon, “Beautiful Creation”, is based upon Psalm 65:5-13. At 11 AM, Mallory Ryan Hanratty will be baptized.

May 17 is Youth Sunday. We will be led in worship by our Confirmation Class. We will also be recognizing our high school graduates.



May 24 is Pentecost Sunday, the birthday of the church. The scripture for Pentecost is Acts 2:1-21; Dr. Brill’s sermon is entitled, “Beautiful Spirit.” Music will be led by our Anchored in Faith worship band.

May 31 is Music Sunday. Sharing in music will be the Celebration Bell Choir, the 9 AM choir, and Anchored in Faith. Dr. Brill’s message will be based on Colossians 3:12-17 and Micah 6:8. We will be thanking Valerie Tanzilli for her years of service to the church.

CONGRATULATIONS, ALUCC CHOIR! Our vocal choir, under the direction of Mary Fancher, has been selected to participate in the WCLV Jubilation Choir Festival. They will be performing several works in a concert on Thursday, May 7 at the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist in Cleveland; the concert begins at 8 PM. The choir festival will also be broadcast on WCLV. Come to St. John’s Cathedral for the event, or listen on the radio!



Avon Lake United Church of Christ was in the news, as we and the Good Neighbor Thrift Shop were the lead givers to a Habitat for Humanity house. I was privileged to participate in the groundbreaking. Special thanks to Doug and Sandy Rider for their leadership with Lorain County Habitat for Humanity.

Our youth worship interns completed their internship year. I have written our final grant report to the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship and I will participate in their grant colloquium in June. I thank each of our ten interns: Maddie Camp, Stephanie Carr, Kyle Compton, Katherine Kotora, Jordan Laird, Alex Loar, Emily Nusbaum, Caitie Roach, Colin Wadsworth, and Nicole Ziemba. I also thank Jim Kotora and Tim Schulz who supervised the music and tech interns. Each intern wrote a year-end reflection; it is clear they learned a lot about worship and deepened their faith in God. It was a wonderful experience for all of us!

Thank you to Mike Fowle for coordinating, once again, our hosting of the youth choirs from Crystal Lake, Illinois! They were a delightful asset to worship on April 26.

Also on April 26 we said goodbye to Phil and Laurie Cooper, thanking them for their ministry among us, and wishing them well as they move to North Carolina. (This is hardly a highlight, as we are all sad to see the Coopers go…)

Many of you have an interest in the Pilgrim Hills and Templed Hills camp facilities, operated by the Ohio Conference/UCC (OCUCC). Here is the current status of those facilities. It is becoming abundantly clear that the OCUCC cannot afford to maintain both facilities. It has been proposed that both facilities be put up for sale with the purpose of selling one (depending on which one receives a viable offer.) Even if one camp should sell, there will still be a need for better financial support. I anticipate that a capital campaign will be launched soon for the purpose of shoring up our regional outdoor ministries. I serve on the Ohio Conference Board of Directors. ALUCC member Scott MacDonald serves on the Division of Outdoor Ministries. Many others from our church family are very involved. Nate is heading up an Affirm Camp petition drive. We will keep you informed! Those of you who care deeply about these facilities; I encourage you to think about ways you might be able to support them in the future.

ALUCC will be hosting an Avon Lake Farmers Market on Tuesdays in June and July! Stay tuned for more details! ~ Kelly

PRIMETIMERS will meet to share lunch on Wednesday, May 13, at noon in the Gathering Space. This will be the last lunch before we break for the summer. A picnic menu with fried chicken is being planned. Primetimers are primarily retired members but anyone of any age is welcome to join in the fellowship. A reservation is required for lunch by noon on Monday, May 11. Reservations may be made on the sign-up sheet at the Welcome Center or by calling the Church office. Don't miss out!

LET’S GET CONNECTED: The Membership Team would like to help in getting people connected with others who have similar interests. Please join us Sunday, May 3rd as the Membership Team hosts Coffee Hour and a getting connected event! We provided sign up sheets in the bulletin on April 12 and 19 – they are still available at the Welcome Center – and we will be organizing those we received for this event. Please let us know what you might be interested in by e-mailing Tim Schulz, Membership and Media Coordinator, at . Bring your ideas and meet others at Coffee Hour, May 3. Some ideas include: road/bus trips, cooking, cards, golf, volleyball, hiking, exercise, families with young children getting together.

SALE BY THE LAKE! The Avon Lake City Schools Foundation will be hosting its second annual Sale by the Lake on Saturday May 2 from 9am to 4pm in the High School’s Auxiliary Gym located at 175 Avon Belden Road. This exciting event includes art to antiques, handmade to homemade, toys to trinkets, clothes to crafts, edible, wearable, collectible, saleable items! Join us for this delightful community event supporting educational enrichment opportunities throughout the District! Learn more about the Avon Lake City Schools Foundation online at


We are pleased to announce that we have hired Nicole Thomas as our Waypoint YouthMinistriesSummer Assistant. Nicole is 20 years old and has been a member of the ALUCC her entire life. She will be a junior at Kent State in the Fall where she is majoring in Special Education. This semester she has been studying in Florence, Italy. She says of the experience“Studying abroad has been the experience of a lifetime! I have learned so much about myself and I am so excited to come back and be apart of a program that meant so much to me in high school. I am very eager to get to know the youth of our church and apply what knowledge I have to help and guide them.” Nicole will be working 20 hours a week beginning in late May through the middle of August.She will be helping will all aspects of our youth ministry summer programming including both of our mission trips and our DirtyDog 5K & Dog Wash. She brings a lot of energy and enthusiasm to the position along with a familiarity with our programs and the church. We are looking forward to having her on board this summer and excited for all that she will be able to accomplish over the next few months.


Your gifts help to create sacred experiences. Your gifts help to care for the sacred spaces at Avon Lake United Church of Christ: the sanctuary, the memorial garden – places where life is celebrated: baptisms, Confirmation, weddings, memorial services. In these places we are especially aware of the presence of God. Thank you for your generosity.

MISSION TRIP: The Stives will be going back to the Dominican Republic July 18th to the 25th for the Vacation Bible School camp. The camp is attended by the deaf students and other children from the local area. Many people are needed to staff the camp. It is a real Joy to get to know and work with the children. The last day the staff will be at an all inclusive resort in Puerto Plata near the airport. If your would like more information about going with us call us at 440-933-9504. If you would like to sponsor a child call us for that information.


Sunday afternoon, June 28, the United Church of Christ General Synod meeting and worship are open to the public. Bus transportation is available for members of Lorain County churches. The bus will leave from the Sheffield Center in Lorain (Buckeye Community Bank on Rt. 254) at noon and travel the Cleveland Convention Center.

While there, you can explore the Exhibit Hall, which will feature displays, resources, shopping opportunities, refreshments, and areas to sit down and catch up with old and new acquaintances. Music will begin at 2, and a worship service with communion will be held from 3-5 PM. The bus will be back at the Sheffield Center at 7.

Additional Information: Cost: $20.00 per person. Checks must be made out to Footprint Tours, Inc. and mailed to Footprint Tours, Inc., 401 Broadway Avenue Suite B, Lorain, OH 44052

Deadline for reservations: June 12, 2015

Of course, you are welcome to drive yourself; be aware that parking may be difficult.


Come experience God’s Love in Action at ALUCC’s 2015 G-Force Vacation Bible School! VBS is coming June 22-26 for children ages 4 years old through just finishing 4th grade. Our adventure this year is called G-Force and we will be discovering God’s Love in Action. Each morning at 9:30, we will gather in the G-Force Zone with Coach and her excitable assistant, Checkers the Cheetah. From there we will rotate to different stations to hear our Bible story, sign new songs, explore science, play games, create crafts and eat snacks. Registration is openand we are filling up fast! Sign up today – space is limited and we will fill up!Download a registration form here: Julie is still looking for a few more people for the VBS team! Would you like to help plan, decorate, or assist at VBS this year? There are lots of opportunities, big and small, for adults and youth. Ready to join the G-Force team? Contact Julie Reimer, Dir. of Christian Education, at 933-3241 or . Let’s work together and discover God’s love in action!

SUMMER CAMP:Are you ready for summer? Looking forward to swimming and hiking? Do you want to eat s’mores around a campfire? Then you need to sign up for a OCUCC Summer Camp! Registration is going on now at . Our goal this year is to send 100 people to camp! The Christian Education Team offers an incentive fund that pays ½ the cost of most camps for our members. What a great deal! Don’t delay because some of the most popular camps will get filled! After registering online, don’t forget to fill out the bright blue ALUCC Camp Registration Form (outside the Chapel or find it on the website) and turn it into the church office. If you don’t fill out a blue form, Julie won’t know you’re going to camp and the church can’t send your incentive money to camp – so register online, fill out the blue form, and have a wonderful time at camp!

SUMMER SUNDAY SCHOOL:Believe it or not, summer is right around the corner! Beginning May 24 (Memorial Day Weekend) we will be switching to our Summer Sunday School schedule. In the summer, Sunday School is offered for children ages 3 years through just finishing 3rd grade. Children 4th grade and older are invited to remain in church with their families.

SUMMER SUNDAY SCHOOL LEADERS NEEDED:Are you good with kids? Do you have an hour to give in service to some of our most important church members? You are just the person we’re looking for! Summer Sunday School leaders & helpers are needed for our two children’s Summer Sunday School classes. You can sign up to lead once or several times – it’s flexible! The lessons and crafts are all pre-planned – all you have to do is get the lesson from Julie and come a few minutes early on Sunday morning. It’s lots of fun and a wonderful way to get to know our youngest members. Sign up on the sign up genius here: contact Julie Reimer in the church office for more information.

MID-HIGH MAYHEM!You asked for it – you got it! All 4th and 5th grade students are invited to Mid-high Mayhem on May 19 from 4-5 pm. Join Mrs. Reimer for an hour of fun activities and games! This social group will be meeting once a month during the summer – stay tuned for more dates.

Avon Lake United

Church of Christ

32801 Electric Blvd

Avon Lake, OH 44012

Phone: 440-933-3241

Fax: 440-933-7928


Growing People to

Serve God and Others

We are on the Web:

HEAVENLY HELPERS: Heavenly Helpers, a Mission Board outreach, this groupprovides assistance for members by members (transportation, visits, needs as requested).A Chairperson is needed to coordinate this program; additional volunteers are always welcome.Call the church office or contact Judy Reich or Cheryl Updegraff if you can help.

PRAYER LIST: Prayers help connect us to God and to one another. Please keep these members and friends in your prayers this month. Many members want to know how the folks on the prayer list are doing. So if you submit the name of a friend or relative, be sure to send an update by each Drummer deadline. We keep names on the prayer list one month at a time, so that the list will stay current and updated. To keep your loved one’s name on the list, kindly send us an update (call or email the church office: 440-933-3241; )! Thank you.

GOD’S BLESSINGS, LOVE AND COMFORT FOR: Mary Ann Agler, Fran Baird in rehab after a fall, Patty Byron (friend of Spaetzels & Fries, treatment for cancer), Cameron Christian (husband of co-worker of Jodi Holmes) diagnosed with colon cancer,Dave Davis recuperating after being hospitalized, Paul Dunford's niece's husband Ben, recovering from surgery, Peg Ebner, (recuperating from surgery), Eric Fancher recuperating from surgery, Nick Hampe (Geoff's nephew),Calvin Holliday, diagnosed with cancer (friend of Mark Spaetzel),Jean Jackson (health concerns), Marilyn Jones (Paul Dunford’s sister recuperating from surgery), Jerry Kerwin recuperating from surgery, Carrie Kress (Paul’s sister) having surgery, Barb Lindsay in rehab following surgery,Bob Loar (Gary’s brother undergoing tests),Joshua MacDonald (nephew of Scott & Shelley MacDonald), Hugh Meabon in rehab following surgery, Rhoda Montgomery (friend of Kelly Brill), diagnosed with cancer;Jim Morgan (friend of Sandi Gerhan) diagnosed with cancer, John & Joyce Parsons (health concerns), Don Petitt (Chris Spaetzel’s father) undergoing tests,Kim Trask(friend of Updegraffs), and all who are homebound or in residential facilities.


Hilary Runyon on the death of her father, Jim Stocking, March 19.

Nancy Daniels & Sandi Gerhan on the death of their mother, Gladys Flynn, April 2.

Family and friends of Alice Collins who passed away April 26.

Jim Hogan & his family on the death of his mother, Gerrie, April 27.

Please remember our members who are homebound and in rehab or nursing home care.


  • Diabetic Support Group meets Wednesday, May 13thfrom 6:30 – 7:30 p.m. in the Gathering Space.
  • Parish Nurse Hours: Wednesdays 2:00 – 4:00 p.m.; Sundays between services. Evenings by Appointment. Contact information: or call the church office.

MEMORIAL DAY IN AVON LAKE: We are looking for Blue Star Mothers to pay tribute to at the 2015 Memorial Day Ceremony in Avon Lake. Blue Star Mothers have sons or daughters who are serving or have served for the Armed Forces. Blue Star Mothers please contact Jennifer Fenderbosch, a member of the American Legion, Post 211 Auxiliary at 440-933-4644 or .

JUNE DRUMMER DEADLINE is Thursday May, 21. If you would like any information included in the next monthly newsletter, please send it to the church office by email () or be sure to bring your items in by this date. News items/reminders may also be submitted for weekly email updates. (If you are not receiving the weekly email updates, please send your email address to .)


For more information on each program, check the weekly Sunday bulletin, the weekly membership email, or the church website.