Thompson Center for Learning & Teaching
Application Deadline: 5 p.m. Friday, March 11, 2015
Request Summary:
Principal Applicant: / Title:Co-Applicant: / Title:
Unit/Department: / Telephone:
Email: / Campus Address:
Date of last Sabbatical: / From: / To:
Project title:
Information Summary:
Proposed Project Period: / From: / To:Specific Goal:
Teaching Conference/Workshop/SeminarTeaching Project
Course Materials/Equipment
Other (please specify):
Use of human subjects: / Yes
Date of IRB submission:
Applicant / DateCo-Applicant / Date
Department Chair / Date
Dean/Unit Head / Date
Budgetary support:
Budget summary:
1. / Paid assistant(s) / Salary2. / Clerical assistance / Fringe benefits
3. / Expendable supplies
4. / Permanent equipment
5. / Travel
(please submit three quotes for airfare)
6. / Printing/reproduction charges
7. / Performance charges
8. / Other
Total grant requested:
Budget details: Please detail the sums indicated above on a separate sheet.
1. Paid assistant(s): rate of pay of research or other assistant(s) and time to be spent by such help. For fringe benefits inquire at accounting and personnel offices.
2. Clerical assistance: rate of pay and time spent by clerical assistants.
3. Expendable supplies: itemize (ex. animals, chemicals, paper, software, blank disks, and items less than $500).
4. Permanent equipment: describe (reusable equipment over $500).
5. Travel: specify tentative mode, itinerary, and costs (ground and/or airfare; lodging). Note: meals and other incidental expenses will not be covered by grant funds.
6. Printing/reproduction charges: detail expenses for books, photocopying, and filming.
7. Performance charges: itemize.
8. Other: detail any other expenses or charges (e.g. registration fees, etc.)
Partial funding:
If only partial funding is available for your proposed project, do you still wish to be considered for support?Yes
Please explain:
Other Pedagogical Support:
Please indicate other funding sources for pedagogy that are now active. For each, specify 1) total awarded; 2) amount currently available; 3) amount available for period during which the Faculty Development Teaching Grant is being requested.
Source of pedagogical funding:1.
Source of pedagogical funding:
Other pedagogical applications pending (faculty are urged to apply simultaneously for other sources of funding):
Support promised / Yes / NoDecision date:
Support promised / Yes / No
Decision date:
If one of these sources supports this project, will their funds be able to replace funds requested from a Faculty Development Teaching Grant?
No (if no, please explain)
Return completed application and supporting materials to the Thompson Center for Learning & Teaching, 134 Thompson Library, no later than 5:00 pm, Monday, November 16, 2015.
Project Proposal:
Describe clearly the purpose of the activity or project you are proposing to undertake. Relate your proposal to significant developments in the field, and indicate expected outcomes related to teaching and learning to result from your activities. Please indicate any special circumstances concerning your proposed project that the committee should consider. (Use additional sheets if necessary.)