These reserved words can be used in most cases. You can also use the printer codes, system and dot commands that are shown overleaf.
Description / Reserved Word /Practice Name / &pname
Practice Address Line 1, 2 and 3 / &pad1 .. &pad3
Practice VAT Number / &pvat
Practice Ref field / &pcenter
Today’s Date / &date
Current Time / &time
User Name / &user
Users full name / &username
Users Qualifications / &qual
Client Name / Full Name / Mr T.W Melvin / &client
Salutation / Mr / &sal
Surname / Melvin / &surname
Initials / T.W. / &initials
Client Address Line 1, 2 and 3 / &address1 … 3
Client Address Line 4 / Postcode / &address4
Client Type (SA, FC or EQ) / &type
Surgery No. From management record card / &surg
Fee Amount (MR) / &fee
Drug Amount (MR) / &drug
VAT Amount (MR) / &vat
Paid Amount (MR) / &paid / &pay
Total Balance (MR) / &total / &bal
E-Mail address / &email
Misc Field / Usually the telephone number / &ffield / &phone
Additional Telephone Numbers / &te0 .. &te9
Mobile number (same as &te0) / &mobile
Fax Number (Same as (&te1) / &fax
Site specific - set in parameters - allows def files to use information specific to a site. / &site1 … &site9
User ID of who did the work. / &work
Reference field (on additional screen) / &asref1
Date field (On additional screen) / &asdate1
Animal name / &animal
Animal Number / &ref
Master record number / &master
Weight of animal (Last weight date is &lastwgt) / &weight
Colour of animal / &colour
Species / &species
Breed / Full name / &breed
The 1st Word of the breed / &wbreed
The 1st 10 characters of the breed / &sbreed
The 1st character of each word / &abreed
Sex of animal / e.g. FN, MN / &sex
e.g. Female, Male / &fullsex
e.g. Yes / No / &neut
He/She / Depending on sex of animal / &heshe
Him/Her / &himher
His/Her / &hisher
Status Code / &status
Age of Animal / &age
Date of Birth / Age / DD.MM.YYYY / &born
YYYY / &yborn
Number of years old / &years
Insured / Yes or No / &insured
Insured With / &inswith
Loyalty points / &loyal
Identification Number / &idchip
1st Registered Date / &firstreg
Date the animal was last seen (Last Cons Date) / &lastseen
Next Appointment / Date and Time / &nextapp
Next Appointment Date / &napdate
Next Appointment Time / &naptime
Vaccination date (Due) / &vacc
Recall date (Due) / Where XXX is the recall number / &recallXXX
Recall date (Last) / &lrXXX
Classification animal is in / &class
Marketing tag applied / &market
Ø If the reserved word ends with a full stop white space following it will be preserved.
Ø If the 1st character of the reserved word is in upper case the 1st character of the replacement will also be in uppercase
Date Function
Works on current date unless specified.
@date(+/-X) / Add/Subtract X days@date( w ) / Day of week
@date( m ) / Month name and year
@date( c ) / Month name
@date( n ) / The date as a number used in IF/ELSE statements.
@date( f ) / Date as per:
10th October 2004
@date( t ) / As the 'f' option above except will add full day.
The above can also work on a date
@date(m15.12.01) return December 2001
or @date(c+1) returns current month + 1
@full(date) / The full date
@full(date xx) / Full date + xx days
@n2t(x) / The number x will be converted to text.
Filter Options
.FILTER cmd / Pass to ‘cmd’
.TY NROFF / Groff lj4 device
.TY PSROFF / Groff ps device
.TY PSGS / Groff via Ghostscript
The filter will check for and replace:
%p / Will be replaced with printer destination
%c / Will be replaced with number of copies
%% / Replaced with filename
Attaching Comands
.ATtach text / Attach a copy of the definition file to the record card. If 'text' is specified that will be used as the description.
.AA mime / Used with the .at command above. Specifies the mime type the attachment is to be added as e.g. .aa text/roff for Nroff documents.
.NOtify text / Add a clinical record when the definition file is printed. 'text' if specified will be used as the clinical text. If 'text' starts with a number then this will be used as the analysis code.
Windows Forms and Overlays
.OV overlay / Call windows overlay
.WINFILE filename / Prints the windows document called filename.
.LOGO = filename.prn / Add the logo stored in 'filename.prn' to the document.
System Commands
Description / Action.SY PRINTER / Ask which printer should the job be sent to.
.SY COPIES / Ask number of copies to print
.SY Append / Include another file e.g.
.sy append letter.def
as separate document.
.SY NoLog / Switch off logging the fact the form was printed.
.SY Logas text / Change the text used then logging the form has been printed to 'text'.
Special Options
Option / Action@{calculation} / Return the results of the calculation
# text / Ignore lines starting with a # symbol.
.FILE filename / Include another file, if filename is 'SPECIES' this will be translated to the current species (8 chars).
Printer Codes
Description / Reserved Word
Normal / &no
Condensed Start/Finish / &cs / &cf
Enlarged Start/Finish / &es / &ef
Font Start/Finish / &fs / &ff
Bold Start/Finish / &bs / &bf
Underline Start/Finish / &us / &uf
Colour / &c0 … &c9
Dot Commands
The dot commands MUST start on the left hand edge of the document.
Description / Action.PA / Take new page
.QU text / Ask question
.RM / Set right margin
.LM / Set left margin
.CP / Set number of copies
.PR / .DP / Set printer to print to. A-Z for specific, or 1 for current document, 2 for POS, 3 for label
.PL / Set page length
.CO / Comment lines
.LOG filename / Copy output to filename
.SA filename text / Save text to filename
.IF / .EL / .FI / If/Else clause
.JO / .JF / Justification On / Off
.DUPLEX / Enable duplexing options (for groff forms)
.QU Options
The .qu option will ask the user questions. The results will be available in &var0 to &var9
Example / Action.qu text / Prompt user with text
.qu text [NUMBER] / Forces numeric input, eight chars max.
.qu text [DEFAULT] / Use 'Default' as the answer if no input.
.qu text [DATE] / Validates the answer as a valid date.
.qu number text / Limit the length of the answer to be 'number' characters.
The 'text' can have the format:
<r>ight <l>eft <b>oth to force the user to select one of the choices. or
!text <r>ight <l>eft to prompt for text but still limited to one of the specified answers.