Please rank the resources based on their relative authority. (Note: you are NOT ranking them based on when you would use them in research, but rather on their strength as a resource.)
Granholm v. Heald, 544 U.S. 460 (May 16, 2005)
Summary: Out-of-state winery and state residents brought action challenging Michigan laws governing distribution of alcohol as violative of the commerce clause, alleging that state thereby discriminated against out-of-state wineries by preventing them from shipping wine directly to Michigan consumers.
You are now bringing a case in the S.D. of Florida on the following issue:
Does the State's regulatory scheme that permits in-state wineries directly to ship alcohol to consumers but restricts the ability of out-of-state wineries to do so violate the dormant Commerce Clause in light of § 2 of the Twenty-first Amendment?
Bittker on the regulation of interstate and foreign commerce 2nd ed / Boris I. Bittker with the collaboration of Brannon P. Denning, Wolters Kluwer Law & Business (2013) (treatise)Bob Tedeschi, E-COMMERCE REPORT; For New York Wineries and Consumers, the Floodgates Are Opening, New York Times, C6 (July 25, 2005).
Bainbridge v. Turner, August 5, 2005 U.S. District Court, Middle District of Florida
Riekhof & Sykuta, Regulating Wine by Mail, 27 Regulation, No. 3, pp. 30, 31 (Fall 2006) (an academic magazine)
American Jurisprudence, 2d (updated May 2012), Intoxicating Liquors II. Control and Regulation, C. Particular Matters Regulated and Restricted 2. Importation and Transportation, b. Interstate Transportation (national legal encyclopedia)
Know Your State Laws (winery to consumer shipment), Free the Grapes, last update 9/30/2009,
Alexandra Thompson, The Legacy of Granholm v. Heald: Questioning the Constitutionality of Facially Neutral Direct-Shipping Laws, 61 Case W. Res. L. Rev. 309 (2010). (law review)
Bill Varian, A ruling for wine lovers to savor, St. Petersburg Times, August 10, 2005.
Florida Jurisprudence, 2d (updated 2/2012) Alcoholic Beverages, I. Control and Regulation, A. In General, 1. Police and Regulatory Powers (state encyclopedia)
1 / Commerce Clause of the Constitution (Article 1 sect. 8, clause 3)
Tentative Hallelujah, Smitty’s World, August 14, 2005, available at (blog)
Maureen K. Ohlhausen & Gregory P. Luib, Moving Sideways: Post-Granholm Developments in Wine Direct Shipping and Their Implications for Competition, 75 Antitrust Law Review 505 (2008) (law review)
Florida Senate Report (Direct Shipment of Wine to Florida Consumers) (Oct. 2005)
Constitutional law: the commerce clause / by Dan T. Coenen, Foundation Press: Turning Point Series (c. 2004). (treatise)