All State Government Legislation located at:
Here is a list of just a few pieces of legislation, and brief description.
By looking at the contents pages of a few pieces of the legislation, you will be able to identify duties you undertake which relate back to legislation.
In your evidence portfolio, make sure you name some pieces of legislation (eg Anti-Discrimination Act 1991,) how these relate to the everyday work you undertake, and perhaps give the web address.
All of our duties are governed by legislation. From this legislation, regulations or standards are sometimes developed, providing more detail. Our school/departmental policies and procedures are the tools we use daily which ensure we perform our duties in accordance with legislation.
Anti-Discrimination Act 1991
An Act to promote equality of opportunity for everyone by protecting them from unfair discrimination in certain areas of activity and from sexual harassment and certain associated objectionable conduct.
The Act prohibits discrimination on the basis of the following attributes:
(a) sex / (h) impairment(b) marital status / (i) religion
(c) pregnancy; / (j) political belief or activity
(d) parental status / (k) trade union activity
(e) breastfeeding / (l) lawful sexual activity
(f) age / m) association with, or relation to, a person identified on the basis of any of the above attributes.
(g) race
Child Protection Act 1999
The purpose of this Act is to provide for the protection of children.
Workplace Health & Safety Act 1995
The objective of this Act is to prevent a person’s death, injury or illness being caused by a workplace, by workplace activities or by specified high risk plant.
The objective is achieved by preventing or minimising a person’s exposure to the risk of death, injury or illness caused by a workplace, by workplace activities or by specified high risk plant.
Equal Opportunity in Public Employment Act 1992
The purpose of the Act is to promote equality of employment opportunity in the public sector.
Public Sector Ethics Act 1994
The “ethics principles” for public officials are:
o• respect for the law and the system of government
o• respect for persons
o• integrity
o• diligence
o• economy and efficiency.
These 5 principles are featured in our Code of Conduct.
Financial Administration and Audit Act 1977
This Act to provide for the financial administration and audit of the State’s public finances, of departments and statutory bodies, for the audit of associated bodies and for other matters.Refers to Financial management standards and Financial Management Practice Manuals.
Freedom of Information Act 1992
An Act to require information concerning documents held by government to be made available to members of the community, to enable members of the community to obtain access to documents held by government and to enable members of the community to ensure that documents held by the government concerning their personal affairs are accurate, complete, up-to-date and not misleading, and for related purposes.
Public Service Act 1996
Some of the objects of this Act are:
oto provide for the administration of the public service and the management and employment of public service employees; and
oto promote among public service employees a spirit of service to the community; and
oto provide principles on which departments are to be administered; and
oto maintain integrity and appropriate standards of conduct for public service employees; and
oto state the rights and obligations of public service employees.