Commissioner Committee Reporting Forms
Education Committee / Mtg. Date/Time:July 31, 2012 – Noon
Location: Carvel State Building/Cannon Building / Meeting scheduled by:Barbara McCleary
Attendees: Kathy Jacobs, Sally McBride, Charlotte King
Co-Chairs: Tizzy Lockman and Barbara McCleary
Staff:Nina Devoe
Meeting Objective: To build the capacity to identify and document potential key partners and topics of interest relevant to education for women in Delaware.
Goals for Education Committee:
  • Identify key partner agencies working on education issues and policy relevant to women in Delaware.
  • Address critical education-related issue relevant to women in Delaware through advocacy and partnerships.
  • Share resources and information related to education with the greater Commission and through its channels of communication.

Action Items:
  1. Discussed the Brainstorming spreadsheet being use to collect information on resources and potential partners relevant to education of women in Delaware
  • We discussed information on STEM, UD-Kids Count, Red Clay School District activities and partnership/potential speaker opportunities on the topic of gender equity in education. Contact information was added to the brainstorming spreadsheet.
  • Kathy shared information on the structure and activities of AAUW and scholarships available from Wesley College for high school juniors and seniors. This information was added to the brainstorming spreadsheet.
  1. Tizzy shared the link to the brainstorming spreadsheet with additional Education Committee members, added another column for telephone number and added more information to the spreadsheet as discussed.
  2. Action items:
  3. Charlotte and Sally to review the DCW Directory of Women’s Organizations and contact those agencies with links to education. Charlotte reviewing A-F in the directory and Sally reviewing G-Z to ensure we have updated contact information and their areas of focus.
  • Barbara to send out information and links related to AAUW, Wesley College offerings for high school students, education opportunities for senior citizens, and education attainment data provided by Kathy.
  • Barbara to update the DCW PowerPoint, Education section to include goals and send presentation to Education Committee.
  • Sally and Tizzy to contact Red Clay School District to discuss their efforts on gender equality and inquire about potential speaker opportunities.
  1. Next Steps
  • Provide feedback on DCW PowerPoint – Education Committee slides
  • We need to continue to build the brainstorming spreadsheet
  • Develop a process to manage requests for information, calendar events, and emails specifically related to the Education Committee.
  1. Next meeting scheduled for Sept 5, 12:30 – 1:30.