Education Committee / Mtg. Date/Time:July 31, 2012 – Noon
Location: Carvel State Building/Cannon Building / Meeting scheduled by:Barbara McCleary
Attendees: Kathy Jacobs, Sally McBride, Charlotte King
Co-Chairs: Tizzy Lockman and Barbara McCleary
Staff:Nina Devoe
Meeting Objective: To build the capacity to identify and document potential key partners and topics of interest relevant to education for women in Delaware.
Goals for Education Committee:
- Identify key partner agencies working on education issues and policy relevant to women in Delaware.
- Address critical education-related issue relevant to women in Delaware through advocacy and partnerships.
- Share resources and information related to education with the greater Commission and through its channels of communication.
Action Items:
- Discussed the Brainstorming spreadsheet being use to collect information on resources and potential partners relevant to education of women in Delaware
- We discussed information on STEM, UD-Kids Count, Red Clay School District activities and partnership/potential speaker opportunities on the topic of gender equity in education. Contact information was added to the brainstorming spreadsheet.
- Kathy shared information on the structure and activities of AAUW and scholarships available from Wesley College for high school juniors and seniors. This information was added to the brainstorming spreadsheet.
- Tizzy shared the link to the brainstorming spreadsheet with additional Education Committee members, added another column for telephone number and added more information to the spreadsheet as discussed.
- Action items:
- Charlotte and Sally to review the DCW Directory of Women’s Organizations and contact those agencies with links to education. Charlotte reviewing A-F in the directory and Sally reviewing G-Z to ensure we have updated contact information and their areas of focus.
- Barbara to send out information and links related to AAUW, Wesley College offerings for high school students, education opportunities for senior citizens, and education attainment data provided by Kathy.
- Barbara to update the DCW PowerPoint, Education section to include goals and send presentation to Education Committee.
- Sally and Tizzy to contact Red Clay School District to discuss their efforts on gender equality and inquire about potential speaker opportunities.
- Next Steps
- Provide feedback on DCW PowerPoint – Education Committee slides
- We need to continue to build the brainstorming spreadsheet
- Develop a process to manage requests for information, calendar events, and emails specifically related to the Education Committee.
- Next meeting scheduled for Sept 5, 12:30 – 1:30.