SEASON 2001/2002
Presented to the Members to be held at
SUNDAY 30th JUNE 2002 AT 10.00 am
1. Welcome to those present
2. Apologies
3. To confirm and adopt the Minutes of the 2000-2001 Annual Meeting
4. Business arising from those Minutes
5. Correspondence
6. The Presentation and Adoption of the 55th Annual Report
7. The Presentation and Adoption of the 55th Financial Report
8. Election of Officers for 2002-2003 Season
9. Notices of Motion for which due notice has been given
10. Election of Life Member
11. General Business
Vice President - Administration
(Founded 1947)
Office Bearers
Vice Presidents
Vice President (Finance) ...... Scott Bradford
Vice President (Administration)...... Claude Jeanneret
Vice President (Life Saving) ...... John Gorely
Vice President (Surf Sports) ...... Noel Kolkka
Captain ...... Colin Mitchell
Vice Captain ...... Craig Clarke
Chief Instructor ...... Chris Redler
Assistant Chief Instructor ...... -
Radio Officer ...... David Irvine
First Aid Officer ...... Elly Van Vliet
Assistant First Aid Officer ...... Paula-Lee Wood
Marine Stinger Officer...... Helen Irvine
Branch Delegate ...... Claude Jeanneret
Club Selectors (2) ...... Haydon Stokes, Damien Moffrey
Team Manager ...... Chris Harris
Team Manager (Masters) ...... Haydon Stokes
Transport Officer ...... Chris Hague
Clubhouse Director ...... Tim Burgess
Assistant Clubhouse Director ...... Chris Fullarton
Registrar ...... Karyn Wood
Surf Boat Captain ...... Brian Hurley
Craft Captain...... Leigh Paine
IRB Captain...... Rebecca Wood
Gear Steward ...... Justin Randall
Publicity Officer...... Chris Harris
Social Secretary ...... Di Burgess
Hon. Legal Officer...... George Czaus
Hon. Medical Officer...... Dr David Chan
Junior Chairperson ...... Stephen Fry
Junior Secretary ...... Serena Carney
Hon. Caretaker ...... Harold (Whoopsie) Phipps
Auditor ...... Franich & Crow
General Manager ...... Brian Parker
Manager Life Saving & Surf Sports ...... John Ogilvie
Administrative Assistant ...... Maureen Gorely
Junior Development Officer ...... Luke Richmond
On behalf of the Management Committee I present the 55th Annual Report and Financial Statement for your consideration and approval.
Lifesaving is the name and Lifesaving is the game, and Northcliffe Surf Life Saving Club is up to the ears in it.
The patrolling members can be justifiably proud of having fulfilled the Club’s Charter to patrol Northcliffe Beach. Reserves have been made, preventative actions have been taken and valued assistance in first aid and marine stinger treatment given to the people using this beach. No lives lost on this patrolled beach.
Credit goes to our Club Captain, Col Mitchell and his deputy, Craig Clarke, the Patrol Captains and the Life Saving Committee chaired by John Gorely. All have played a part in this professional team.
Letters of commendation for actions taken have been received by the Club throughout the season: from Ron Rankin, President of Surf Life Saving Queensland - “Congratulations for efficient and prompt actions of administering resuscitation skills and knowledge in saving a man’s life at Northcliffe on Sunday, 25th November 2001”.
Congratulations and appreciation from the President of SLSQ and Club Captain of Broadbeach SLSC – “for upholding the ideals of surf life saving” when Northcliffe provided assistance with patrols at Broadbeach on Christmas Day.
From the President of Surfers Paradise SLSC “extending his gratitude and thanks to Northcliffe members who attended and assisted the mass rescue on Surfers Paradise Beach on Good Friday, 29th March 2002.
It is a two-way street for co-operation in that Northcliffe thanks the members of Surfers Paradise SLSC and Broadbeach SLSC who assisted with our patrol problem on 20th April 2002.
In the International Year of Volunteers 2001, eighteen members of Northcliffe SLSC were nominated for and received awards for their voluntary service to Surf Life Saving.
Nine members of Northcliffe SLSC were nominated for and received the International Life Saving Federation “Citation of Merit for his/her devotion to the cause of the saving of life in the aquatic environment”.
For the second year we entered a team in the National Patrol Competition, starting at Branch level, then State and Australian Championships with excellent results. Hayley Cahill is the Australian Female Champion Lifesaver for the second year and Champion Male Lifesaver, Brett Dowker a Silver Medal and Drew Moffrey a Bronze Medal.
Under the guidance of Scott Unicomb, the Australian Surf Patrol Champions – Gold Medal Winners – were: Scott Unicomb, Brett Dowker, Hayley Cahill, Drew Moffrey, Trent Rowe and Damien Moffrey.
Our President of Surf Sports, Noel Kolkka, and the Surf Sports Committee can be proud of this years results, which are listed in details later in this report. In short, the overall point score results were :
Senior Club - Equal Second
Masters - First
Juniors - Fourth in Queensland
On behalf of the competitors, thank you to all our members who officiated at both the Queensland and Australian Championships, together with the IRB crew members and masseur, Neil Mylott. As our competition team grows in numbers so will our required number of officials. Recruiting new officials will be a priority for next season.
Having a successful team on our beach and in competition just does not happen by accident. Congratulations to the Officer Bearers, the Coaches, Instructors, Team Managers, Surf Life Saving and Surf Sports Committees, together with the Supporters Club and the Club Sponsors.
Finally to the people who drive the system and physically do the work – General Manager, Brian; Manager Life Saving & Surf Sports, John; Administrative Assistant, Maureen; Junior Development Officer, Luke; and Registrar, Karyn – your contributions are much appreciated.
Vice President – Administration
Well, what a great year at Northcliffe! We should all feel very proud of the many achievements our members have made during the season. The Club has grown in all areas of our Life Saving services under the leadership of John Gorely, Col Mitchell, Craig Clarke and the Life Saving Committee and most importantly no lives have been lost at our beach and the much needed community service and professional aptitude of our members remains the cornerstone of our existence at Northcliffe.
Northcliffe has always provided much more than just a patrolled beach for the public and much more than just a Surf Club for its members and patrons. The Management of Northcliffe have always strived to provide our members and patrons with modern facilities to perform their duties and responsibilities. In fulfilling these aims we have established a sound foundation for the future of Northcliffe and its members for many years to come. The Northcliffe Surf Life Saving Supporters Club has provided the Surf Club with substantial funds over many years, so we can
provide the level of service that we do.
The Supporters Club Management Committee has always understood and appreciated the Surf Club’s policy of future development of the Club and its members, and has always been there to support us. I would like to take this opportunity on behalf of all our members to sincerely thank Mike Deane and his committee for their much-needed support over many years.
Our Surf Sports under the direction of Norm Lewis, Noel Kolkka, John Ogilvie and the Surf Sports Committee experienced great results from all our members during the season culminating with the Australian and World Championships. All our members that competed for our Club did so in a sportsmanlike attitude making them all worthy of being called Champions. In line with the Club’s policy of constant progression, we have increased the quality and duration of our coaching program under the direction of Brett & Ty Dowker. Brett and Ty, together with other professional coaches provide a well-balanced program to all members of Northcliffe. I must make special mention of our Surf Rescue section who, under the leadership of Scott Unicomb, won the Queensland and Australian Champion Patrol Team events with many other placings in the Champion Life Saver events, most notably, Hayley Cahill winning back to back the Female Champion Life Saver event at the Australian Championships.
The future of Northcliffe, our Junior Activities (Nippers) had another successful year under the leadership of Stephen Fry, Karyn Wood and the Junior Activities Committee. The Committee and other supporters and volunteers have guided our members through another year of enjoyment and most importantly, a year of learning skills that will develop them into adult surf life savers in the near future. We thank all those involved and hope you remain involved in Northcliffe.
Each season, a small number of members volunteer to take on positions of office on the Club’s various committees. These members donate their time and energy and are responsible for the direction of the Club. I would like to thank all members who have sat on various committees during the season and hope you continue to take an active role in the future development of Northcliffe.
The day to day operations of Northcliffe represent a daunting task. Our staff, under the leadership of our General Manager Brian Parker, perform their daily tasks in a professional and efficient manner. On behalf of the Club I would like to thank all our staff for their dedication to Northcliffe and for the many hours that they contribute to the Club outside of their normal work hours. Thanks to Brian Parker, John Ogilvie, Maureen Gorely, Luke Richmond, Fiona Mahoney, Ricky Cole and all the Supporters Club Staff for their constant support. A special thanks to Brian Parker, who is responsible for both Clubs, and who contributes so much to the development of Northcliffe and who continually provides the passion and enthusiasm that is required of a club as large and progressive as ours.
On behalf of the Club, may I extend our sincere appreciation to Laurent and Jenni St Jacques and all their staff at Le Bistro for their continued support of the Club and for the professional standard of service they provide to our members and patrons.
Northcliffe is proud to be associated with many companies and individuals that support our Club financially each year. We sincerely thank them for their most valued support and hope they continue their association with Northcliffe.
I would like to make special mention of and sincerely thank our Patron, Terry Jackman, for his time, energy, passion and irrevocable dedication to the success of Northcliffe.
On a personal note, I wish to thank my wife, Michelle, for her support and understanding throughout the past season and for her continued loyalty to myself in my position at the Club.
I hope you have all enjoyed the past season at Northcliffe and I look forward to your continued association with Northcliffe Surf Life Saving Club.
It is with pleasure that I present my 8th report as Manager of the Surf Club Northcliffe. We leave the season in a very enviable position; fatality free, competitively strong, debt free and exciting prospects ahead.
In an environment where the actions of a good samaritan are at grave risk of becoming extinct thanks to public liability pressures, our patrolling members have again performed credibly ensuring Northcliffe beach was safe during their watch. Special thanks must be given to our Patrol Captains who take on the responsibility of being in charge of the safety of the public at our beach.
The most obvious test of a Surf Club’s depth and strength is in its competition results and again Northcliffe has excelled. The Masters have lead the charge winning both State and Australian point scores. In Open competition the Club maintained its top 2 spot at the Australian titles and our juniors have improved 2 spots to 4th at their State Championships. This season was also a World Titles year and our team performed admirably to finish 6th overall with many outstanding individual results. Much of the credit for our Clubs all round strength goes to our coaching staff. Thank you to all coaches from Xact, the boat section and board riding for your dedication in helping our athletes reach their potential.
Financially the Club has again operated well within its capacity resulting in an Operating Profit of $252,499. Much of this profit has been retained as a deposit on the Clubs next big venture. Season 2001/02 saw the Club commence the year with a debt of $65,110 thanks to a strong commitment to reducing our debt over the previous three seasons. This figure was easily repaid this year leaving the Club in an enviable position of being debt free. Obviously much of the credit goes to the donations from the Northcliffe Supporters Club which this season totalled $717,000. To this end we must thank the committee, staff and members of the Supporters Club for such a great result. Thank you also goes to the local and state government, our sponsors and the many supporters of our Club for their ongoing commitment. It is significant to note that the Surf Club topped the $1,000,000 mark in income for the first time in its history making the administration of the Club’s finances a very important role and one which requires constant management by both office bearers and staff alike.
As we look to the future of the Club we have received all necessary Club approvals for a major renovation to the Club house and its facilities. The purpose of the proposed works is to continue to remain competitive in the hospitality industry and to remain largely financially independent. The scope of works approved will enhance the facilities of both the Surf Club and Supporters Club and take our facility to a new level of service to our many members and guests. This does come at considerable expense and we as a Club are about to enter into a level of debt much higher than ever before. However in the opinion of independent consultants, our bank manager, our staff, the various committees and the members in general, we are taking on a challenge that is well within our control and the potential benefits will be well worth the risk.
I certainly welcome the challenge of the future and am confident that at this time next year we will be reporting on an incredible success story and the continued growth of our great Club.
General Manager
Major Sponsors & Donors
007 Australia Pty Ltd
A M Burnie (Harry Streamer)
Alfred E Chave Pty Ltd
Austrhod Pty Ltd
BMD Constructions Pty Ltd
Brett Plowman Advertising
Carlton & United Breweries
Castlemaine Perkins
Collison Finance & Investment
Coombabah State High School
Coral Homes Pty Ltd
Craig International Ballistics
Department of Emergency Services
Dolphin Surf Craft
Drake Australia Pty Ltd
F Hart
Franich Crow Oberg Accountants
Freestone & Kumnick Solicitors
Gaming Machine Services
George Czaus Solicitors
Gold Coast City Council
J Bugner
J L McGhie
LCR Lindores Group
Le Bistro Pty Ltd
No Limit Property Development
Northcliffe Surf Life Saving
Supporters Assoc Inc
Pacific Cinemas
Paradise Lights
Pioneer Mortgage Services
Prime Television
Project Equity Pty Ltd
Quinn Direct Liquor
Rose & Crown
Samuel Smith & Son Pty Ltd
South Coast Branch (Qld) Inc
Statham (Qld) Pty Ltd
Surf Life Saving Foundation
Surfers Paradise State High School
Surfside Ford
Tweed Stationery Warehouse
UDV (Aust) Ltd
Wells & Partners Advertising
All members of The Surf Club Northcliffe would like to thank the above companies and individuals (listed alphabetically) for their generous support for the season and we hope to see you all again in 2002/03.
Captains Report
Firstly and foremost I would like to sincerely thank every member who contributed to another successful patrolling season on the Northcliffe Beach. It was certainly a very busy season with members not only ensuring the safety of the bathing public at Northcliffe but also assisting adjacent clubs in numerous rescues and patrols and support services.