October 3rd, 2016
Selectboard Meeting called to Order at 7:00by Chair Lou Beam.
Present: Lou Beam, Bud Ross andRon Batchelder.
Minutes of theSeptember 12th meeting accepted as written. (Unanimous)
Chair, Lou Beam, reviewed the Town Calendar.Bud noted that that it should be coffee and tea hour for the October 5th Community Coffee hour.
Recognition of visitors:
The Board recognized Fred Markham. Fred discussed with the Board the permit for his 211 Hemlock Road house. Fred said that when he had initially applied for the permit with the prior building inspector in September of 2004 no signatures had been required. He had subsequently been asked to take out and pay for a second permit in 2006 with the new building inspector; then needing to have a plumber and electrician sign off on the work. Fred mentioned that the building inspector had given him permission to close the work in and now he cannot find a plumber to sign off on the work because they can’t see any of it. Fred thought it was unfair that he would have to pay for a second permit when other residents had gone over their time limit and not had to reapply. Lou said that they would like to talk to Everett about his reasoning behind his decisions, see if Fred was grandfathered in with the first permit and clean up past issues. The Board will make copies of Fred’s paperwork and meet with Everett. The Board thanked Fred for coming.
Old Business:
1. The Board discussed the cleaning schedule and noted that they would like Sam to come to a meeting and speak with the Board.
2. The Board reviewed and signed a letter for Roberts & Greene concerning the audit.
3. Lou discussed with the Board the circumstances surrounding the Beaudry permit for excavation. Lou said that Dick Frasier had met with the Planning Board at their last meeting. Lou discussed that there was a misunderstanding between the Town and Beaudry. The Planning Board what under the belief that it was Beaudry’s intent to reclaim the 8.6 acre pit. Beaudrywas planning on excavating 50 to 60 acres in addition to the 8.6 acres. There was a conflict of interest with the Town’s Attorney and the Planning Board had since reached out to Tom Hanna. Tom had advised the Town to hold off signing the permit until the Planning Board had reached a decision. Ron mentioned that the original plan was an 8.6 acre reclamation plan.Beaudry’s believes that within their presentation they indicated that their plan included the additional acreage. Lou mentioned that the minutes from the 2014 ZBA and Planning Board hearings and exception would be needed for the attorney.
4. Lou asked if the Town was updated on OSHA signage. It has been and the Highway department has their new signage as well.
The Board discussed the quarterly budget review. Todd Porter, Road Agent, discussed the Highway budget. He noted that unless he has some major breakdowns his budget is good. He currently is full on sand and has ½ a bin of salt and needs to wait until it’s almost empty to order more. Todd brought up that Walpole has a spreader, in excellent condition, and that they are no longer using. It is the same as the last one the Highway Department had been using but in better condition. Todd said that Walpole would trade the spreader for 4 loads of 1 ½” stone. The Board and Todd discussed the liquid chloride spreader packages. The package from Innovative Surface Solutions would lock the Town in at 15,000 gallons a year at 0.84/ gallon. Todd thought the Town would only require 10,000 gallons per year if every road was done. The cost would be about $12,600 per year. They also discussed a proposal from Allstate which would cost $1.25/ gallon with a portion of the money going to the purchase of the equipment. There would be no warrantee on the equipment though. Todd said that there is a labor reduction with the liquid but he can with help get the flakes downs in one and a half days, so the savings would be minimal. Todd said he preferred the flake pellets and on a high usage year it would cost the Town tops $6,000 and with the big job paving Crane Brook next year he thought it best to trade for the spreader and save money now. The Board agreed to put the liquid spreader on the back burner.
Move to trade four loads of 1 ½” stone to Walpole for their chloride spreader. (Ron, Bud)
The Board and Todd also discussed the culvert at the corner of Hemlock. Todd said it had a hole in it and would work on it soon.
New Business:
1. The Board read an application from a resident and thought to pass it on to the School Board as well.
2. The Board reviewed letters from the DRA monitoring the cyclical inspections. Lou asked about the Chaffee residence. CNP has been advised of their error on multiple occasions and administrative assistant will update owner and contact CNP again.
3. The Board reviewed and signed POs for the Road Agent.
4. The Board discussed the condition of the salt shed. They agreed it was in very bad shape structurally and the clapboards were rotting. They discussed the possibility of budgeting money for next year to put a concrete floor in and fix it up or tear it down. They also discussed not renting the Old Fire Station to the School and using that building for Town Storage. They would add this to topics to discuss at Town Meeting. They also agreed that something had to be done before the winter or it could potentially cave in. Ron suggested ways to reinforce the building that may be a temporary fix for around $150. The Board thought to ask Griffin Construction to give their opinion as they are working at the Meetinghouse this week.
5. The Board discussed more pages from the employee handbook.
6. The Board reviewed and signed payroll.
7. The Board reviewed and signed orders.
8:10Motion to Adjourn. (Ron, Bud)
Respectfully submitted by Jessica Jarvis