RCC American History 11 Mr. Robbins
Course Requirements and Guidelines
Description: A general survey of the social, economic, cultural, and political forces that
have helped shape the United States from colonization to the close of
Southern Reconstruction. Particular emphasis will be placed on the role of cultural
diversity and cross cultural diffusion in the development of early American civilization as
a whole. Topics to be covered include: The Colonial Era, The American
Revolution, The Federalist Period, Jeffersonian Democracy, The Era of Good Feelings,
Industrialization and Social Reform, Slavery and the Rise of Sectionalism, Jacksonian
Democracy, Manifest Destiny and Expansion, The Civil War, and the Reconstruction
Required Text: Foner, Eric . Give Me Liberty: An American History Volume I
Third Edition. WW Norton & Company. New York. London. 2011
Course Objectives/Student Learning Outcomes
Skills: At the conclusion of this course the student will have further developed:
1. skills in reading comprehension and critical thinking
2. an ability to express concepts and ideas in a logical, well organized manner
3. an ability to present arguments in a clear concise manner drawing upon relevant data to support conclusions
Materials: All students are required to come to class with a pen/pencil, a binder with loose-leaf paper and some sort of folder or pocket for class handouts.
Homework: Homework will be assigned typically 3-4 days per week. Assigned homework must be complete and brought to class. Some homework assignments will receive a grade, while others will only be checked for completeness. Late homework is not accepted (absences excepted).
Missed Assignments and Assessments: If you are legally absent from class it is your responsibility to inquire about missed work as a result of your absence. It is also your responsibility to schedule a time that is mutually convenient to make-up missed quizzes or unit test (within 5 days except in cases of extended absences). A student who fails to schedule or attend an agreed upon make-up session will be assigned a zero. There are no make-up sessions for students who are illegally absent.
Final Exam: There will be an in class “Final” in January, covering up to the Reconstruction Period, which concludes the R.C.C. Curriculum phase of the class. In June, students will take the U.S. History Regents required of all 11th graders.
Required Research Paper: Students will be required to complete a 6-8 page annotated research paper. Students will be able to choose any topic of interest from Colonization to Modern Times. The tentative schedule of the paper will be as follows:
●2nd Quarter (early): A one page thesis statement which will be graded as a unit test.
●2nd Quarter (late): A research paper outline which will be graded as a unit test.
●3rd Quarter: A rough draft which will be weighted as two unit tests.
●4th Quarter: A final draft which will also be weighted as two unit tests.
Participation: I encourage all students to actively and constructively participate in class. Students need to arrive on time, prepared and ready to learn.
Behavior: In order for all students to receive an education they must feel safe and secure in their learning environment. As a result any student who disrupts that environment will be dealt with immediately. Each student must respect themselves and every member of the classroom. Refer to the student handbook for specific consequences and policies.
Quarterly Averages: Grades will be based approximately on the following formula:
1.Exams and projects- 50 percent
2.Quizzes – 25 percent
3.Homework - 15 percent
4.Classwork and Participation – 10 percent
Grade Scale
Letter GradeAverage
C 73-76
F < 65
Contact Information:
1)Email address- (This is the most efficient and fastest way to communicate.)
2)942-3300 extension 4904 (voicemail)
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