Rail Induction Pack

Candidate Copy

Organisation Chart
UPAC Contact Information
UPAC Contact / Site Contacts
Name: / Name:
Telephone: / Telephone:
Staff Safety Responsibility Statement
The following safety responsibility statement applies to all UPAC staff who works on or about Network Rail Controlled Infrastructure.
You are required at all times to ensure avoidance of injury to yourself and colleagues and to minimize risk to the environment, railway infrastructure and the travelling public
You are expected to demonstrate a positive and enthusiastic attitude towards safety in all dealings with management, staff, our clients and contractors.
You must ensure that you have been provided with adequate Personal Protective Equipment and that you wear it correctly, keep it clean and have it replaced if necessary.
You are expected to carry out and participate in accident and incident investigation. Any accidents or incidents must be reported in accordance with laid down procedures. Investigation and discussion of accidents, incidents and near misses will be carried out openly and in a ‘no blame’ culture.
You are expected to participate with relevant input in safety briefings and other team meetings.
You must not commence work unless you have been adequately briefed on, and understand the method of work, site specific risks, local hazards and the emergency arrangements for the site. Check that emergency communication equipment is working correctly.
You must use, or be briefed on, site specific method statements and risk assessments for the work you are undertaking.
Ensure that you work to the sections of the Rule Book applicable to the competencies you hold and the duties you are carrying out.
Only access sites by official access points. Where possible, use authorized walking routes.
Work to the instruction of the person in charge of the work.
Always leave sites safe and free from loose materials.
Breaches of the Sentinel Scheme Rules
Breaches of the Sentinel Scheme Rules by either an Individual or a Sponsor include (but are not limited to) the following:
  • Any action of theft, attempted theft, fraud, or falsification of documentation or records;
  • Any conviction related to theft or attempted theft of railway materials
  • Any breach of the Alcohol and Drugs policy, including reporting or endeavouring to report to site under the influence of drugs or alcohol or being in possession of illegal drugs on site, either for sale or personal use;
  • Any breach in working hours, including reporting or endeavouring to report for a shift of work, having previously undertaken a shift on NRMI within the last 12 hours (known as double-shifting); unless a risk assessment has been conducted by the Primary Sponsor and suitable controls implemented.
  • Any event of presenting a falsified or altered Sentinel Smart Card, or claiming a false identify for the purposes of trying to gain entry on NRMI;
  • The infringement of any health and safety rules;
  • Any event of negligence which causes, or has the potential to cause loss, damage or injury;
  • Any event of physical violence while at work;
  • Any event of deliberate damage to NRMI property;
  • Any event of bullying, harassment or discrimination;
  • Any breach of confidence;
  • Any breach of the Lifesaving Rules
  • Any failure to investigate an alleged breach of the Sentinel Scheme Rules for an Individual they currently sponsor or sponsored at the time of the alleged breach. (This also applies where investigations are undertaken, but are deemed inadequate at Formal Review)
  • Any allegation of a breach of the Sentinel Scheme Rules which is found to be false and is proven to have been made with malicious intent.
  • Any other event that brings the Sentinel Scheme into disrepute

Healthand Safety Policy Statement
The objective of the company policy, as a fundamental part of its Health and Safety management system and in accordance with the Health and Safety At Work Act 1974 is to prevent, insofar as is reasonably practicable during the course of the work or duties being undertaken, any accidental occurrence which may directly or indirectly result in:-
  • Injury or occupational ill health to any person
  • Damage to or loss of any plant, equipment property, materials or products.
  • Delays in any processes or operations
  • Events, Which may otherwise be detrimental to efficiency
  • Adverse impact upon the environment
The application and promotion of the policy is the responsibility of UPAC senior management. Whilst duties and tasks may be delegated the overall responsibility remain that of senior management to ensure that UPAC complies with all relevant statutory Health and Safety Legislation, Approved Codes of Practice, and Railway standards.
  • Treats Health and Safety as seriously as other aims.
  • Believes that injuries and occupational illness can be prevented.
  • Will set and maintain high standards of Health and Safety at all locations.
  • Works in accordance with Network Rail’s contract requirements safety.
  • Will ensure that Health and Safety is never compromised for any other objective.
UPAC aims to act responsibly to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health and safety of its employees whilst at work.
UPAC will:
  • Set and Monitor safety objectives.
  • Be committed to continual performance in safety performance.
  • Provide and maintain safe systems of work which will minimise risk to health.
  • Carry out an assessment of risk to all employees whilst at work.
  • Provide sufficient resources for the management of health and safety.
  • Provide such information, instruction, training and supervision as is necessary to promote the health and safety of its employees.
  • Seek the full co-operation of employees and clients in implementing this policy and promoting good safety practices.
  • Ensure all employees are fit for the work they are required to do.
  • Minimise risk of injury or illness created by work activities.
  • Provide adequate resources to ensure satisfaction of this safety policy.
  • Ensure that senior management actively involve the workforce – including part-time and agency workers – as part of a developing health and safety culture.
Each employee has a duty to co-operate by:
  • Complying with appropriate legal requirements and company health and safety rules.
  • Wearing and using the protective clothing and equipment provided.
  • Applying good housekeeping to work areas.
  • Reporting incidents or hazards which could lead to injury or damage.
  • Attending safety training in accordance with UPAC requirements.
  • Working safely in the interests of themselves and others.
In addition to the basic Health and Safety arrangements outlined in the above policy, special procedures need to be adopted and applied in relation to railway work.
Signed / / Dated / 05/01/2015
Managing Director
Environmental Policy
The objective of the company policy, in unison with its Health and Safety management system, is to comply with all duties bestowed on UPAC in accordance with the Environmental Protection Act 1990.
UPAC is committed to achieving environmental best practice throughout its business activities wherever practicable. UPAC recognise that economic growth, development and a healthy environment must be closely linked.
Environmental protection and sustainable development are responsibilities that government, business, communities and individuals should strive towards. Where possible environmental management issues will be integrated with Health and Safety and other operational systems in line with overall business objectives of UPAC.
UPAC is aware of Network Rails Company Standard Contract Requirements Environmental, and is committed to the promotion of, and compliance with, environmental best practice.
UPAC is committed to:
  • Minimising the use of energy, water and other natural resources in operations.
  • Minimising waste and identify the best environmental option for disposal.
  • Considering the effects our activities may have on the environment and minimize the environmental impact of aspects of work activities that are environmentally significant.
  • Preventing Pollution.
  • Considering opportunities to make a positive contribution to the environment in all activities.
  • Reducing the impact of our activities on adjacent businesses and residents and behave as a ‘good neighbour’.
  • Encourage active participation from company staff at all levels in improving environmental performance.
  • Minimizing the environmental impact, for the life cycle (including disposal), of plant, equipment, and all physical assets under the control of the supplier.
  • Minimise noise nuisance, especially on site where the public or residents may be affected (including night work).
  • Setting and Monitoring environmental objectives.
  • Continually improving its environmental performance.
The principles detailed above apply to all UPAC business activities, including work in the Rail Industry.
UPAC will comply with its client’s environmental requirements, and work closely to ensure its impacts are as small as reasonably practicable.
Signed / / Dated / 05/01/2015
Managing Director
Quality Policy Statement
UPAC aims to provide defect free goods and services to its customers on time and within budget.
Management is committed to:
  • Develop and improve the Quality System
  • Continually improve the effectiveness of the Quality System
  • The enhancement of customer satisfaction
The management has a continuing commitment to:
  • Ensure that customer needs and expectations are determined and fulfilled with the aim of achieving customer satisfaction
  • Communicate throughout UPAC the importance of meeting customer needs and legal requirements
  • Establish the Quality Policy and its objectives
  • Ensure that the management review meetings sets and reviews the quality objectives, and reports on the Internal audit result as a means of monitoring and measuring the process and the effectiveness of the Quality System
  • Ensure the availability of resources
UPAC complies with all UK and EU legislation and regulations specifically to its business activities.
Signed / / Dated / 05/01/2015
Managing Director
First Aid Policy
UPACmaintains 1 in 50 staff trained in First Aid at Work. This is monitored by the HR department, who monitor competency and re-training through the training database.
Where individuals are involved in works of a short duration, or transient worksites, First aid boxes will be provided within vehicles. It is essential that the contents of the First aid boxes are monitored, and maintained with adequate stock levels.
If the type of work involves higher than normal risks for staff working on track, a risk assessment will be carried out and a new ratio applied for that specific project.
The Work Package Plan will detail the first aid arrangements on site, although UPAC would expect the Principal contractor on any site to provide adequate facilities. This will be reviewed with any contract that requires a presence on site.
Adequacy of First Aid cover is reviewed regularly at management meetings.
Special consideration will be given to availability of first aid for staff working alone.
Signed / / Dated / 05/01/2015
Managing Director
Working Hours Policy - Rail
This statement sets out the policy of the company in respect of Hours Worked limitations for 'Safety Critical Work' carried out by any employee or subcontractor under our control, in compliance with NR/L2/ERG/003 Control of Changes in Working Hours Safety - Critical Work and the ROGS 2011 (Railway & Other Guided Transport Systems)A copy of the above referenced document is held by the signatory of the policy statement in the main offices of UPAC, should a fuller interpretation be required and forms the basis for the following synopsis. UPAC will take all reasonable measures to ensure that those employees are made aware of the contents of this policy and the effect of their continued employment by the company in the event of any breach of this policy.
UPAC will take all reasonable measures to prevent, so far as is reasonably practicable, any breach of duty placed on any person by this policy by scheduling work patterns and monitoring compliance. If appropriate, this will be done in liaison with the client.
Employees of UPAC will at all times exercise diligence in monitoring their hours worked, including any other/additional employment working, to ensure overall compliance with the limitations detailed below.
It is a condition of employment with the company that all employees shall comply with the following:
  • No more than 12 hours to be worked per turn of duty
  • No more than 72 hours to be worked per calendar week (Sunday to Saturday)
  • A minimum rest period of 12 hours between booking off from a turn of duty to booking on for the next turn.
  • No more than 13 turns of duty to be worked in any 14 day period.
UPAC will not accept any deviation from the above conditions unless emergency conditions prevail, in which case a risk assessment will be carried out to ensure necessary additional working hours, to those roistered, are in compliance with current Network Rail Group and Company Standards. No other employment working times should impact on the above to either exceed the limitations or compromise the flexibility of the workforce of UPAC.
In order to comply with this policy and to maintain the stated and accepted standards of UPAC employees should at all times:
  • Avoid, wherever possible, other employment working times which could impact on the above to either exceed the limitations or compromise the flexibility of the workforce of the company.
  • Notify the signatory of this document should other employment working times impact on the limitations outlined.
  • Refer to the signatory of this document should a more detailed review of the full document NR/L2/ERG/003 be required to ensure full understanding and compliance.
The Risk Assessment process for exceeding working hours in an emergency situation must be in compliance with NR/L2/ERG/003 Control of Changes in Working Hours Safety - Critical Work and the ROGS 2011 (Railway & Other Guided Transport Systems) and include recorded verbal communication between line mgmt. and other associated operators to confirm the details of hours worked to date and proposed hours to be worked in excess of normal limits plus the work to be undertaken and prevailing conditions.
Only if fully satisfied that the additional working requirement is necessary and urgent and that the men on site have no objections especially safety ones then confirmation can be given to extend the working pattern to tight constraints and with safety as the overriding factor. Ensure all the details of the Risk Assessment revue are recorded including who has been involved in the discussion, the times etc.
In order to prevent staff suffering fatigue as a result of excessive driving requirements, UPAC will always endeavour to appoint staff who live locally to the work location. Where this is not possible we will try to limit driving to and from the location of work to 1 hour at each end of the shift.
Signed / / Dated / 05/01/2015
Managing Director
Refusal to Work Policy
This statement sets out the policy of UPAC, in respect of “Refusal to work on the grounds of Health & Safety” by all employees (or sub-contractors, if appropriate).
A copy of the above referenced document is held by the signatory of the policy statement in the main offices of UPAC, should a fuller interpretation be required and forms the basis for the following synopsis.
All employees referred to above are to be made aware of the contents of this policy and become familiar with the conditions laid down.
UPAC will take all reasonable measures to ensure that those are made aware of the contents of this policy and that it will not affect their continued employment by the company in the event of any invoking of this policy.
UPAC will take all reasonable measures to prevent, so far as is reasonably practicable, any invocation placed on any person by this policy by planning safe working conditions and taking all factors into account. Employees of UPAC will at all times exercise diligence in monitoring their safe working environment for themselves and other employees in the working area
It is a condition of employment with the company that all employees shall comply with the following:
  • If any situation arises which an employee believes will or has resulted in an unsafe working environment for some or all they must immediately draw it to the attention of their direct line manager so he can investigate and resolve the issue locally, if possible.
  • If line management cannot be immediately contacted then in a safe manner stop or do not commence any working
  • Operations subject to the risks identified, and warn others in danger of the concerns you have.
  • Double check that there are no instructions or information available locally to resolve the issue
  • If the line manager does not support your concerns ask for a “second opinion” to either verify the line manager’s findings or support your concerns.
  • Ensure that you are clear in describing what the concerns or issues are
  • Providing the concern is genuine, even if it is ultimately seen to be unfounded then the employee will not be the subject of any detrimental action by the company.
Further to the UPAC processes for refusal to work on the grounds of health and safety, all staff engaged in the railway infrastructure have a facility for reporting any safety concerns into a central, confidential reporting system, CIRAS (Confidential Incident Reporting & Analysis System)
CIRAS is an alternative way for rail industry staff to report safety concerns that they feel unable to report through company safety channels. It is a completely independent and confidential way to report safety concerns without fear of recrimination.
Reports can be made by Free phone 0800 4 101 101, by writing to Freepost CIRAS, or via the CIRAS Website at