Workshop 3. Final Guide and Capacity Building System for Regulatory Impact Evaluation
Room “César Sepulveda”, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Third Floor
November 7, 2013 (Thursday)
Time / Activity9:30-10:00 / Accreditation
10:00-10:40 / Welcome and Workshop Inauguration
Mr. Juan Manuel Valle Pereña,Executive Director AMEXCID
Mr. Alejandro Faya Rodríguez, Chief of the Unit of Public Policies for Productivity
Mr. Ignacio Ernesto Vazquez Chavolla, Head Official of theMinistry of Foreign Affairs
Mr. Virgilio Andrade Martínez,Head of COFEMER
10:40-11:00 / Official Photo of the Workshop
11:00-12:00 / Session 1. Review of the final Guide. (Chapter 1 to 3)
This session pretend to make a review of all comments made by the participants of the second workshop and identify into the final guide which part of the guide was modified in order to include them.
Mr. Eduardo Esteban Romero Fong, General Coordinator of Regulatory Impact Assessments.
12:00-12:15 / Coffee break
12:15-13:15 / Session 2. Review of the final Guide. (Chapter 4 to 6)
This session pretend to make a review of all comments made by the participants of second workshop and identify into the final guide which part of the guide was modified in order to include them.
Mr. Eduardo Esteban Romero Fong, General Coordinator of Regulatory Impact Assessments.
13:15-15:30 / Lunch
15:30-17:45 / Session 3. Developing a capacity building scheme in APEC economies
During this session, Mexico will present a proposal of capacity building scheme in order to spread into the participants’ economies, the methods and methodologies of common use by the public servants to elaborate the regulatory impact evaluation.
Mr. Eduardo Esteban Romero Fong, General Coordinator of Regulatory Impact Assessments.
17:45-18:00 / Plenary Session. Approval of the Guide and the capacity building scheme.
18:15-20:00 / Welcome Cocktail. (Ministry of Foreign Affairs)
November 8, 2013 (Friday)
Time / Activity9:30-10:00
10:00-10:20 / Welcome
Mr. Francisco Leopoldo De RosenzweigMendialdúa, Viceminister of External Trade
Mr. Virgilio Andrade Martínez, Head of COFEMER
10:20-11:45 / Session 1. Practical examples on the use of the Guide of regulatory impact evaluation. An expert will present a regulatory case, showing the practical application of some methods and methodologies to evaluate the impact of regulation.There will be group sessions and conclusions to show the use of the Guide.
Mr. Benjamin Contreras Astiazarán, Commissioner of the Federal Economic Competition Commission.
11:45-12:00 / Coffee break
12:00:-13:20 / Session 2. Practical examples on the use of the Guide of regulatory impact evaluation.An expert will present a regulatory case, showing the practical application of some methods and methodologies to evaluate the impact of regulation.There will be group sessions and conclusions to show the use of the Guide.
Mr.Nathan Frey, Policy Analyst. Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Office of Management and Budget, USA.
13:20-15:20 / Lunch
15:20-16:40 / Session 3. Practical examples on the use of the Guide of regulatory impact evaluation. An expert will present a regulatory case, showing the practical application of some methods and methodologies to evaluate the impact of regulation.There will be group sessions and conclusions to show the use of the Guide.
Mr. Paulo Esteban Alcaraz, General Coordinator of Regulatory Improvement of Services and Legal Affairs.
16:40-17:30 / Plenary Session: Final considerations Closing remarks
20:00-22:00 / Cultural Event. (Bellas Artes Palace).