SESSION 1: 14.30 – 15.00

Organisation name / Title of presentation / Name of presenter
1 / Bioversity International / Using Climate Change Models and Location Coordinates of Genebank Samples to Select Crop Varieties Pre-adapted to Future Climates / Laura Snook
2 / City and Guilds Centre for Skills Development / Training for Rural Development: Agriculture and enterprise skills for women smallholders / Nick Grist
3 / Cornell University and Ecoagriculture Partners / The State of Agricultural Landscapes GHG Measurement / Erick Fernandez with Stephen Muwaya
4 / Global Donor Platform for Rural Development / The Way Forward for Agriculture and Climate Change / David Howlett
5 / Tearfund (with Action Against Hunger and the Institute of Development Studies) / Local voices: adaption in Mali and Ethiopia / Joanna Khinmaung (Tearfund) and Morwenna Sullivan (Action Against Hunger UK).
6 / Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy / Carbon: The Next Toxic Investment Asset? / Steve Suppan
7 / The German Marshall Fund of the U.S. / Fixing a Critical Climate Change Accounting Error / Timothy D Searchinger
8 / RIPA – Rede de Inovaçao e Prospecçã o Tecnológica para agronegócio / Red, Yellow and Green
The colorful road to a low-carbon economy Project / Paulo Manoel
9 / International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) / Synergies between agricultural mitigation and adaptation to climate change: The East African experience / Claudia Ringler; Barrack Okoba
10 / ICRISAT / Adapting rain fed agriculture in the Semi-Arid Tropics to Climate Change: Advancing a ‘Hypothesis of Hope.’ / Peter Cooper
11 / European Climate Foundation / The Agriculture sector’s contribution to the objective of limiting global warming to 2°C / Tom Brookes

SESSION 2: 15.15 – 15.45

Organisation name / Title of presentation / Name of presenter
1 / Hamburg University of Applied Sciences / Reducing vulnerability to climate change and global market developments.
Capacity building and knowledge transfer for smallholder farmers in Small Island Developing States as one means to adapt to a changing environment – the case of St Lucia / Franziska Mannke
2 / World Agroforestry Centre / Agroforestry for mitigation and adaptation / Henry Neufeldt
3 / The CGIAR WorldFish Center, on behalf of the multi-agency Partnership on Climate, Fisheries and Aquaculture (PaCFA) / Food from troubled waters: adapting fisheries and aquaculture to climate change. / Edward Allison
4 / Instituto do Homem e Meio Ambiente da Amazon
(Amazon Institute of People and the Environment) / Reducing Emissions from Deforestation caused by Cattle Expansion in the Brazilian Amazon - Solutions Exist / Paulo Barreto
5 / National Wildlife Federation / From Source to Sink: Reducing Commodity Agriculture’s Impacts on Natural Lands / Barbara Bramble
6 / Platform for Agro-biodiversity Research / Climate change and agrobiodiversity: Strengthening adaptability and resilience; facilitating adaptation and transition / Toby Hodgkin
7 / Bayer CropScience AG / Climate Protection contributions by Bayer CropScience / Ernst von Franck
8 / Secretariat for Swedish International Agricultural Network Initiative (SIANI) / Reconciling conflicts of interest in the implementation of ‘low-carbon agriculture / Rasmus Larsen
9 / Ecoagriculture Partners / Future Directions for Agricultural Landscape Carbon / Seth Shames, with Antonio Bento, (Sam Bell, John Fay)
10 / Bowen University, IWO Nigeria / Impact of Climate change on Livelihood and Food Security of Artisanal Fisherfolks in Lagos State, Nigeria / Omitoyin Siyanbola