Please use the template below without modifying the section headings. Wherever possible and relevant please provide a detailed breakdown of items (unit, quantity, unit cost) and costs for each budget line. Where breakdown of unit, quantity and unit cost is not available or irrelevant, please provide total amount of the item along with sufficient description of cost content. Please add additional rows, as needed.
Budget Lines / Cost Breakdown
Unit / Quantity / Unit Cost / Total (USD)
A. Staff and Other Personnel Costs (please itemize costs of staff, consultants and other personnel to be recruited directly by the agency for project implementation)
Sub-Total A:
B. Supplies, Commodities, Materials (please itemize direct and indirect costs of consumables to be purchased under the project, including associated transportation, freight, storage and distribution costs)
Sub-Total B:
C. Equipment (please itemize costs of non-consumables to be purchased under the project)
Sub-Total C:
D. Contractual Services (please list works and services to be contracted under the project)
Sub-Total D:
E. Travel (please itemize travel costs of staff, consultants and other personnel for project implementation)
Sub-Total E:
F. Transfers and Grants to Counterparts (please list transfers and sub-grants to project implementing partners)
Sub-Total F:
G. General Operating and Other Direct Costs (please include general operating expenses and other direct costs for project implementation)
Sub-Total G:
Subtotal Direct Project Costs
Subtotal direct project costs
Indirect Programme Support Costs (PSC)
PSC rate (as percentage of the subtotal direct project costs)
PSC amount
Total CERF Loan Request
Annex – CERF Loan Budget Guidance
Budget Line / Guidance on Cost BreakdownA. Staff and Other Personnel Costs / Unit / Quantity / Unit Cost / Total
· Costs and entitlements of national and international staff directly involved in the programme/project. Itemize each national and international staff by function and grade/level;
· National and international consultants contracted directly by the agency. Describe the function / expertise of the consultants hired for the programme/project;
· Other personnel such as temporary staff and daily workers directly contracted by the agency;
· Do not include consultancies with firms or agreements with implementing partners (which go under budget categories D and F, respectively). / · Provide unit / quantity / unit cost by monthly or daily rates for each position.
B. Supplies, Commodities, Materials / Unit / Quantity / Unit Cost / Total
· Procurement of consumable supplies for project implementation (e.g. drugs, food, NFIs, tents, seeds, tools, etc.);
· Costs associated with the delivery, storage and distribution of consumable supplies procured by the project, such as transportation, freight, customs, insurance, warehousing and other logistical requirements;
· Communications materials for training and awareness raising, such as posters, pamphlets, etc., as well as the reproduction of these items. / · Provide unit / quantity/ unit cost for each type of consumables to be purchased;
· If a consumable is in the form of a kit, provide an itemized list of the content of the kit in an annex or refer to the standard kit descriptions agreed with CERF.
C. Equipment / Unit / Quantity / Unit Cost / Total
· Procurement of non-consumables for the benefit of project recipients (e.g. IT equipment for registration, medical equipment, etc.). / · Provide unit/ quantity/ unit cost for each type of equipment to be purchased.
D. Contractual Services
· List and describe the works and services – normally of a commercial nature - contracted directly by the agency following procurement procedures. / · Provide unit / quantity / unit cost for each contract.
E. Travel / Unit / Quantity / Unit Cost / TOTAL
· Travel costs of staff, consultants and other project personnel, such as daily subsistence allowance, international and local flights, hazard pay and other travel entitlements, as applicable;
· Fuel and vehicle/boat rental costs for staff, consultants and other project personnel;
· Itemize by international and internal/national travel, cost type and indicate whom the travel cost is for. / · For staff, consultant and other personnel travel, provide details on the number of days, DSA rate and national and international flight costs (round/single trip);
· Provide unit/ quantity/ unit cost for vehicle/ boat rental, and fuel for internal travel.
F. Transfers and Grants to Counterparts / Unit / Quantity / Unit Cost / TOTAL
· List the partners by name and describe services – normally of a non-commercial nature – contracted by the agency through sub-granting procedures for project implementation. Entities receiving sub-grants could be NGOs, government or other non-commercial entities. / · Provide the estimated cost breakdown of partnership agreements by: 1) staffing; 2) direct operational cost; and 3) other direct costs.
ü Staffing in a sub-granting amount refers to the cost of personnel recruited by the implementing partner to carry out the services sub-contracted by the agency;
ü Direct operational cost refers to all costs of direct operational inputs (equipment, supplies, transport, etc.) for delivery of services;
ü Other direct costs refer to the general operating and office running costs for the partner to carry out the services/works.
G. General Operating and Other Direct Costs / Unit / Quantity / Unit Cost / TOTAL
· General operating costs, including office running costs, office stationary/supplies, and utilities such as telecommunications, internet, and office rental for the implementation of this project;
· Other direct costs that cannot be mapped to the expense categories above, such as agency specific standard provisions such as technical supervisory support, monitoring and evaluation, reporting, and others as agreed with the CERF. / · Itemize the other direct costs by unit/quantity/unit cost;
· Lumpsum costs can be accepted provided satisfactory description on what the lumpsum covers and how it is estimated.
Subtotal Direct Project Costs / This is the sum of budget categories A – G.
Indirect Programme Support Costs
· To cover PSC at headquarters, regional and country level. / · PSC rate is PSC as percentage of the subtotal direct project costs.
Total CERF Loan Request / Sum up total direct project costs and indirect programme support costs
Note: / a) Please use “,” rather than space or “.” as thousands separator, e.g. one thousand two hundred and thirty four dollars should appear as “$1,234”; b) Subtotal, PSC and total amount should be rounded to the nearest dollar.
CERF Application Template January 2013
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