IEEE Communications System Integration and Modeling Committee (CSIM)
Minutes of the meeting at GLOBECOM 2000
San Francisco, November 27-30, 2000
Time: Wednesday, November 29, 2000
Location: Mark Hopkins Hotel, Stanford Room, San Francisco
The CSIM Chair, Mohammad Ilyas, chaired the Technical Committee. The meeting was opened at 5:40 PM. Present at the meeting were:
NameEmail address
After the attendees introduced themselves, the minutes of the CSIM committee meeting at ICC 2000 were discussed. The minutes were approved with a minor correction – GC 20001 was corrected to be GC 2001.
Dr. Hussein Mouftah indicated that Nelson Fonseca is dearly missed at this meeting. He could not attend the meeting because of his sickness. We all wish him a complete and speedy recovery.
TAC report
Mohammad Ilyas attended the TAC meeting. He reported that the technical programs for ICC and GLOBEDCOM are now being organized in the form of Symposia. Technical committees can sponsor or co-sponsor these symposia. It was also reported that there is a need for having updated information on the on the websites of the technical committees. The information should include policies and procedures for each committee.
Conference reports:
GLOBECOM 2000: Mike Devetsikiotis represented CSIM on the TPC. He was not present at the meeting. However, CSIM is sponsoring one half-day session in the general conference. CSIM is the primary sponsor of the Satellite Symposium and a co-sponsor of the High-Speed Networks Symposium.
MILCOM 2000: Guy Omidyar attends MILCOM regularly and serves as a liaison of the committee. He was not present at the meeting. However, the committee has sponsored seven sessions a tutorial. Symeon Papavassiliou also volunteered to help in activities related to MILCOM.
ICC 2001: CSIM representative is Pascal Lorenz. He reported that a total of 1143 papers were received. CSIM has received 54 papers. Each paper is to be reviewed by three referees. The conference has 9 symposia, 17 tutorials and workshops. CSIM will possibly have 2.5 sessions, and two workshops (one full day and one half day).
INFOCOM 2001: To be held in Anchorage, Alaska in April 2001.
GLOBECOM 2001: Symeon Papavassiliou represents CSIM on the TPC. He reported that CSIM is sponsoring one symposium, “Internet Performance Symposium” proposed by Marco Marsan. There will be five more symposia advertised in the call for papers and CSIM may possibly co-sponsor some of those. Symeon indicated that he might need help in reviewing the papers.
ICC 2002: The conference will be held in New York. Oliver Yang is CSIM’s representative to TPC. Oliver Yang was not at the conference and hence not in the committee meeting either. Professor Hussein Mouftah reported that the conference would be a bit different. It has identified 10 symposia so far and there may be more. Every TC will sponsor a symposium and may sponsor more than one. There are not any general conference papers planned. However, if a symposium is cancelled, the cancellation may result in some general conference papers.
INFOCOM 2002: The conference does not have specific representation from this committee. However, CSIM members are encouraged to submit papers and participate in its activities.
GLOBECOM 2002: The conference will be held in Taipei, Taiwan. Pascal Lorenz has agreed to be Cesium’s representative. Professor Mouftah reported the conference would be organized in the form of Symposia. Authors will be asked to indicate the name of symposium that they think their paper(s) belong to. A symposium will be cancelled if the number of papers submitted for that symposium is less than 80.
MILCOM 2002: CSIM members are encouraged to participate. Guy Omidyar is an active participant in MILCOM activities. Symeon Papavassiliou has also volunteered for MILCOM activities.
CAMAD – Yanati Shu and Amitabh Mishra have shown interest in preparing a proposal for the next CAMAD workshop. The CAMAD is likely to be at Virginia Tech, the new place of Amitabh Mishra.
It was suggested that the cesium’s activity in organizing special issue for JSAC and other COMSOC publications. Symeon Papavassiliou and Mohammad Ilyas will join hands in preparing a proposal for JSAC.
CSIM name also needs to be considered. The members present at the meeting agreed that some suggestions should be circulated among the committee membership for discussion and selection of a new name.
Mohammad Ilyas requested all members to be pro-active in inviting others to join the committee.
The meeting was adjourned at 19:50 hours.
Submitted my Mohammad Ilyas