Adult School Leadership TeamFINALMinutes for 2/17/16 1| Page

Facilitator / Ramón Leyba
Recorder / Debbie McLinden
Present / Mary Alvarado,Andrea Aragoza,Bernard Balanay, Wes Braddock, Lisa Diaz-Lopez, Michelle Dullea,Sara Garcia-Salgado, AliciaHernandez, RamónLeyba,Teresa Matos,Kevin McClelland, Debbie McLinden,VirginiaMendoza,Teresa Matos, MaryMurphy-Clagett,CrystalRobinson, and Sheryl Sanchez.
Approved / January 20, 2016, minutes
Director (Ramón)
Director (Ramón)
Topic / WASC Update-Sheryl & Michelle
Discussion / ●WASC Visit Schedule is complete (Michelle will email to everyone).
 Rooms are all ready to go at CVA.
 WASC meeting for faculty on Thursday, February 18, 2016.
Topic / TSA Middle School Site Visits
Discussion / ●Ramón has assigned TSA to a site for visit.
 Reason for visits; TSA to get a feel of how teachers at the middle schools are using technology in the
 Visits to be completed by spring break; March 18, 2016.
Topic / AEBG Update
Discussion / ●Approval of MOU between SWC, SUHSD, and Coronado school district is pending.
 CDC meeting will be on April 14, 2016, at 4:00pm in the board conference room.
Topic / HiSET Testing Update Board Item - Sara
Discussion / ●Sara has submitted board item for Testing Agreement between CVA and ETS (Education Testing Service).
 Item going to board on February 22, 2016.
Topic / HiSET Testing Update Board Item - Sara
/ Adult Summer School 2016
Discussion / ●Guidelines distributed.
 Summer School Term will be from June 6, 2016, to July 1, 2016.
 Ramon asked principals to review with FAC.
Topic / Adult Education Week
Conclusion / ●April 4-8, 2016
Principal/CVA (Wes)
Topic / TSA Update
/ Students with disabilities
Discussion / ●A request for accommodations for a student is handled on a case to case basis.
 Questions, you can always contact Michelle Sturm-Gonzales through Special Services.
Topic / Caps & Gowns
Discussion / ●Left over gowns – reuse
●Dirty ones; give to student free and have them wash
●Can still be loaned out
●Principals let Ramón know how many you have on hand and how many you will need.
●Ramón will identify the company.

Accountability (Alicia)
Topic / ADA & Enrollment Reports
Discussion / ●Reports distributed and reviewed.
 Alicia will start emailing reports to everyone next month.
/ CTE Video
Discussion / ●Teresa showed a great video of students who went on to get jobs after attending classes from CTE program.
Topic / Conferences
Conclusion / ●Microsoft Office 365 - March 11, 2016, 9:00-11:00am (NCA)
●Educating for Careers - March 6-8, 2016 (Sacramento)

●CCAE - April 21-23, 2016 (San Francisco)
●International Baking Industry Exposition - October 8-11, 2016 (Las Vegas)
●ACTE Vision 2016 - November 30, 2016, to December 3, 2016 (Las Vegas)
Topic / Workforce Readiness Pilot
Conclusion / ●February 22, 2016 – May 6, 2016 (NCA)
Topic / Board presentation – Spotlight video
Discussion / ●Real-time video; someone will be going into classrooms to video.
ABE/ASE (Lisa)
Topic / Spanish testing for HSE placement
/ Substitutes for adult education
/ Curriculum
Discussion / ●English II will be out in July.
●7-12 adopting a new class; Financial Algebra. Lisa would like to integrate to Adult Ed.
ESL/EL Civics/DL(Mary)
Topic / CASAS Testing
Conclusion / ●Testing begins February 29, 2016 (ends by March 18, 2016).
Topic / EL Civics
Conclusion / ●Testing will start after April 4, 2016.
Topic / Survey
Conclusion / ●Mary thanked principals for assisting her on getting the surveys out.
W. Braddock / ●Reported that CANVAS training went well.
M. Dullea / ●Google training is going good at CVA.
 Michelle is willing to help with training at other sites.
R. Leyba / ●Ramon distributed memo of VA Program that he will be discussing with Dr. Joe Fulcher.
V. Mendoza / ●Shared results of Learner Survey at the Resource Staff meeting.
S. Sanchez / ●Sheryl and Mary were invited by Jorge Garcia to visit at Tyson Foods.
Proposal to have Tyson employees attend ESL or Citizenship classes thru adult ed.
NEXT MEETING / Wednesday, March 16, 2016
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