J.W. WILSON MS Lesson Template

Teacher(s): L. Smith


Date (s):

Subject: Health Education


Grade(s): ------6th Grade7th Grade8th Grade6th & 7th Grade6th & 8th Grade7th & 8th Grade6th, 7th, & 8th Grade


Time to complete (in periods): 8

Unit: Self Awearness


Lesson Topic/Title:"If You Really Knew Me"…Project

Student population:

Resource ESL Inclusion AIG Academically Average Mixed Ability


OBJECTIVES of the lesson:

[State the SPECIFIC goals of this lesson. What will students know or be able to do by the completion of the lesson? Start each statement with “In the study of…”.]
In the study of Self Awearness, students will explore their past experiences by create a T-shirt that shows their true self and shows their understanding by presenting their T-shirt and showing the class their true self while the class shows each person compation.
BACKGROUND KNOWLEDGE necessary for students before engaging in this lesson:
"If You Really Knew Me…" is a reality show where students from different cliques come together in a series of challenges to show their true self. It is way to break the barriers created at school and show students that most of us are experiencing so of the same things.
PRECONCEPTIONS that may need to be addressed:
MTV has come along and taken real HS kids and put them in a Reality TV show that EVERYONE and most importantly every TEENAGER in America can relate to in one way or another. IT is real, emotional, heartbreaking, & amazing.

List the NORTH CAROLINA STATE STANDARDS to be addressed in this lesson:

/ Key Vocabulary
9.ICR.3.4 , 9.ICR.1.2, 9.ICR.1.1 / self awareness
To create class unite and break all sterotypes and/or barriers for futer class discussions. Also, knowing how to show compation and keeping things confidental. / ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS:
If we really knew you… What is one thing that we should know?
Create a "motto" in which you live day by day.
Analyze your strenghts.
Re-create your greatest achievement…
Evaluate someone or something that has impacted you positively.
Classify someone or something that has caused you physical, emotion, mental pain.
Analyze the "highs and lows" in your life.
Predict the outcome of this project…
Don't judge a book by it's cover…meaning don't judge others until you really get to know them and share things about yourself. It's scare to let others in our lives but if you don't let anyone in the world is very cold when you stand alone.
How does this lesson represent BEST PRACTICE?
Focuses on important (standards-based) ideas & skills and promotes conceptual understanding
Uses a variety of instructional approaches to maintain student engagement (e.g., □ lecture,
group work and team work □ demonstration
field trips role play skits technology
T-shirt Creation
Encourages guided discovery, inquiry, and design
Engages students in peer and self assessment
Includes key questions to elicit responses that reflect understanding of important content
Promotes procedural fluency
Addresses naïve conceptions
Prompts discourse among students and with teacher
Builds on prior student knowledge / Aligns curriculum, instruction, and assessment
Establishes cross-disciplinary connections
Establishes real-world connections for students so that they generalize lesson concepts to content applications
Prompts higher order thinking (students analyze, compare and contrast, classify…)
Prompts students to generate alternative ideas and
Adjusts instructional methods according to student
population and understanding
Procedure includes summary focused on key ideas
Motivates learning during and beyond the lesson
Applies AVID strategies
Writing Inquiry
Collaboration Reading
(other) Craetes class unite
MATERIALS AND RESOURCES Needed (List IT resources and other materials)
Paint, Markers, Glitter, Tape, Wax paper, Large Clipboards, T-shirt (provided by students)
This should include ALL teacher explanations, examples, questions, and student activities associated with the delivery of the lesson. Nothing should be left to the imagination. Sequence should include guided practice, independent practice, and closure of lesson. Indicate how you plan to address remediation and/or enrichment for the lesson objectives. Other teachers should be able to reproduce this exact lesson using this lesson plan. Indicate (with an asterisk) where embedded formative assessments will occur during the implementation of the lesson. Indicate instructional alternatives that may be employed for differentiating instruction for students with special needs.
Day 1:
MTV's If You Really Knew Me, series features 12 schools going through Challenge Day including young peoples’ before and after stories. MTV began filming the acclaimed day-long Challenge Day program at selected schools across the United States. Over a series of twelve episodes, young people and adults will be shown experiencing the innovative workshop, which is designed to break down barriers and promote understanding, acceptance, and love in schools and communities. Through a carefully-designed series of games, activities, and trust-building exercises that break down the walls of separation and create new levels of empathy and respect.
Motivated by a vision that love and connection are possible in schools.
We are going to create a "If You Really Knew Me" T-shirt. This T-shirt is a project where you are going to have to dig deep to find the answer. You are also going to present the T-shirt to the class. When giving your presentaion you will need to give exaples or tell a story. This activity is to help create class unite since we are going to be discussing touching subjects and we need to have a form of trust in the class. I will be sharing personal stories to start the presentations so you can see what I expect.
Today I want you to sketch a rough draft and start brainstorming on the following topics;
Front of T-shirt must include…
Center: "Motto" in which you live by or would like to start living by. Example, "Live, Love, Laught"
Right Sleeve: "Strenghts" What would you say your strenghts are?
Right Shoulder: "Greatest Achievements" so far…
Left Shoulder: "Passionate Aboout" What are you passoinate about, can be things, activities, people, etc..
Left Sleeve: "Someone or Something that has impacted you personally"
Underneath Motto: "Family" Tell me something about your family
Left Bottom: "Likes about self" What do you like about yourself, can be qualities, physical, etc
Back of T-shirt must include:
Right Shoulder: "Pain" Something or someone that has caused you pain.
Right Arm Pit: "Hates/dislikes" Hate is a strong word so think wisely. It can be about you or things in genreal.
Left Shoulder Blade: "Something you worry about" What worries you?
Center: "Weakness/Flawes" About you.
I would like pictures and not words, because you are going to explain the meaning behind. Put as much as you want on this shirt. Do not put your name. I want you to create this shirt so that we will be able to know it is you and no one who is not in our class.
Students will be given time to brainstorm.
Day 2 - 4: (added an extra day due to Discipline Assembly)
Students who brought T-shirts in will beable to start the actual creation. Those who did not bring shirts in will need to continue to work on roung draft.
Day 5-8:
Presentations begin. Every student will present their T-shirt. The teacher will model the expectations for the presentations by sharing her shirt.
ASSESSMENT Methodologies [Embedded Diagnostic, Formative and Summative] planned to demonstrate the degree to which students have mastered the listed NC Performance Indicators indicated on the prior page.
Selected Response: (Circle type(s): Paper/pencil tests; multiple choice; true/false; matching; short answer fill-ins)
Essay: (Circle type(s): Extended written answers; Graphic organizers - KWL or TWK) (indicate guiding questions, scoring criteria, and sample student responses)
Constructed Response: (selcect:Multi-steps; Document-based questions) (indicate guiding questions, scoring criteria, and sample student responses)
Performance Assessment: ( selcect: Individual; group;product-based; performance-based;
artistic;authentic.(Indicate guiding questions, scoring criteria, and sample student responses.)
Classroom observation ( selcect: Formal; Informal) (if formal, indicate guiding questions, scoring criteria, and sample student responses)
Whole class discussion (indicate guiding questions, scoring criteria, and sample student responses)
Small group discussions (indicate guiding question, scoring criteria, and sample student responses)
Individual student interviews (indicate interview questions, scoring criteria and student responses)
Process or Reflective measures: ( selcect: Journals; Logs; (other) (indicate scoring method; explain development and use of rubrics; provide an example of a finished journal)
Portfolios (indicate scoring method; explain development and use of rubrics; provide an example of a finished portfolio)
In-class worksheet/written assignment (explain assignment and/or provide example of student work)
Quiz/Test/Exam (indicate scoring method; provide an example)
Other (describe)Presentaion
Other (describe)Students will write a reflection, the following class, on each others presentations
DESCRIPTION OF SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT: Indicate how students’ learning of lesson objectives (stated earlier) will be comprehensively assessed. (“Post” assessment.) Include description of assignment and sample items.
Each students will present their T-shirts to the class in a story like manner. When the student is presenting their shirt they will explain what they put for each part and how it represents them. So of the information they share will be very personal and heartbreaking while others stories might be vauge. It all depends on how much the student wants to share with the class.
Student Reflection..is a way for the students to reflect on what they heard the previous class. They are encouraged to write about their thoughts and feelings, how their classmates presentation made them feel pesonnally and towards one another. Also, it is a way for them to express their feelings before and after they present.
AFTER LESSON IMPLEMENTATION, PROVIDE YOUR REFLECTIONS: Tell the story of what happened in the classroom. Indicate what worked, what you would change for the next implementation, and students’ reactions to the lesson. Use additional pages if needed.

*Attach to this lesson template: any and all WORKSHEETS and HANDOUTS, and examples of ALL indicated ASSESSMENTS (embedded formative and summative).

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