Participant Demographics

The following information is being collected to gather aggregate data and get a better sense of business participating in this event. Please circle the response that best correlates with demographics of your business or organization.

No. of employees in your company/organization:

Under 5050 – 150150 – 500Over 500

Primary Business:

ManufacturingServiceTransportationGovernment / Non-Profit Finance


What is your role in your business/organization:

Owner/PartnerExecutive Level Management Level Non-management Level

Government AffairsOther

Company Scope:



Company Name:




Opinion Survey

Your responses to the following questions will help Business Leaders for Transportation and your Congressional leaders understand what transportation priorities are important to members of the business community. Please circle the most appropriate response for the following statements

  1. Road congestion contributes to lost productivity, delivery delays, and adversely affects employee welfare.

Strongly Agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree DisagreeStrongly Disagree

  1. Additional transit service would decrease road congestion.

Strongly Agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree DisagreeStrongly Disagree

  1. Improved planning and coordinated land use and development can help reduce traffic congestion.

Strongly Agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree DisagreeStrongly Disagree

  1. I am willing to support a 1 - 5 cent per gallon increase in the federal gas tax to pay for transportation infrastructure improvement projects.

Strongly Agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree DisagreeStrongly Disagree

  1. I support tax incentives for companies that reduce the number of cars on the road through the use of employee car-pools, shuttle buses, transit checks and other methods.

Strongly Agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree DisagreeStrongly Disagree

While some of the following questions may seem to be geared toward an organization’s decision-makers, we are interested in opinions at all organizational levels. Please answer the following questions from your unique perspective in your business/organization.

  1. Frequent, reliable freight railroad service is an important mode of getting my company’s products to market.

Strongly Agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree DisagreeStrongly Disagree

  1. My company would utilize freight rail as a means of transport if it were more efficient and cost-effective.

Strongly Agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree DisagreeStrongly Disagree

  1. Improved transportation systems are important to the growth and expansion of my business.

Strongly Agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree DisagreeStrongly Disagree

  1. There are enough transportation options to meet my company’s needs.

Strongly Agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree DisagreeStrongly Disagree

  1. Frequent, affordable public transportation would increase my company’s access to a larger employee pool.

Strongly Agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree DisagreeStrongly Disagree

  1. What is the most important transportation issue affecting your business?
  1. What transportation improvement project would be most beneficial to your business?

When finished, please fax to the attention of Katrina Croswell at (312) 922-5619,
or mail to Business Leaders for Transportation, 25 E. Washington Ave., Suite 1600, Chicago, IL 60602