March 3rd , 2015

Location: Motion Industries

Time 6:00 PM

Attendees: Ryan DeJoe, Pat Wilde, Tony Nacewicz, Lincoln Plett , Nickie Perger, Scott Perger and Lori Fitzpatrick

Absent: Dora Morales and Jennifer Kendall

6:10-6:15 Roll call

Welcome Lori Fitzpatrick

Guest presenters

Tammy - Moved here to Tucson in Sept. And is opening Performance sports. Works with ages 5-22yrs old on strength and conditioning. Program for a private workout session runs $199 a month and is supervised. Located at 5150 La Cholla near River Rd. Will do teams and groups at different rates. Business should be up and running March 20th. 3-8 Mon-Fri Saturdays 9-1 Possible team rates.

Rick - Former coach in Michigan - can come in and help coaches Talked about his past experience in ice hockey. Has worked with all levels, from learn to skate through coaching. Coached LTS though college (club) Worked for Suburban Hockey for approximately 15 years. USA certification Level 5 coach. Coached with coach Hogan. Would like to volunteer to coaching director. Wants to create a program for coaches to work on skills and training..

Coach Steve from Chandler - currently coaching a house team. Their rink got bought out. Scottsdale turned him down to join their association. Their current coach left, new coach was suspended. Allegation of bulling in previous association and the parents filed a grievance. Team got closed down. Politics forces certain kids on teams. He plans on charging $3800 for his travel team. We would have to join AHA. We had concerns over finance, insurance and any grievances that may be brought to us.. Issue brought up Steve wanted to use our banner (association name) for a trip to Anaheim for a tournament, he is also able to use Flagstaff.

Pat motions to have Steve from Chandler to bring proposal to board. Seconded by Ryan. Tabled until Steve comes up with a proposal. All in Favor.

Jerseys - Logo is larger then expected. According to Pat, Allidin Graphics can remove the Firebird logo. Quote for a new logo is $25 - 30 embroidered logo. Silk screen would be $5 to remove logo. Tackle twill same as embroidered and after looking we all agree looks a little better. Discussed buying jerseys. Bauer are $10 a piece. Dangles the same. We may make an offer on all of them, 10 a piece for the Bauer and 5 for the others. This is pending until we can confirm prices with Alladin as well as removal of graphics. Ryan will contact Behind the mask to make sure the jerseys are still made new, so we can buy any additional that may be needed.

Tony motions to offer 10 for each Bauer and 5 a piece for each Dangle. Pat - Seconded. All in favor.

Ryan motion to Nickie second. Pat get one sample jersey done. Go with Alladin. All in favor

Investigate NHL for diversity program. They help build rinks for low income and diverse areas.

Next board meeting scheduled for April Wed 8th at 6PM.

Meeting adjourned at 8:30 PM