Washington Grove Elementary School PTA Meeting
November 6, 2007
ATTENDEES: President Valerie Rivers, Vice President Shelley Winkler, Recording Secretary Cathy Ruback, Treasurer Kim Arner, Principal Susan Barranger, Assistant Principal Scott Curry. Teachers: Katie Kolb. Parents: Heather Aguilar, Mayra Arias, Molly Banks, Mariella Dallas, Charlene Elliott, Jose Garcia, Ana Guerra, Randy Gunawan, Kenny He, Dwayne Henry, Zhang Jin, Tuyen Le, Karen Lottes, Kevin McCarthy, Fernandina Meneses, Robin Menge, Aldo Paz, Scarlet Prado, Ellen Price, Sarah Rothschild, Musa Touray, Liz Tran, Raul Vazquez, Tracy Zeigfinger.
The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m.
TITLE I: Anita Shapiro, our Title I instructional specialist, gave a presentation on what it means to be a Title I school. Title I brings 5 things to our school:
- Extended Day/Extended Year
-ELO summer program, after school clubs (clubs begin in January, activity bus provided)
2. Instructional Materials
-The school can buy extra reading and math materials, as well as family involvement materials (Math Night, Reading Night).
3. Special Initiatives
-Full day kindergarten (before other schools did) and lower class sizes in kindergarten through second grades
4. Parent Involvement
- Parent committee for input into decision making
- Reading and math nights, as well as programs during the day
5. Additional staff
- 6 professionals and 7 paraprofessionals at WGES funded by Title I for reading and math support (includes the gifted/talented teacher also)
GIFTED AND TALENTED: Terra Kalinock presented information about the gifted/talented program at WGES.
-There are 5 areas of giftedness: visual/performing arts, leadership, creative thinking, general intellectual ability and specific academic ability.
- Gifted students in first and second grade may attend Takoma Park Elementary. Fourth and fifth graders may attend Clearspring Elementary. Grades 6, 7 and 8 may attend Roberto Clemente Middle School.
- Argyle Middle School has a program for Information Technology. Loiderman Middle has the program for creative/performing arts. Parkland Middle has an aerospace program.
PRINCIPAL’S REPORT: December 6 is the polar bear Read with Me program. Mrs. Moran, Mrs. McClure and Ms. Hagan are available to provide computer time for families of WGES students on Thursday evenings from 6 to 8 p.m. Students and their families can come to do research or learn computer skills. The private foundation that provided money in the past for holiday shopping will continue to help our students this year. Construction- MCPS and Parks/Planning are pointing fingers at each other for the delay. 8 trees will have to be cut down here. Therefore, MCPS must buy and reforest 5.9 acres of land, at $40,000 per acre. The Board of Education has to approve that $240,000 expenditure before we can move forward.
GAITHERSBURG HIGH SCHOOL CONSTRUCTION: GHS will have a new building for 2012, then will tear down the old building, if everything goes according to schedule. Cluster coordinator Steve Augustino will advocate in front of the Board of Education, County Council, and the state of Maryland. The next time is November 15 at the 7:30 p.m. board of education meeting.
TREASURER’S REPORT: We went over the approved budget and latest printouts for the month.
BOOK FAIR: The book fair made over $2000. We were able to buy books for teachers and Mrs. Moran. Volunteers are needed for next year. Shelley Winkler can help train people.
FUNDRAISING: Dinner out at Ay Jalisco! brought in $177. The next dinner out is at Old Country Buffet in December. The Gold Canyon Candle sale will begin November 7 and end November 27. They will be ordered by December 1 and arrive in time for Christmas. We need a volunteer to take over the ordering and sale of spirit wear.
THANKSGIVING FEAST: November 15 at 6:30 p.m. Tracy Zeigfinger still needs volunteers.
MISCELLANEOUS: The school store is open Wednesdays at lunchtime. Directories are at the printer now, and should come home in a few weeks. International Night is May 21; volunteers needed to help. See Karen Lottes. The Winter/Spring Festival may have to be indoors because of construction this year.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:25 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Cathy Ruback