Ø  Internet resources are an extension of our traditional services.

Ø  Technology utilization is real. It is standard in the workplace and in our lives, especially in Corporate America. Client-companies and Candidates expect a technological experience and efficiency in most every aspect of their life and that trend will only continue to grow.

Ø  The administrative tasks talented career coaches and counselors performed in the past are today quickly and efficiently accomplished by cutting edge technological tools now available to affected employees.

Ø  Technology allows a resource such as a counselor to spend more meaningful time discussing career and life options with affected employees, thus improving the overall quality of the program.

Ø  Insala finds new revenue streams to accompany the added costs of technology to your business.

Inside This Issue:

Who Is Insala? 1

What Is Tech View? 1

Technological Business Options 2

Using Technology to Generate New Revenue Streams 2

Reselling Services On-line: A Trend for Success 2

Insala Group, the Mighty-Dot 3

Who Is Insala?

Insala Group, PLLC is an innovative organization that develops and offers a complete range of professional and technological services to the modern business leader.

§  Web-native Technology Solutions & Services

§  EmploymentTalk™

§  E-CareerManager™

§  Human Resources, Consumer, & Business Information Services

Insala is the global leader in providing continuously improved career transition and career management technology to the career management industry. Insala also provides employment related technology services to corporations, institutions, and, ultimately, consumers. Insala will remain the career transition technology leader by continually delivering high quality, cost effective interactive Internet technologies, employment related services, and web-native developmental products.

It is the Vision of Insala to provide the finest communication and technological services to employers and employees while being an innovator in the development of interactive human resources, consumer, and business information services such as ET.

Insala, originating in 1994, is a Professional Limited Liability Company with business headquarters in Euless, TX conveniently located between Dallas and Fort Worth. In addition, an Administrative Bureau to service the European Union opened in November 2000 located in metro-Osnabruck, Germany.

What Is Tech View?

The current technology debate in the Career Management Industry rages on and no one truly knows what the future holds. Many are on-line and have an Internet strategy, however, most are struggling with how the Internet will impact business while trying to maintain technology costs.

Tech View is an information service brought to you by Insala, the developer ofEmploymentTalk™ and E-CareerManager™ -- premiere continuously improved, private label Internet business service solutions. Through Tech View, Insala assists your organization by facilitating a technology dialogue regarding the Career Management Industry with the goal of bringing logic and vision to the current situation.

Insala spent the last 18 months closely studying the technology used by the industry, informally surveying industry opinions regarding available technology, and learning where the industry is going with the Internet. In response, we tooled to assist theindustry and continually strive to become a key contributor in providing technological assistance and service.

Special Tech View Conference Edition
June 14-17, 2001
Tampa, Florida

Technological Business Options

iLinx, a bimonthly newsletter of the HR Technology X-Change from The Society for Human Resource Management, December 2000, sites The Gartner Group, a major IT information resource that describes four ways to think about IT & Web Technology as provided to businesses:

Application Service Providers: A good model to consider when IT resources are limited or demands call for a system that requires more support than the business can manage or afford. The ASP runs the application but the internal practitioner controls the business process.

Internet Business Services: Online subscription services provide core functionality and integration points to web-based services. This model is well suited for the medium-sized practice that can potentially outgrow an in-house solution before realizing return on investment or for the company looking for low up-front implementation costs.

Business Process Outsourcing: This model off-loads an entire burden to a third party that can provide all levels of support up to and including staff and call center. Vendors may include HR consultants extending services and other vendors leveraging Internet technology.

Traditional In-House Software: According to Gartner, these are still good solutions when a high degree of internal control is required for customization, integrity, and flexibility. However, Gartner predicts that in four years traditional in-house implementations will account for only 25 percent of new mid-sized company HRMS investments.

These four options are certainly the tip of the iceberg in any decision making or system selection process and apply to your business at different levels. For instance, obviously different system requirements must be fleshed out for an accounting system versus your Internet service provider (ISP). Optimizing how any of these models work in your practice will take research, analysis, and effort. Insala can assist you.

Using Technology to Generate New Revenue Streams

Obtaining sales and bringing on new customers is a constant goal within any outplacement organization. Without new customers, logically, the organization suffers.

One such “new customer” group that may be overlooked are your Alumni.

Once an individual in your program lands in their new position, you have an opportunity to play a key role in keeping that Alumnus on thecareer "straight and narrow."

Use your web-based career transition program to keep in touch, provide ongoing career coaching, continual resume development, industry news, and more. With Alumni landing in their dream job, the last thing they want to think about is the possibility of being laid off again. Nor do they wish to think of going through the process from scratch.

With an effective web-based Alumni program, management and perpetuation of such a process is possible. Candidates can opt into a low-cost maintenance plan that costs and adding revenues. They can maintain all of their own personal and career data, continue to manage resumes, and keep current on career management issues all within their on-line account. Contacts can be maintained indefinitely so there is never a chance of losing a networking opportunity. For as little as $7 a month, Alumni can access an entire industry on-line that patiently waits for the inevitable career transition, more common in the new E-conomy, while acting as a long-term coach or career mentor.

The system that allows this type of flexibility and long-term service exists in the career management industry today. The EmploymentTalk™ product allows candidates, for a nominal fee, billed directly to the Alumni’s credit card, to access their own customized career development account and access your organization’s resources.

Alumni and you do not have to keep file drawers full of information, or even worry about billing, server maintenance or staying in touch. The EmploymentTalk™ system can do it all for you.

Create new revenue streams for your organization and help those that graduate from your program by offering them a tool that will stand by them throughout their career. Now that’s peace of mind in the 21st century.

Reselling Services On-line: A Trend for Success

Reseller programs are an increasingly popular way to get your products and services noticed on the web by decision-makers. The concept is a great one. A reseller promotes a company’s products in return for a small commission… virtually an e-consignment shop.

Revenue is shared with reseller programs, provided you find the right one to work with your company. A nice supplemental income is added to monthly revenues by simply participating in reselling programs that work for you on the web each day. There are many reselling companies out there, more than we all realize, so it’s important to investigate and find the right one for your company’s needs.

One of the very best programs can be found through HR.com. HR.com offers a reseller program that Insala believes is ideal for your online and traditional services and offerings. HR.com offers hr professionals free memberships and credible information and is “committed to helping hr buyers make smart HR decisions fast.” They assist businesses by offering access to information, resources, products, and services a company needs to successfully facilitate the people side of business. HR.com is also intent on reaching your target audience in ways that will drive your future customers to pursue your products and services; after all, if you don’t make money, neither do they. Go to hr.com and learn more about how you can offer services to hr buyers today.

Insala Group, the Mighty-Dot

The economic risk associated with dot-com investing became painfully apparent in early 2000. Compounding the fact, struggling e-tailers sold stock before understanding how to make a profit. In turn, investors reacted to the market by downsizing their organizations or closing their doors as quickly as they appeared on Wall Street. All the while, no one paid attention to the thousands of tiny Web sites that started modestly, without the help of venture capital, and are now building web-savvy tech businesses the old fashion way, from the ground floor up. Typically, they are not looking to corner a market or spend millions of dollars building a brand overnight. They are, however, innovative small companies thinking big. They are called mini-dots or mighty minis that proactively ensure that the promise of the dot.com dream stays alive. Catherine Skelly, an Internet analyst for Gruntal & Co. states, ``I don't even think of these sites or companies as dot-coms. They are small businesses that effectively use the Web as another form of communication with their customers.''
Such is the case with Insala Group, PLLC (Insala), a Dallas/Ft. Worth based hr technology company with its eye on leading a technical movement in the career management and career transition industry.

Insala is a hybrid of two organizations that merged in late 1999. One company was a four-year-old human resources consulting firm and the other a two-year-old web development organization. Together, these two organizations formed Insala. The merger was the first step toward a functional-based tech business model that, two years later, is growing at a rate of 16% per month with 13 current employees, many of which approached Insala because of the potential portrayed in the leadership and vision of the organization.

Insala continually develops, markets, sells, and maintains, the web application EmploymentTalk™ for use by outplacement organizations, affiliations, governments, universities, and individuals, EmploymentTalk™ provides a standardized technologically based process and career transition service in a cost efficient and customized manner. EmploymentTalk™ meets the increasing needs of clients seeking web-based solutions and lower-cost career services.

Instead of making big waves, Insala is actually growing a customer base and winning contracts from large international competitors for itself and, most importantly, for the customers who use Insala services.



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Insala Group, PLLC at www.insala.com or call 1-877-474-8972