October 2014 IEEE P802.19-14/0075r0
IEEE P802.19
Wireless Coexistence
Project / IEEE P802.19 Coexistence WGTitle / September 2014 WG Minutes
Date Submitted / [October 17, 2014]
Source / [Stephen J. Shellhammer]
[Qualcomm, Inc.]
[5775 Morehouse Drive]
[San Diego, CA 92121] / Voice: [(858) 658-1874]
E-mail: [
Re: / []
Abstract / [WG Minutes]
Purpose / []
Notice / This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P802.19. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein.
Release / The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P802.19.
Tuesday September 16
8:10 AM Chair called the meeting to order
The chair read the PatCom slides and asked if anyone had declaration about potentially essential patents. No on spoke up.
The minutes from the July WG meeting were approved unanimously.
The 802.15 liaison pointed out that the 802.15 WG was working on a CA document for 8092.15.4m this week. The current version is 80.15-14/81r3.
The WG recessed at 8:40 AM
The WG chair called the meeting to order at 1:38 PM to discuss the coexistence lessons learned topic.
Steve Shellhammer presented document 802.19-14/68r0 on Coexistence Lessons Learned.
It was suggested that Slide 16 from document 802.19-05/25 on 802.16h should be considered for the CLL presentation.
The WG reviewed the 3GPP liaison document RP-141664 which was sent to the 802 chair (Paul Nicolich).
The WG recessed for the break at 3:25 PM
The chair called the meeting back to order around 4 PM.
Apurva Mody (802.22 chair) presented document number 802.22-11/132r3 on 802.22 self coexistence. He focused on Slides 26-39.
It was recommended to put Slides 37-39 of that presentation into the CLL presentation.
The WG recessed around 6 PM
Wednesday September 17
The chair called the meeting to order around 8:10 AM
Steve presented revised version of the CLL document 802.19-14/68r1. During the meeting the WG began developing slides in the CLL presentation to respond to the liaison from 3GPP.
Steve edited the document in accordance with the WG discussion and produced a new revision after the WG recessed for the day.
The WG recessed around 12:15 PM.
The chair called the meeting back to order around 1:30 PM
The 802 chair (Paul Nikolich) called into the meeting and presented document 802.19-14/69r0 which summarized his presentation at a recent conference where there was a panel session on coexistence of LTE and 802.11 in unlicensed bands.
The WG chair asked the 802 chair on his guidance for how 802 might approve the CLL presentation at the November Plenary. The 802 chair said we should circulate the presentation to the WGs early in the week of the plenary so the WGs can provide feedback. Then an update can be generated for approval by the executive committee at the Friday EC meeting. Also, the 802 chair said he will be looking for a volunteer to give the presentation at the 3GPP meeting.
The WG recessed early so people could attend the social.
Thursday September 18
The chair called the meeting back to order around 10:30 AM
The WG continued to update the CLL presentation mostly with feedback on the liaison from 3GPP.
The WG recessed around 12:30 PM
The chair called the meeting back to order around 4 PM for the WG closing
Hyunduk Kang presented the CUB interest group closing report in document 802.18-14/72r0
Juan Carlos Zuniga, the chair of the executive committee study group on privacy gave presentation 802.privecsg-14/7r1 giving an overview of the EC Privacy SG.
The WG agreed on conference call schedules for the CLL and CUB conference calls. The WG chair to post the schedule on the web
The 802.15 liaison notified us that the 802.15 WG is updating it 80.15.4n CA document up to version 802.15-14/81r5
The WG adjourned around 5 PM
Name / AffiliationAlireza Babaei / Cable Television Laboratories Inc. (CableLabs)
Kim Chang / Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd
Peter Ecclesine / Cisco Systems, Inc.
Tim Godfrey / Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. (EPRI)
Carolyn Heide / Ruckus Wireless
Sung Hyun Hwang / Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI)
Hyunduk Kang / Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI)
Richard Kennedy / Research In Motion Limited
Jae Seung Lee / Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI)
Apurva Mody / BAE Systems
Andrew Myles / Cisco Systems, Inc.
Eric Nordstrom / Ericsson AB
Robert Olesen / InterDigital, Inc.
Shouxing Qu / BlackBerry
Stephen Shellhammer / Qualcomm Incorporated
Robert Slater / Motorola Mobility
Katsuo Yunoki / KDDI R&D Laboratories
Submission Page XXX Steve Shellhammer, Qualcomm, Inc.