Fall 2017 – Syllabus

Instructor: Mrs. Kenney

Office Hours: By appointment

Contact Information and Communication: or

by phone at 732-726-7064

Email communication generally results in a more timely response as I am able to check emails more frequently. Please use the subject line to identify your student’s name and class.

Course Management: Genesis,School Wires Page, iTunesU Course & Calendar

Course Description: Advancing with Apple is a college readiness course for juniors and seniors who have shown a strong interest in technology. Student will be able to showcase mastery skills in Apple applications while creating presentations, movies, spreadsheets, and documents all on the iPad. At the end of the course, students will be asked to apply real-world applications to the use of technology and if successful will receive a certification and becomes an Apple Vanguard Member. This course is a semester long, 5 credit course.

Course Objectives: Students learning outcomes include: technology skills, digital citizenship, critical thinking skills, public speaking skills, presenter skills, data input skills, word processing skills, troubleshooting skills, actively participate in an online learning community, digital responsibility and awareness, graphic designer skills, digital formatting skills and how to become a 21st century learner.

Prerequisites: None

Apple Vanguard Program: Log Sheet – Students MUST fill out Vanguard Member Log sheet on a daily basis. One class period = 1 hour of training. Sheets will be submitted; sheets not handed in result in a failing grade.

Assignments:All assignments will be submitted electronically. No assignments will be accepted late.

Grading: Grading scale is based on Woodbridge Township School District established grading policy. Marking period assignments are distributed as follows: major assignments 50% andminor assignments 50%. Final Exam counts for 20% of final grade. Both marking period grades and the final exam grade comprise the final grade for the semester.

Attendance: Students are required to show up to class every day. All the work done in this class builds on the day prior. If you miss class you will end up being 2+ days behind. Be on time, be present, be active. Being late is unacceptable.

iPads: All students will receive a temporary iPad that they will use in class. iPads will not be removed from the classroom unless to gather content with teacher consent.

Students will be able to bring in their own devices. The iPad must be Apple iPad2 or higher. IPad Mini is acceptable. Must have iOS 10 and loaded with all Apple Applications. If student elects to bring their own device there is a BYOD form that must be completed. Please see me for the form.

iPad Usage: Students are expected to use iPads in a school appropriate manner. Students are not permitted to download non approved apps or content. Any student found on a non-approved application will be written up on the first offense and dismissed from the class on the second offense.

Important Rules to Note:

  1. Cell phones are to be used ONLY when permitted by instructor at the designated location – NO EXCEPTIONS!!
  2. iPads are to be kept in its case and carried with two hands at all times.
  3. No running/horse play with iPads.
  4. Only video/picture of classmates with consent.
  5. Raise hand when wanting to speak.
  6. Use assigned iPads only.
  7. Sign out iPads at start of class; sign iPads back in at end of class (which signifies that you returned the iPad to its proper location and did not experience any unresolved problems.
  8. Sit in assigned chairs for attendance purposes and when a substitute is present.
  9. Be respectful, always
  10. Exhibit an Apple attitude!

Tentative Schedule

Number of Days / Topics
1 / Introduction to the Course, Class Expectations, Set up of accounts
5 / Settings/General Information about the iPad
15 / Keynote
15 / Pages
10 / Numbers
34 / iMovie
10 / Garageband

Caveat: This syllabus may be amended during the semester based on the needs of the class. I will announce changes in class. It is your responsibility to obtain changes to the syllabus should you miss a class in which changes were announced.

This class is an elective with a college readiness purpose. It is a privilege to be in this class!