Leadership Team Meeting November 28, 2012


Joe Hubbard Sherri Diven Jennifer Kirkland

Carol Webster Karen Louis Ginny Travis

Lisa Clark Lisa Newby Dr. Byrne

Naomi Kaiser Christine Gillam

Jennifer Kirkland

·  There is a problem with the diagnosis effective dates in Profiler. The effective date does not expire but changes date to a new date. The staff did nothing wrong. The ones already changed caused errors for October and November billing. The associate button has been fixed from auto expiring, but due to the new problem it causes with changing the effective date, the associate short cut button was removed. An email was sent to staff to check dates on diagnoses. Case management, mental health support, and psychosocial programs may have more billing errors for the next month due to this issue.

·  Children’s Services has started using the scanning process to test. Each MFD model will have a slightly different process. Instructions will be sent out when the scanning is to be started.

·  The Virginia Assessment Tool continues to be tested and is not ready to be released. Demo will be done next week. Richmond Behavioral Health Authority (RBHA) intends to go live with the VAT when they go live with Profiler on 4/1/13. They will be the first board to go live with VAT.

·  Registration process for Meaningful Use by doctors has been done. As soon as Jennifer receives the report needed for attestation, we will attest for meaningful use.

Carol Webster

·  DAP – There are more plans than in the past. There are 16 total expenditures for ongoing DAP. There is a discrepancy in plans reported, and what we are paying out. In FY12 (June 2012) we sent out 27 plans to the Department. Eleven consumers were in profiler receiving DAP funds.

·  Lisa contacted Ed Dalton at RBHA to see who the 27 people were. He will get back with her today. We need to see these included in old and regional DAP, and get where we are with plans as of June 2012. Individuals using DAP funds should be designated.

·  DAP scrubbing is scheduled for January 21, 2013. We will look at plans to see who they can take money from. The region meeting will be here at D19.

Joe Hubbard


·  (1-2) Fixed Asset Policy – Completed. Joe will sign and date.

·  (4-5) Network Access – One meeting has been held. There will be a follow-up meeting on December 7, 2012 to complete HR, Finance and MIS until January extension.

·  (6-8) Outstanding Receivable Balances/Unapplied Cash Balances/Doubtful Accounts – Not due until February.

·  (9) Petty Cash Reimbursement Forms Have Authorized Signatures - Completed.

·  (10) Bank Reconciliations – Still working on PR from Profiler to general ledger. We will not do bank refunds until AR balance from Profiler to general ledger. Joe

and Lisa will meet to discuss.

·  (11-13) Contracts, Block Grants, Individual Service Plans - Completed.

·  (14-15) Tuberculosis Screenings and MOA with Health Department – Nurses from Petersburg Health Department will come to District 19 on January 9th to do TB tests on 20 staff. We will try to do this every other month if it works. Staff will have to go back to the Health Department to get TB tests read. Hepatitis C will be optional for staff.

·  Consumers will be responsible for getting their own TB and Hepatitis C vaccines. Karen did not arrange anything for consumers.

·  A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) needs to be written up to show what is going to happen on January 9th (two staff every 15 minutes to cover 20 staff), and what we will do going forward.

·  (16) Intake/Assessments Flag IVDU – Added date of IVDU to Profiler Screening in November.

·  (17) Wait List Policy for IVDU – If there is a policy to be written on how to get them on wait lists, it needs to come from Programs not MIS. If a policy is not needed, then we need to write instructions on how to do it. This will be complete once guidelines go out on 12/30/12.

·  (18) Counseling Pregnant/IDVU – We will use the training module in the system. We will get with Adult and Children’s Services to establish what trainings need to be done. These are trainings staff provides to consumers, not trainings staff receive from other staff. We also need to ensure consumers are given interim packets as part of providing services and this needs to be documented in the consumer’s chart/Profiler. This information should be passed on to all staff involved and provided as part of orientation for all new staff as a responsibility.

·  (19) SA Staff Training – As soon as trainings are done in the system, we will run a report after all information is put in ABRA. All staff (not just SA staff) will send Staff Development forms, even if there is no cost to the agency. Christine will send out an All Staff email through HR, advising all staff to send CEU’s, certificates, etc. on all trainings taken so that it can be put in their personnel file.

·  (20-21) Publicize Women’s Services and PACT – Completed/ongoing.

·  (22) PACT Consumers Maintaining Stability - Completed.

·  (23) PATH Peer Volunteer – Reggie was engaging homeless contacts to see if they would help him. However, it should be someone who was once homeless, but now has housing. We will design a position and post to hire a Homeless Peer Counselor. It will be a reasonable grade, and the person has to have been homeless. We will look on the intranet for an association and get Reggie to help assist with this position. This hire will assist Reggie in outreach activities.

·  (24) Advance Directive - Completed.

·  (25) Recruitment Filed Purged - Completed recruitment files.

·  (26) Employee Work Profiles Updated Annually - Completed evaluations.

·  (27-28) Board of Directors Approve Hiring an HR Director – HR Supervisor hired - Completed.

·  (29) Salary Reviews, Recruitment Procedures, and Retention with Board - Completed. The policy is done but needs to be approved (due January).

·  (30) Expanding ABRA - Completed. We will also use training modules that automatically sends letters to COBRA. We will also assess Sequel HRMS System when conversion from current payroll system takes place.

·  (31) HR Review its Policies and Procedures Annual and Update as Needed - Completed.

·  All Staff Agenda was discussed. Betty Hobbs from the United Way will speak. We will also have two consumers speak on how they are doing in recovery. Joe will contact NAMI for a speaker. The meeting will end by 3:00 p.m.

·  We are still working with Edmunds Printing on the District 19 poster.

Lisa Clark

·  Lisa and Susan will meet on Friday to see where we are with self-pay and what needs to be done. Self-pay bills are being returned. They will meet with Monique to see what needs to be done with the process to get it corrected.

·  Finance will bill for December services at the end of January.

·  The Payroll Accountant will start on December 27, 2012.

·  The Annual Finance Audit Report is due to be received by Friday, November 30, 2012.

Lisa Newby (SAC)

·  Received calls from staff asking if part-time staff can attend All Staff Meetings. Part-time staff have always been allowed to attend the All Staff Meetings, but they must attend on their own time.

Dr. Byrne

·  We need to be proactive with collection of copays from consumers. We need to run a report to find out what they owe. However, there is concern that if we turn away consumers because they don’t have payment, they will decompensate.

·  Karen agreed, but stated we need to teach/educate consumers. There is the potential to lose billing for medication evaluations if we reschedule consumers. Medical staff is trying to contact consumers before appointments to remind them of appointments and copays, but phone numbers don’t always work.

·  The case management staff is working well with the medical staff to make sure consumers know of appointments and copays.

·  Joe stated that the policy has always been clear. We are not denying services, just rescheduling.

·  There may be times when we need to double book to make up for rescheduling. Rescheduling needs to be done on a case by case basis.