Working in partnership to prevent, and support recovery from
the harmful use of alcohol and drugs.
Wednesday 2nd April 2014
Board Room, Aros , Lochgilphead
10.30 -1.00pm
Agnes Harvey Chair of CADF
Peter GarrettChair of MASMG,
Craig McNallySenior Health Promotions Officer (Addictions)
Elaine RobertsonChair of OLISMG
Cath Cakebread ABAT Manager
John Mungall Third Sector Chair
David GreenwellLead Professional (Addictions)
Carol Muir Vice Chair IJSMG (VC)
Megan Harris Coordinator, Argyll and Bute ADP
Jim Robb Argyll and Bute Council, Adult Care
John DreghornProject Director (Mental Health Modernisation)
Nona RuesgonChair KSMG
Mac Stephens Vice Chair of BADF (VC)
Alex Purdie Scottish Fire and Rescue Service
Wendy Brownlie Education
Myra MacDonald Argyll and Bute Council, Housing Service
Mike Tweedle Chair, Helensburgh Forum
GUEST (Items 1&2 only):
David Cameron Senior Manager, Waverly Care
Jennifer Goff Waverly Care Argyll and Bute Hepatitis C Support Co-ordinator CHECK
Isabel ThomasChair of IJSMG
Mark WilsonScottish Police Local Authority Liaison Officer, Argyll and Bute Council
Derek Carr Financial Services Manager, Argyll and Bute CHP (VC)
Sarah MarquisADP, Administrator
Item / Subject / Action1. / Welcome/Present
Agnes Harvey (AH)began by way of introductions and welcomed the group to the meeting.
As above
2. / Hepatitis C Support
David Cameron and Jennifer Goff attended the meeting to give information on Waverly Care and the new project in Argyll and Bute for the Hepatitis C support. JG will be running this as the new coordinator in Argyll and Bute and will be based in Glasgow. The key aspect is to have partnership working in the local areas and link in to existing services as much as possible.
It was also confirmed that Waverly Care had become a member of the Third Sector Forum which will provide a direct link into ADP activity.
Members endorsed their support for the development of this service and look forward to hearing of its progress.
3. / Previous Minutes
As a precursor, AH took this opportunity in the meeting, to welcome all new members to the meeting and make them aware of the current ADP structure and Membership.
The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed and accepted as an accurate record.
4. / Matters Arising
A concern was expressed at the meeting over the short period of time the Local Forum chairs had to go back and discuss the budget with the forum groups, AH reminded everyone that there is a active ADP work plan which appears at every meeting since November so people are aware of when issues will be discussed and developed. All members were encouraged to familiarise themselves with the content of this and to use it to help structure the focus of engagement within local Fora .
NR would like it noted that in item 14 of the previous minutes, KADAS did respond when contact by ABAT and asked if the information could be put into an email and this was not received. A cross reference would be noted in the previous minutes.
Drug and Alcohol Improvement Game (DAIG) – MH has spoke to the Scottish Government and came back with 5 dates for September and the beginning of October, The group felt that with the tendering process going on at the moment it would be best to go for the 2nd of October. All members were asked to note this date.
Violence against Women – next meeting is on the 9th of April which MH and MMACD attend. MH will give an update at the next meeting on the 21st of May.
Kintyre Substance Misuse Working Group – JD updated the group and would like to bring regular updates to the delivery group. The KSMWG last met on the 13th of March, which was a described as a difficult meeting. It was recognised that there are still some communication issues that will need to be worked on and improved. JD also met with the three salaried GP’s to discuss the ORT and improvements are being focused on.
There was recognition of on-going difficulties, particularly between partner agencies, in relation to the introduction of the local service and it was agreed that this meeting was not best placed to address them as the KSMWG were meeting soon. It was agreed that this issue now needs to be moved forward and for it not to be focusing on past difficulties. The next meeting of the KSMWG is on Friday the 4th of April. NR suggested that AH should be invited to attend the meeting and JD confirmed the invitation. / ALL
5. / Forum Updates
Each Local Forum sent in updates for everyone to read prior to the meeting. CM was on annual leave and sent it to MH who will circulate.
Mid Argyll wanted to add that CALA who were funded by AFS are now being funded by Robertson Trust through ECS mid Argyll and the project is now called CAMA.
Helensburgh and Lomond chair introduced himself to the group; Mike Tweedleis also manager of HART services in Helensburgh and is joint chair with Les Ballam.
NR raised an issue about a new recovery group being set up in the Kintyre area, neither the Kintryre Forum nor KADAS were aware of this group and had been advised that referrals were being routed through ABAT. CC added that this is a group being set up by the service users and nothing to do with a referrals from ABAT, its in the very early stages and the service users have asked for support from the ABAT social worker but they have no other involvement. PG confirmed that Mid Argyll Forum were providing banking facilities for the group.
AH noted that a number of partners were aware of this development and expressed a concern that nothing of this had been raised or shared through the Kintyre Forum. It also appeared that there may have been some misinformation or confusion surrounding this and clarification was needed.
All the other reports that were previously received are up to date. / MH
6. / Resource Group Update
MH updated the group that the budget for 14/15 was agreed at the executive group on the 12th of March, with the understanding the lump sum amount put towards Children and Young people, Education, Communication and Innovation has to be broken down and shown what is going to be allocated to each heading. The work force development plan is continuing to be progressed.. / MH/MB
7. / Commissioning Update
The draft terms of reference for the Commissioning and Provider Performance (CPP) group are currently being prepared by the Co-ordinator and will be considered by the Delivery Group on the 21st of May hopefully for agreement. It is anticipated that the CPP group will report directly to the Delivery Group and not the Executive Group as originally set out in the ADP Constitution.
ABAT Timeline
A timeline for addressing the ADP/ABAT Service Level Agreement was presented and agreed at the executive group on the 12th of March with the expectation of the SLA taking effect from the 1stof July 2014. It was further agreed at the Delivery Group meeting that the lead responsibility to ‘develop the working agreement’ should be changed to read ‘The Commissioning Group’ / MH/JR
8. / Delivery Group Chairs report to the Executive Group on the 12th of March
AH shared with the group a report that she presented to the executive group on the 12th of March, AH highlighted item 6 in relation to the functionality of the ADP;there was recognition that some progress had been made and that a range of working relationships remain challenging. AH reinforced her commitment to addressing the difficulties to enable the ADP to move forward in a more robust and sustainable way. It was recognised that the core difficulties appeared to be of a historic nature and therefore where possible the issues would be addressed outside of the main meetings structure and avoid newer members being unnecessarily drawn in.
MH also flagged up the paragraph suggesting that it was agreed for DG to step down at chair of the Helensburgh Forum as it was inappropriate, MH considered that this was not agreed by the group and that DG stepped down as he already attended meetings in his ABAT capacity. AH stated that the meeting to which Megan refers (Nov 2013) included a discussion that if it was important for the ADP to have DG as an ‘independent adviser’ then it would not be appropriate for him to continue to represent H&L and this point was accepted by the meeting at that time. JR suggested a change in the constitution making it clear that members should not wear two hats. This update would be incorporated when the Constitution was next presented for review. / AH
9. / Naloxone Update
It is to be noted that the figures for Dunoon should read 14 and not 8 that was an error. DG updated that group that the last meeting saw a presentation from Lisa Ross in Inverness regarding the use of intranasal Naloxone as well as injection method. There has been a pilot for this in Inverness and it has seen an increase in numbers participating in the training. The only difference is being that intranasal is two packs and the Scottish Government will only fund for one pack so the cost would need to be picked up else where. The final report from the pilot has not yet been sent to the Scottish Government so they may decide to fund for the two packs. AH has also asked if the full numbers for training and kits issued be sent to the next meeting on the 21st of May. / DG
10. / Communication Plan
Jennifer Goff has completed the communication plan before leaving the ADP, this goes in line with the strategy and delivery plan. MH is looking for the group to agree this. All Agree / MH
11. / ADP Website
MH and SM are to meet with the website developers to look at how to use and update the website. Once this is completed MH will pick someone at random to give login details too and let them have a play about with it and give there feedback.
It was agreed that a presentation/demonstration of the site be available at the next meeting. / MH and SM
12. / ADP Developments
The draft terms of reference for the short term working group to review local forumswas considered. This should consist of maximum of 3 meetings to help keep the forums consistent and operating under the same or similar SLAs. It was agreed that the group members will be PG, CMN, MH, NR and possible ER. Group agreed. / CMCN/MH
13. / Single Outcome Agreement
The Argyll & Bute Local Authority single outcome agreement was distributed and described as an easy document to follow, there is an overlap with the ADP on areas 4,5 and 6 which is picked up and supported in our delivery plan and strategy. All members were encouraged to read the document and connect with the contributions that relate to the ADP and the fields or areas that they represent as members of the DG. / ALL
14. / Work plan
This is currently a working document for everyone to access a copy, this appears at every meeting and if anyone would like to add dates, please feel to contact SM and they will be added. This is a good way to help support agendas and a reminder of what is coming up in the ADP. It was discussed and agreed that any items on there that are aspirational will be set in a different colour. / ALL
15. / AOCB
DG would like to propose to use Argyll and Bute as the pilot site for the new DAISY to replace the SMR25’s and Waiting Times data base this would involve the third sector and ABAT service providers. The group agreed but would also like to have information on DAISY and SMR25’s so that everyone understands what is being discussed. To come back to the meeting on the 21st of May.
MH would like to inform the group that she will be leaving in the summer time to take up the role and training consultant in Public Health.
Alex Purdie introduced himself as the new local liaison officer to Argyll and Bute and is currently based in Helensburgh; AP is looking to engage with all organisations to work along side them to help prevent fires. AH has suggested that this be a bigger agenda item on the 21st of May.
CC informed the group about the community pay back orders and the flow chart and guidance notes have been completed and are to be agreed at the criminal justice partnership meeting and will come here for comment. / DG
16. / Date of Next Meeting
Wednesday 21st May 2014, 10.30am, Board Room, Aros, Lochgilphead.