Sir Robert Borden High School





Course Descriptor:

This course explores some of the pivotal events, personalities, and experiences that have influenced the development of Canada’s identity as a nation from WW1 to the present. Think of history as a collection of stories. Each story has a thread that connects it to another, and yet another. Follow the threads, and you end up right here, in the present! History teaches us not only where we came from, but why Canada looks and reacts as it does today. Make it personal; think not only about what happened, but why and how you would feel and react if you were alive during the time periods mentioned. Most of all, find yourself in history; your roots, your reactions, your opinions.

Course Units:

The first unit of the course will be an introduction to the study of History. The bulk of the course, however, is divided into 6 distinct time periods. Each time period will be examined with certain common themes (threads) in mind. Each of these themes has specific course expectations you will need to demonstrate in order to receive the credit.

Time Periods:

1.  World War 1

2.  The 20s and 30s

3.  World War 11

4.  The Cold War

5.  The 80s to the Present

Common Themes (Threads):

Ø  Communities: Local, National, and Global

Textbook Themes: Canada and the World, Canadian Experiences

Ø  Change and Continuity

Textbook Themes: Science and Technology, Emerging Patterns

Ø  Citizenship and Heritage

Textbook Themes: Canadian Experiences, Governing Canada

Ø  Social, Economic and Political Structures

Textbook Themes: Science and Technology, Emerging Patterns,

Canadian Experiences, Governing Canada

Ø  Methods of Historical Inquiry

Textbook Themes: Literacy in History and Building Block Challenges

Your Mark:

70% of your mark is determined by coursework. All coursework is weighted as follows:

Knowledge/Understanding (K/U): 17.5%

Thinking/Inquiry (T/I): 17.5%

Communication (C): 17.5%

Application (A): 17.5%

30% of your mark is determined by “summative evaluations”. They are weighted as follows:

Visual Display: 15%

Presentation of the Display 5%

In-Class Exam: 10%


= 100%

Expectations of YOU!

ü  Punctuality

ü  Language

ü  Open mind

ü  Respect for self, others, environment

Expectations of TEACHER!

ü  Punctuality

ü  Language

ü  Open mind

ü  Respect for self, others, environment

ü  Feedback for success