Used by permission. Exercises collected as is in the TRACK manual (Training and Raising Awareness in Career Knowledge). Dunkel, Wofford, & Bray. Copyright: 1989. Second Edition. UF Division of Housing.
Exercises to complete for “Developing a 4+ Year Action Plan”
Appendix C
An essential step in confirming an academic major, choosing relevant electives, or gaining work experience is finding out enough about an occupation or career field in order to know if it matches your skills, aspirations and interests. Acquiring a better understanding of an occupation or career field and the many job options available will help you to reassess your own needs and will allow you the opportunity to pursue that career.
The Occupational Analysis is provided to assist you in your acquisition and record keeping of information about career fields and their relationship to your needs. Information can be located in various books in the CRC library and on-line.
Please make comments after as many of the following as possible:
1. Position Title/Occupation/Career Field:
2. Types of Companies/Organizations that would employ such occupations:
3. Opportunity for advancement in such a company:
4. Advantages of such an occupation:
5. Disadvantages of such an occupation:
6. Training program for such an occupation:
7. Salary range for such an occupation:
8. Geographic Mobility: Where:
9. Ability for: Group work:
Individual work:
10. Sources of Challenges/Availability of support for such an occupation:
11. Status/Influence of position of such an occupation:
12. Scope of responsibilities in position of such an occupation:
13. Merit rewards for results/Acknowledgement in such an occupation:
14. Problem-solving ability in such an occupation:
15. Competition of position for such an occupation:
16. Stress of work environment in such an occupation:
17. Educational background/Experience needed for such an occupation:
18. Physical health desired for such an occupation:
19. Note any indicators of constrictions or promotions in such an occupation caused by gender, race, sexual orientation, life-style choice, religious/spiritual choice, etc.: