Executive Meeting Minutes3/29/2016
Members Present: Adam Amador, Sam Schonfeld, Tara Young, Alex Vanhought, Ali Nasirian
Senators Present: Ugo
1) Charter
- For some reason there’s been a problem with Aggie activities not re-chartering GSC
- There was an issue with Adam and Alex only being signed up for 6 credits
- Adam submitted paperwork in October and has copies.
- We’ll talk to try to get this sorted out soon. It really isn’t our problem
2) Endorsement
- Apparently people think that GSC endorsed a candidate for ASNMSU president.
- We don’t know why people think this because nowhere did we endorse a candidate and both candidates came to speak to GSC
- Little Italy for dinner
- Juice and cookies for talks
- Need more volunteers
- Three people during talks
- One in each room and one out front to control when people enter the rooms.
- Only during transitions
- President and Provost think we’re having an open bar and don’t like that
- It’s not open, there’s just a drink per student
- Maybe a little hypocritical since any event at the President’s mansion has an open bar
- ASNMSU funds can’t buy alcohol. We’re trying to get a sponsorship to get drink tickets for students.
- Sam: Ask Jean about raffle tickets, clear plastic containers, and security guards at Stan Fulton Center
- Rita Beckman has gift cards for GRAS prizes
4) GSC has an office/storage area in the Graduate School
- We should check there for materials for GRAS
5) Next meeting we will announce GSC elections for the following meeting.
- This will give us one meeting of overlap to transition duties.
- Alex is graduating and we will need a new VP. John probably wants to get out. Trevor might not be able to be Treasurer next year due to time constraints. Tara, Sam, and Adam will run for another term.
6) Executive Pay
- Is contingent on people actually doing their work. If Executives don’t perform their duties their pay will be cut.