Napoleon once said, “Let France have good mothers and she will have good sons.”

The famous preacher, Charles Spurgeon, had two reasons why he was what he was: 1. The truth he preached

2. His mother

Joshua, God’s general said, “As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”

Solomon, teacher and instructor of wisdom, alluded to the fact that a wise father will lead his house spiritually.

*** May we read Matthew 19:13-15 ***


The family is a divine institution ordained of God in the beginning of time. Children are a heritage of God and are committed to their parents for care, protection and training.

It is important that all parents recognize their obligation and responsibility to God in this matter.

Moses’ mother, Jochabed, trained her child after she gave him to God. Hannah recognized that her child was Jehovah’s, because she received him as from God. She believed that God could do more for him and through him that she could do, so she gave him back to God while he was young and tender.

Her son’s name was Samuel which means “he was God asked,” because he prayed and God granted her request.

There are some mothers and fathers who are afraid to trust their children to God. Hannah was not afraid. She said, “As long as he lives, he shall be given to God.”

The New Testament says that Mary brought the young child, Jesus, to the temple and now Parents’ names recognize the sacredness of their charge and now bring back to God the treasure with which the Lord has entrusted them.

They publicly acknowledge their responsibility for the nurture and admonition of this child in the ways of Righteousness.


In the sight of God and in the presence of these witnesses do you promise to bring up this child to respect God? If so answer: We Do

Do you promise to seek to lead him/her to accept Jesus as Savior and Lord at a young age? If so answer: We Do

Do you promise as far as in you lies to set before him/her an example of a Godly and consistent Christian life? If so answer: We Do

** You have named your child child’s name which means: “_________”

The name you have chosen is very fitting because the Word of God can be applied.

Lifetime verse here

New Life Fellowship Ministries, through it’s Pastor, accepts a child in dedication and assumes a responsibility before God. In view of this responsibility, I charge you who attend:

That you will do all that you can to provide and support a place of worship and instruction in this community where this child should she/he continue to live here may hear the full counsel of God’s word.

AND that you will all covenant together to set an example by your lives and maintain an atmosphere in your church that will inspire him/her to desire a Christian way of life.

AND that as God shall remind you, you shall pray for his/her


Child’s name, I anoint you with oil as a symbol of the Holy Spirit under whose protection and guidance we are sealing you: and I dedicate you unto God, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Prayer for the child & parents: (health, salvation & prosperity)


RED ROSE: I now present a red rose to you, Father, (father) as a symbol of the blood line. As father figure you are responsible for the spiritual direction of your home, you are the priest of this household.

You must provide for them materially as well. You parents cannot take your money to heaven with you. You cannot take your home with you or any of your worldly goods: however Father, if you train this child up in the way he/she should go, you can take this precious life to heaven with you.

YELLOW ROSE: Mother (mother), I present you with a yellow rose as a symbol of a mother’s love. There is something special about mother’s tender hand and loving prayers. This child will turn to you for comfort and love when he/she will turn to no one else in the world. Live your life for Jesus and he/she will do the same.

WHITE ROSE: Now to Child (Baby) I present this white rose bud. It is small, pure and spotless. My prayer is that this baby’s soul be this pure and spotless at the great rapture of the church.